. . August 12, 1974 T ING NOTICE TO THE ELECTORATE OF THE MUNICIPALITIES FORM , THE RESTRUCTURED COUNTY OF OXFORD r' T E WILL BE _ UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE COUNg‘YT%F 2elp)Dci)fil'a1/l7s4s' T511“; HE AREA OCTOBER 7, 1974, AN ELECTIO 25ilcfJ1ffi2 AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF' THE COUNTY OF OXFgfqPHOI‘IEE OXFORD COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, AND OF' THE OXFORD ROMAN SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD. . . . The composition of the various councils and the method of election of each council IS as follows: _ ' I. The Council of the area municipality of the City of Woodstock shall be composed of a Mayo; and 8 members elected by a general vote and the five members receivmg the highest number o votes shall be members of the County Council, except that in the event that any one of such five members decline to accept membership in the . County CounCil, the member of. such area F municipality receiving the next highest number of votes in declining order shall be entitled to be a member of County Council. 2. The Council of the area municipality of the Town of Ingersoll shall be composed of a mayor elected by general vote, and . . . (a) one member elected by general vote as a member of the area municipality and of the County Council: and . . . (b) five members elected by general vote as members of the council of the area mum- cipality only. 3. The council of the area municipality of the Town of Tillsonburg shall be composed of a mayor elected by general vote, and . . . . (a) one member elected by general vote as a member of the area municipality and of the County Council: and (b) seven members elected by general vote as members of the council of the area municipality only. _ 4. The council of the area municipality of the Township of Blandford-Blenheim shall be composed of a mayor elected by general vote, and (a) one member elected by general vote as a member of the area municipality and the County Council: and (b) one member elected in each of the five wards as members of the council of the area municipality only: and an elector is only eligible to be elected as a councillor in the ward in which his prin- cipal place of residence was at any time during the period of enumeration commencing on the 9th day of July, 1974 and ending on the 6th day of August, 1974. 's 5. The council of the area municipality of the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock shall be composed of a mayor elected by general vote, and . (a) one member elected by general vote as a member of the area municipality and the County Council: and X (b) five members elected in Ward 1 and two members elected in Ward 11 as members of the council of the area municipality only. fi. The municipality to be named by choice of the electorate as either the Township of North Nizorra, the Township of Thames, or the Township of Zorra, shall be composed of a Mayor elected by general vote, and (a) one member elected by general vote as a member of the area municipality and the County Council; and (b) two members elected in each of the Wards 1 and 11 and one member elected in each of the Wards 111, IV, V, V1 and V11 as members of the Council of the area munici- pality only. 7. The council of the area municipality of the Township of Norwich shall be composed of a I mayor elected by general vote, and K . i. (a) one member elected by general vote as a member of the area municipality and the County Council; and (b) three members elected in Ward 1 and two members elected in each of the Wards 11, 111 and IV as members of the council of the area municipality, and:n elector IS only eligible to. be elected-as a councillor in the ward in which his principal place of _ if? once was at any time during the period of enumeration commencing on the 9th day of July 1974 and ending on the 6th day of August, 1974. ' ’ 8. The council of the area municipality of the Towhshi of s . outh-W of a mayor elected by general vote, and p est Oxford shall be composed _ (a) one member elected by generalvote as a m . . . County Council; and ember of the area municipality and the . (b) one member elected in each of the seve . ' area municipality only. 7 i 7 . n wards as members of the council of the Tr / ‘g