, ' M â€anâ€; _ " "ir"?s ,4" “f ./1 _ r L V e..-..----:-"-'-"""'" ' V 'm"'"""""---..-..------ - _ [ "n' " = --i' . . . x, l J. M†, T E "ss. a M857 " I , w 'V l l n " l _ . 1mm.rséav,§:g.29_n%é 0 to _.-.ji..i,.t..._..,, . m...“ AL Page; ..‘ I ' I _ :( i; - . t f J T, ' . _ I pu,i,i,'srd wees bt Ot", in ard tsi,o,d: Lakes; a Ftt.'e. 100254; m"-'"""'"-"""":'""'""""",""-""""'""'"-"""" I""~**-*â€"-~-*~*“â€"â€"~““--1-:“7-*-‘**-~“*“~?~*~â€"--*â€"~7~7"7* I . / Ll. . \ 65/ ) . _ . ' ' . , H a It, W551. " ft, ttc/ ?-)L& / {’(o/: D; esiblner. OYQQaSt "ii'ii'i.f,i1' l . " â€WWWâ€"WW - f ' "e'""-""""'"'""'"""-"'""","""'""""",'""?'"""";""'"'"""""" ' f , ' T _ .Hormag ',lt,t.1""?.11.,ty? is home gram J;Ltor}a We may expect strong I, " ... blospit;a1, London, unere he has been a p8iGVr.1 .. ' ..s" . ds " hi a a. . A, nortuweac win s Leaning a a 10? the pagu g weeks“ V _ val in erooos'ed places, I Mrs. Master‘man is overjoyed to have him b ""I' I 'home andall Lakeside rejoices with her. -«“.mn_m_“mmww_~w_._g_.~“~.n *o‘n- H e "r , ' ' If: 05:1; , 1 in wood. o. nti v. = l Welt :E_"it:*_:_f3fz§:-___-m--~_ 'a1iri1teJ?afi'iliiliiir%ri4: ?,il.1ififyi: 0;? Egg l k _ 4 - , A T (':ji'i"i.',_ leaving Lakeside at .30 _ ".':, t"tCllt ..-.. A-w /L. «I . ' . ' . Ll. ! C ELF. SRH‘ lc {1% EWVLRS fy?) .118 1360 to,iylihf: and reuurmmg at 'vs_, t' -r7-"""T,' . Cr7rri7'"7,",rr -'"C"'-'-"'-'"""Crr""""".'CC"', - . 1 a " mi IT, _ T†4 Lakes-21:19 muted Cnurch was va1r-rr.ULsd '3q dime: as; the war! ~known - I , Se teh .19 "L11 f' Lt; i “sax†.. - ' q - _ 32 1.333223% p bc C?5th JYOP its Mammal .. "Blue 38m" was enjoyed on the g a I. .; a. _ C The Rey, George. Cardy oi' the Brownmull reflux; 'if..f,..li.'t,, -r.-t.--tt---t---.--e.r.---iq---rre- i ‘ Charge was the guest speaker, speaking? on â€" "m" _...... . I j "Be Not A Terminal - Be a Transmittal" . i HAPPY Biti1'HN."ir To - i {â€1133 Lynne: B19133}: gang is; solo and the i....,_\...~._...Hâ€".............-â€"~........_â€".,.s...._.â€"-.~.....aâ€",..-...~r I specie]. 17111319 try Miss Paders andtho choir .. I J. u_' J. " " and Mrsg. th'ertwtT at the organ was vary amen E 33““ Nogtgt fawn! .... st??.. 23 _ . . 1 1 enjoyed» . . _ blanche aorta - Dec. h. l "'""'-""'-------.--.-,-.-----n'---- _ Timmy l-‘ickcaring -.0tyt,, 5 V _ w» [l .1. I Nettie Cole ... Oct. _8 4 , . -..L.tp.p,r. _.f.,',ys.l._.tt.i2:.fci?2.,cla,.i2cL,.. t I V w T The Retarded Children‘ s association of g _ " H0 T" M U35; (l F " Sto' Marty’s and intereated friends; travelled I 7xbr'pii,-,r'--z/-a; " , T . ( to ralmeg'ston by bus on Ti'xuradasy, St-apt. 22nd; . (ha Saman- SRriWC, 1.6,"J""5En Gates, " to tour' the new Ontario Hospital School re- ENew: Gates and Qonald Smell tr, j gently opened there. ' . Norman t'sae of st,, .k’aul‘s trtive11ed It is a beautiful bui 1:11:33, Bergman; to Aylmer to attend an Old Time " . ~- _ "'". _ " cd c, - F, a _ . ,' t..,vporiitiyy1e with facilities "tao'iaugturirit3titc.t;e) lbw-9T3: Cast-to-gather.. t :73? 200 retarded children. John and Mac played several i; o It is Wonderful to sea the progress se).1e.rsir,'.t..orr.s tenth Donald Snell as l tsat has been made in the training and aetce.1r,'trchtt't , , ' L. .',iiiscsst1cm. Of these "special" childrenq I . chiller a.n. Ay1mer the back seat : ' ti5 '_,,....---,-...........-,,.,-.,...,.,,-..,...,..,,....,....-.--.'...--'-"... _ .iht1 Nae, date-3‘ car caught fire and . Ithe Aylmer Fire De tart, 6 t h d t f , In W ' pa Um It , a 0 l 1/ U) l t C C) L L. I MG W00 D ibe sun-moned to put; out. the tHare, T W‘um-Mwmmâ€"mmxm ' " n t _ [ j r"----, ri'hivtrrrtt.ina people enjoyed a bus trip &M&::_W;wmm. ‘ _r" _ .ittt:tvroed on Tuesda' Se " 27th s Dn-. . . , ' ‘ to 0019-71 3 -. y, I)". - V " p . _ gored by T416: Lakeside Women's Institute“, ".i:l)si..li..i.,..t.,.,.i.d..a..,ie..ts,...... -. , t The gram: toured the plant that pro'- " l q ,5. vi"; _ . ' "'t . _ ' . (juices tthte amimzigi'ul â€Blue iviounte:i.ra" Pottewzrp 9:"22’3m “Li. ,,' “hut A s; At We? ï¬x and the 'p/ry,::.:-:-. tf.rcrt pmducss â€Georgian China“ hyif.it $933M. 9.133%“ I?.'". Is-cures. ' r _sis.r,'irrrr, n:'?:.;,'.." z<WMWMWM..;E.:B::~;. t" iirk' 7+? _ s' f"""' t','