T S. I , _" .11. 'l, "r-C' UL, '__" _ ,p,,_ - I - _ . -,"_ '" f ,__:...;...- __ -__ ’- it'"rr-Nr'-" tetiilli)ijr" of PioneeriGermanz-Famlily . . ' , "tt _ ted/Fi li h , . , ' _ , '. nyen ," T ire lg fer, Wire Fence i] n important part in the early with other children. M lather and' wear n . a . ' t ", _ i leMent . of the Nisso'm dig- now aged M), resides at Carunna. beard he lco'gnst Kile“ 1eAt',,t ( was shared by members of William and his wife and taiw. ' an y move, mm . German family. The first th.. Ily left the district about 75 place to, place in both Canada (',tf11t,'1ts,t(, atl"?,/rre,'t', 'g,', 13:21: years ago. They first; went to St. and the United States selling hi; at Lakeside, East Nissouri, about Marys, then Granton and, finally inventions. Among these inven- 1808. The story as tttmteu'eted here to _Lambton County where, he tions Was a wire fence that was tells of what is knot t their died at Mooretown in 1911 at put to practical' o' E descendants. 's age of 73. His remains rest-in . _ . use n _ Ni" , _ By W. M. German ' Mooretown Cemetery. , scum and, district “mind 187d, _ James German ot‘Nissourl and . . s _ _ Throughout the distriet today 'Betsy Brown German had 10 Jacob, son of Varnum, married Will be seen many of these fences children: Asa, Ellen, Scott, Frank Mary McKay and had no chil- built and erected by Jacob's N (Francis), Varnum, Horaee, le- dren. Joseph who married Susan genius some 75 years ago. ,) F _ am, Jacob, Lyman and Smanthy. Peasley lived at least the latter Another of Jkeob's inventions Asa. married at ah early 'age part of his life in the ThS.A.- was a "fhrelighter" with WhiCh I " I is believed-his first wife AannahcVarnuua/s daughter mar- he 515C had reasonable Success. [3.5; Ililt named Margaret but her ried James McKay. Mary married he†must have taken his u - e is unknown. His sec- Mail McConnell and Martha also family along on some of the 4‘53““, ite was Hester Ann and married a McConnell brothhr, travels at least as there is an irrailll ' umame is also unknown. Emily married Charles Foster of entry in his Bible - Salana Ger.. "r',' . , tiied at an early age and are 7 Granton. man, born April 19th, 1858; Sal., , ’ur ed in the old cemetery at Varpum and Catherine Cav- ana died January 20, 1859, and St. Marys. The inscriptions as anaugh had six children, John was buried at Kalamazoo, Michi- follows appear on the two stones, born 1851 who died 1924; Spew. gan. Mary Ann, Jacob's wife died still standing - In Memory of cer born in 1852 who remained _aged 43 in 1872 and Jacob died l Margaret, wife of A. M. German, a bachelor and died around 1905; _ suddenly while visiting a farmer v Died July 26, 1839, Ae, 22 years James was born in 1853 and mar- friend November 10, 1898 at the four days., - tn Memory of ried Elizabeth McCullough; Dan- age of 79 years. Considerable in.. Hester Arm, wife of A, M. Ger.. iel born in 1854 married and. formation regarding Jacob was man, Died July 23, 1849, Ae 22 moved to South Dakota; Horace received from his grandson years, 11 months, nine days. born in 18M, married Mary El- Lloyd Frederick German, near i As I stood before those two' len Dinsmore and farmed in Embro. old tombstones I thought what Granton district. Horace died in Lyman, son ot James, is be- I _ a sad story must be hidden be- 1940 at the age of M. Much in- licved to have 'remained single. .: hind those inscriptions. .Two fbrmation regarding James Ger- Further information is lacking A young girls dying at such an man the pioneer was gained from concerning him, . i early age, just 10 years apart Horace, his grandson. Betsy, Var- Smanthy married James Me- 3 and both wives of the same man. num's last child, was born in Donald of the 10th Concession l _ Some time later Asa left for the 1859.and married Robert Foster. of East Nissourl and had nine United States and that is thenast They' migrated to the United children. Some ot their descend- ', 'record of him available at this states. ants still live in the old district. time. . . . * . * . Ellen German married in Me.. Varnum and family lived for a After raising a large family Nee, There is some