WARD 3 (Blenheim, north of Con. _9, one . . elected) - Frank W. Parkhouse. [ I e In x or WARD 4 (Blenheim, Con." 6 to 9, one . . elected) - Roy Baker (accl.) . _ _ WARD 5 (Blenheim, south of Con. 6, one to Free Press Woodstock Bureau S tt f N th Norwich be elected) - Gary SilVerthorn, Harry Wal- ' co 0 or 1 WOODSTOCK .-- Mayoralty contests To1e,t,v,,eip.,Dadlv(ill Lavern Irving, Norwich ton. _ T appear likely ln all eight my.r.1.ici,palilie, an i" 'iiii'in' Leislie Dickson North Norwich EAST ZORRA-TAVISTOCK F “teat?" 38921118 133% 3232? 132310131 scene Township, a former Oxford warden, have MAYOR -- William Ducklow, Harold Vogt. m res we me x or y . . I, filed nomination papers for Mayor' in the COUNCILLOR-AT-LARGE (one elected) - At east two candldates were nomenat.et.1 V Township of Norwich. Coun. Dickson also George R. Wilhelm (acc1.). for the mayor's chair in each of the munlCl- has filed papers for the position of council- ." polities, including incumbent mayors in lor-at-large with three others. COUNCIL - WARD 1 (East Zorra, five to Woodstock, Ingersoll and Tillsonburg. In the) Township of South-West Oxford,' be elected) - Robert Brodrecht, Thomas ', Nominations-closed Monday at5 p.m. and Reeves John Nadalin of Beachville and Curran, Donald H. Hartley, Ronald Hill, 1 tclandidmez have until: p.rn.,to.day to change George Jakeman of West Dxtord Township Leonard T. Seegmiller, Martin Verkuyl. i leir min s and wi l raw, or in some cases have been nominated. . _ select which positions they will seek. Some . . . , WARD 2 .(??.vis,te,c,h two to be elected) - have been nominated for more than one job. Following are nominations by municipality Kenneth I/1ehti, Wilfred Rosenberg, C. J. Election day is Oct. 7. for council, Oxford County board of educa- (Hap) Steinman. . l Under the restructuring, Woodstock and tion and Oxford County Roman Catholic NORTH NIZORRA, THAMES OR ZORRA i', Inversoll will rejoin the county council sys- separate school board: . ii2i, Woodstock sending six members and ' MAYOR - Hartwell Baigent, Robert C. I lngersoll, two. Tillsonburg, the other urban _ WOODSTOCK Matheson, Mae 1tobsbn. l Iyunicpoalt)r, also will. sent two represents MAYOR --. Leslie J. Cook, William L. COUNCILLOR-AT-LARGE (One to be i lives to county council. Hewson. elected) "T" Robert Blair, Robert Manzer, l The .15 rural. municipalities are merging COUNCIL (Eight to be elected, first five James N. Muterer, James R. Patience. i into [il?,'., m.yieiya.rlters . (each with two on county council) - Clifford Binns, Wendy COUNCIL-WARD 1 (North Oxford Tp., county councillors) including: Calder, Charlie Carson, William E. Drake, two elected) - Wallis w. Hammond, Harry P, Blandford -. Blenheim Township, con- William B. Dutton, Emmeline Hedley, Wal- Lovegrove (accl.). _ lSleS'tlllngtOOf the existing Blandford and Blen- ter Hulme, Gordon A. La Salle, Stanley WARD 2 (Thamesford, two to be elected) t l I, wmyyps; , . Manton, Philip Parsons, Joe Pember Pllilli - Harvey Beauty, A. A. (Tony) Kelly Ted ,.' , Township of Last Zorra-Tyistofr.i, con- Poole, Alexandra Prytulak Kenneth Ross p Nancekivell. Ir, sisting of existing East Zorra Township and , ' WARD 3 S -. . the Village of Tavistock: TILLSONBURG b ( 011th .ot East Nissouri, one to o Anorthwest township yet to be named MAYOR - William J. Bennett, J. Seldon e elected)._ William Foley, Donald Smith, _re./,,s.ist?