"-"-'"-'"'-'"""-"""-""-""""""""'""'"'-'"""""'"'l"""ellll- Trppsr and Lower Canada. Ontario was Upper Canada. 1788 - Upper Canada divided Into A district. This part of Ontario from Long Point to Windsor was called the Heese District, 1cm Governor Simcoe objected to the German name and renamed it ' Western District. Ontario later divided into 19 counties. In 1837 . land of Nissouri was included in the District of Brock In 1841 territorial divisions were abolished and Ontario divided into countieeo Nissouri (East and West)were mm» in: Nissouri was surveyed in 1820 by a Mr.Davis and some lots sold. In 1821 Nissouri was added to the County or0xfori. First District Council of District of Bock held in 1842- Hon.Peter Boyle DeB1eet1uire,Wardeno In 1846 elected their own warden. - Jared Vining, . 7‘7“†. Benjamin Van Norman first County '/rardert i, --.' y In 1851 Nissouri divided -all west of the line dididinc 7th and 8th Concessions included in Middlesex County and all east of that line included in . Oxford County. After Nissouri survey first lot sold me Lot 8 Con 11, 21 at 28 on the 8th Con., " on the 10th, 11,19,21 and " in the 12th, 8 in the 14th,, 26 & 28 in the 9th, 7 & 1'? in the 11th and Lot 26 in the 13th Con. I First lot sold around Lakeside, Lot 26 Con 13, Probably old store one of first buildings. First account of Lakeside I have is about 1864; as follows,- . Lakeside,a small post village contains one general store, one blacksmith ' shop, a grist and saw mill, a brick yard, a wagon shop and one hotel V I . a common school and Epicopal Church Rev.Belcher D.D. Incumbente ) I. . Armstrong, Robt.J’.P.-, Burdick, Enoch, blacksmith, D.D.Rose, postmaster _ Burdick, m, wagonmaker; Brnzier,W.,carpenter and Joiner, Garner,Wm.8o iroseshpakeaii1e mills; Samuel Pelton,hotel; MoKim,Wm.,J.P. I: McPherson,C :5“! teavcher; Ross,Hector, carpenter; Seaton,J'ohn, money lender; Shrubeoleri ju,')-, Thee & Chas“ brickyard. {My : ..r_rr,"."'_,,.,it") 9 3