doubt as to number of years in East Nissouri James German died at the Rtre of his Christian name but it was it is believed on Lot 29, Conces- 78 years on OCtOber 8, 1860. His _, either Colin, William or Jacob, sion 11. He later bought the wife, Betsy, died just 10 any: The couple settled at Thames.. Taylor farm near Granton where later. Vernice Bristol preached ' ford where the record ends in- he died March 28, 1880, aged 64, both their funeral services and complete. _ li months, eight days, according they are buried in the Lakeside Scott German was a lawyer to his tombstone in Granton Cemetery that was once part of and justice of the peace " St, Cemetery, their homestead. It is one of the Marys,, around 1860. He later Horace and Hiram, sons of best kept, small cemeteries in moved toKansas City, where it James German are said to have Ontario, well fenced with spied- is ishid he was a very prominent been twins. Hiram left the dig.. did stone corner and entrance citizen, and lived to a great age. trict of his birth and was not pillars The fencing running to His second wife was Ellen John- heard of again. His brother Hor- the corner pillars is the kind son. . ace remained however and Jacob invented and erected some Frank (Francis A,) German founded a large family. Horace 75 years ago. was born in 1811. He married married Elizabeth Lewis. and Many of the early members of ' Eliza Gleason of a pioneer Nis- they had eight children: James the German family are buried in souri family and was Co-founder who died young, Samuel, Daniel, --this cemetery along with other _ of the well-known Seaton family John, Jane, Mary and Levi, who early pioneers of the district - , of Lakeside. In 1878 along with founded a large and widespread fine, enterprising, good men, l his son-in-law John Seaton, he family. Levi, born in 1835, mar- whose energy and courage helped . . V erected "Lynden Lodge" -a. fine ried Georgina Murray in West so much to make trade and pros- " stone house, that still remains Zorra, February 8, 1865. He died perity. . in a splendid state of preserva- in 1910 and is buried in Beach- Standing there at the graves ' tion, on the Lakeside property. ville Cemetery. John, a son of of my great-great-grandparents l Frank's wife.. Eliza died in 1868 Levi, celebrated his 60th wedding many thoughts went through my and he in 1887. Both"are buried anniversary, July 1, 1949, and mind. I thought, how" much we in the Lakeside Cemetery, the had 39 grandchildren and tour are in debt to every man sleep- land for which he gave from his , great-grandchildren present. Hor- ing in his grave - a de'bt that l _ own homestead. ace, son of James: died at a we can never repay, and I was * '. . ' young age, around 40 - one of proud to be a. descendant of Varnum German was born the very few of the family who James and Betsy German, hardy April 20, 1816. He first married failed to attain the age of 70 ' pioneers of East Nissouri. _ a Miss Murray' and his second years. Horace and Hiram were "0ft did the harvest to their wife was Catharine Cavanaugh, born between 1807 and 1810.' sickle yield, l I an Irish girl of the Griffin fam.. James and Betsy German’s _ Their furrow, cit the stubborn ily of Wolfe Island. By the first son, Jacob Grant, Was born glebe has broke; .marriage Varnum had a. family August 12, 1819 and wed Mary How jocund did they drive .0: nine children, Frank, who more Ann Sinkins, born August 10, . .their teams afield' tied Mary Burgess of Burgess- 1829. Jacob's family Bible also How bowed the woods beneath ville; Margot, who married Cud- registered "Robert Sinklns, borh V their 'sturdy stroke‘ ney of Lakeside, William, who June 29, IMP', he presumably .' _GRAY i married Delight Bullis of West being. Mary Ann's younger (In this article I hayeonly ' Zorro/rho latter settled on tat l brother. " f mentioned the early members of 1 ,1: _ Concession- 18. East Nite _ . . . _ the tamil'y in hopes that I. may 'aMlit 7 here my father) William Jacob it is hold was quite! a reccive some further uaeful inf ,1-5' " Gérman was born along character. He was an inventor formation.) V 7 7 ,7, l "we - ' "r)