/eri',, of existing North Oxford Town. Wilkinson. Downy]: Weir. Slip, est Zorra Township East Nissouri COUNCILLOR AT LARG 1 D 4 (north of East Niss . " rr, . . r . , . . - 4,1 (One to be ourl, one to '. lownshlp, Lmblo and the unincorporated be elected - W. F . v “-1113? of 'll‘hztllllesford (on Oct. 7 residents elicited) - Russel Honsbcrger, Kenneth Web.. ter, G Ite, Worte . Glen King, David Sla- l Wt le so eelng a name from a list of K . . vorth Nizorra, Thames Ot' Zorro for their COUNCIL C/to be elected) - John Arm. IWARD 5 (NONI? of West Zorra, one l new name); strong, Clelnence Bromley, A. R.. (Tony) C ected) - James Gibb(aecl.) ' . , Township of Norwich including the ex- Brown, Dr. Richard W. Dalby, Clare Essel- WARD 6 (Embro, one elected) - Barry lstlllg Last Oxford Toytyihip,.irth Norwich tine, Jean Ferric, Stanley A. Grabstas Do- Wallace (acc1.). /',gvg.f,1i1,o1,,',id,.c1tr:t of Norwich and South nald Gibson, Jack D. Graves "iiii"iiihiii; IWARD 7 (south of West Zorra one 2 , w s up. ens . ' . e ected) - L0m ' 111,Woodstock, Mayor Leslie Cook and Ald. gel'gealiliugltgyl Sagdham, Sarah Elizabeth ' e Walton (accl.) William liewson have been nominated for ' plen .Rutherford Sr. NORWICH the head of the municipal council and with INGERSOLL . MAYOR --Leslie Dickson, Lavern Irvin ltaseat on county council. MAYOR - Doug Harris Gordon B Darwen M. Scott. g, coieit.in4i2aei"l1,' J. Seldon Wilkinson and Henry. ' , . f22cfyfe,iA'fidtR(ie. (one to be . am . . . . - V papers for 1ueninneiiill1v,fiJuitf nomination f,tJJcP;e,1rtfilhei5.E, (One to be 333:3 Kelgflgh Iliad, Wesley Dew, Leslie Mayor Gordon Henry and Coun. Douglas elected) - Norman Bain, Doug Harris, Eu- COUNCIL - WARS. .. Tarris of Ingersoll have both filed nomina- gene Mabee. three to be elected) _lc(Slouth Norwich, {10“ Tapers. for mayor, however _ Coun. GOUNCIL. (Five to be elected) - Norman Harwood, Robert Pettigrewar'J 1113 eal, Larry Jams als.o..ii1eti papers for the councillor-at- Ban", Marian, Coyle, Wayne Cox, Doug Delbert Wrigglesworth ' 0 n Walther, arge position including county council selu Harris, Eugene Mabee C. A (Jim R bi WARD 2 (Norwich t ' vice) and also a council iti Li , ' . ) o Ins, , W0 to be elected) - Warden Perry s"li1irji12.osd1eo,1' t B1 1 inda Turner, Jack Warden. {allies M. Butler, Stewart Miles Norman R . , ' ve 0 enheia USK. ' . Township and former Blandford Township BLANDFORD-BLENHEIM WARD 3 (North N . 1it,11tef, lad Meadows have filed papers for .MAYOR - Ed Meadows, Perry c Silr. elected) - Ronald Br 01:ch11, two to be "t 11:121.“? s gglten in Blandford-Blenheiln. biek. . tile Roger Orth racker0oury,. Cecil Min- mer x‘ord warden, Reeve Willia COUNCILLOR-AT. i, I . gucEIOW of TaYistock and Coun. Harold - Ross Livingston in??? (One elected) -W 323:4 gig? Ooh)?" two to. be elected) ogr, also of Tavistock, have been nomi- COUNCIL - WARD . 'McDowell R 'w Hal Huggins, James nated for mayor ior East Zorya-Tavistock (One to b 1 (South Blimdford, _ ' oss arboys. Tamra); Refeve Pt Robson. East Nissouri Harder e elected) - Mel Balls, Don ; eeve obert Matheson, We t . Em? Township and Reeve Hartwell Basi- WARD? (North Blandford, one elected) - _ 3811, North Oxford Township, have been Robert E. GilhOIm (accl.) omlnated for mayor in the unnamed _ _ . community. _ , idillllllE--ia, 7' SIK,ia SIE?, V . . Li a-r-mi--.-.,.--., J