_ . . _ . .' . (continued tram Page One) ' clude equal voting rights, operation of. local V . don't see how we'can’t hold our ownuagainst Pf11icipa1it/es with improved assessment urban centres." . bases, uniform and orderly development, Implementing committee members Reeve more fontry over planning and a solution John Nadalin of Beachville and Reeve Wil- for the police, village of Thamesford, now liam Martin of South Norwich Township, within East Nissouri and North' Oxford presented the resolution for the restructur- Townshiio and without a direct voice on mg glolng ttllile lines of a ted?", paper' we county council. _ I pare y e rovrnce, ase on a government may. _ , _ .. _ tin, (1rea Tomi. 1t,bgsteA.ettttn.in:est, We Reev.e. Hartwell Baigent, North Oxford mord 2'id'TJ,i1 bes rue ullnlg. He said . Township, supporting restructuring, said: e requ1re under the “It has got to be the most important vote in new system. many a long year." The system, he said, Reeve Louis Barrett. Dereham Township, was introduced as an alternative to the me- opposes restructuring. He said the area nace of regional government being imposed. government report and provincial policy pa- 1Y,y study has been an outstanding sue- per were never discussed item by item as cess, he 5,1111eyEp.l,airutg..that"the govern- . has been the practice with reports from V ment has changed its policies on restructur- committees "It des ' " mg m the province." . . . .I ' elves that kind of con- V Reeve Baigent said 'advantages will in- Sideration, he said. . Reeve Darwen Scott, North Norwich ' Township, who opposed restructuring, called the decision "a little premature)" . It will mean more administration, he said, probably about a one-third increase in the number of clerks. The county would possibly be faced with county police and a county fire department, he said. Deputy-Reeve Mac Robson, East Nissouri Township, supported restructuring. He said increasing workloads of staff would require additional employees with the new govern- ' . . ‘ ment or not. I _ Resihr f . Supporting restructuring were: Reeve Bai.. uc urlng In. x or gent; Reeve Melvin Balls of Blandford . . . ' , Township; Reeve Ducklow; Deputy-Reeve . . James Francis, Tavistock; Deputy-Reeve Russell Honsberger, Tillsonburg; Reeve Lav- approved by cou nails ern Irving, Norwich; Reeve Henry Killing, C _ ' / East Zorra Township; Reeve Ross Livings- - _ l, ton, Blenheim Township; Reeve William Martin, South Norwich Township; Reeve Stewart Miles, Norwich; Reeve John Nada- lin, Beachville; Reeve James Patience, East Nissouri Township; Deputy-Reeve Robson; Warden'Perry Sibbick, Reeve of Blenheim Township; Deputy-Reeve George Wilhelm. East Zorra Township and Reeve Seldon Wil- kinson, Tillsonburg.' Opposing restructuring were Reeve Bar- rett; Deputy-Reeve Robert Blair, West Zorra Township; _ Deputy-Reeve George Davis, ' South Norwich Township; Reeve Wesley Dew, East Oxford Township; Disputy-Reeve _ Robert Gilholm, Blandford Township; Reeve George Jakeman, West Oxford Township; Reeve Matheson; Deputy-Reeve Cecil Min- . gle,. North Norwich Township; Deputy-Reeve _ James _Muterer, North Oxford Township; DeliutosReeve James McDowell, East Oxford, , Township; Deputy-Reeve George Nagle, ' Dereham Township; Reeve Rowland Ruther. ford, Embro; Reeve Scott of North Norwich and Deputy-Reeve Cecil Wilson, West Oxford Township. ' V Eight of the members have two votes each in a weighted system, based on the number of electors. ' In Ingersoll, those favoring restructuring were Coon'. J. T. Warden, Coun. C. A. Robins, Mayor Gordon Henry and Coun. Linda ', Turner. Opposed were Coun. Eugene Mabee, ", [ Coun. Douglas Harris and Coun. Norman Bain. _ , ' . F ‘ l 'f:'