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"'Ir' Lereret We mt d [ oo 10 Sm ermeee e e e d 1j 55. seeporaltaley Leel® i IL t \IJ tr d RL zs J Cil ho m es ) [ MaAnage B) or cool drigk, Eol : l im (eeforal hi t ommc en h l n [t I, ETeE o 17 1/ J1 C1 (4 4J [ tk (f } 14 TE B &7 /E w d ¢4 & Fre (0 {1 t l f¢ J (1f 'f-,"-!f"l! 3¢, ,4}--@ p: J':'I"F-Ef'- en 4iTre C1 D4 ik s «We 1) o is 1 ¢ 40 ¢4 ie 9e ie e 1f 1J / 1 :'%"r,r;: L‘;%â€ï¬ UC EL \!,_ y 22 1/ 1j 1 [¢ I7 F4 Cl A Ji 1 f 11 Jl. j‘l I'J'I:I? P T4 r H. [ L 1/ Ts “f%? yÂ¥ ach) 1t [17 di d (j L seés@gg (¢ M 1} uce ‘Iffg"},;yx, 5 io o 1% {i t ( EP 1J 4\ F4 @%ï¬% Ij 17 lansd, Te sFfaitw .4 the ‘card fn your pew and drop it into 6/ o Wl P ’;;5'!...4{{{!}3,-;§:Â¥!f'i3""";'§ .-...ï¬.=z‘!ï¬=1{s-:-.ï¬â€˜r’.:,$$-,; E‘:‘:-’ffiiif:‘fé{g}f-’cg J{f it ce 4 Ee uty ty 10. d noe 2 € PriFitfi] 1 Lk T tss @f@mï¬gw Bpirit are encouraged to Llead %mpf by ai‘vglng out hymns, prayer, 8 exhortation from the scriptures. This haes the observance of the Lord‘s Supper. 8 in the Lord Jesus Christ are invited to by partaking of the emblems as they mmgï¬ï¬@@nblem of the ‘cup‘; however 48 grovided in the center of each tray. 41 rlac Y3 77 £f & 40| LCs ~, es )/ 1y 4 Fid ty YÂ¥ 'fjl 'I."l I_J' j 5> 99) U . mincsecss=, :A WaArm WELCOME is extended m | ~%o everyone!l [A special »INUI® 1 welcome to those who are â€"===‘ here for the first time!â€". 101. We trust that you will be Ehrough the music and through the ©Ff God . Please take a moment to l i [ e *4 d\ \\‘\\‘ f.'*f/':‘ _ * -'_"1 & 0 a \ * M it Mintmmnimiesâ€"â€" ED 1. o e‘ [OWSHIP TIME ikr@)@ go downstairs for a coffee Ing which time we can enjoy each #7 P l letr g.’a \ ‘ )'y J N _ MA ge# p â€" Thursday May )} 7130 p.m. Thursday, May 2 7130 p.m. sunday, May 5 11100 a .m. Thursday, May 7130 p.m: Monday, May 7?:30â€"101 30 7100 p 7100 yandayyâ€"May 12 ll :s 00 *A .M . _ â€" ll 3 00 A _ Thursday , 6145 p.iy! sunday , 11 s 00 ;;- 7130 'i) Meetings and Special Events May 19 «a y 13 m. Leadership Training Dr. Ken Strickland 16 Speaker: Doug Waters, Hamilton Rd . Messages John 18124â€"40 tape i#332 Musics _ Dorothy Seotland | > 23 l 0s Sunday School Teachers &iegif§cx(’ ’ on, Youth Rastor xt _\ YJ MA n T T Messages John 17 _ tape 390. . o e o Music: _ Betty Baker & Ena Runnallr EVERY OPHER FRIDAY NIGHT Music Night practice for anyone . \ ® e interested in taking part 4{ . Family Night "Getting Ready to Run the Race" Family Night "Overcoming Valleys" MOTHERS DAY , Speaker: Hans Timmernand. Craduate of Briercrest Bible Inst. Messages John 18:1â€"23 _ tape #331. Musics _ Paul & Carol Neabel. .. _ Family Night "The JoY Prayer" | Family Night Sgpeakern Doug Loveday: Byron CJ Messages John l911â€"16 tape i# Musics Sunday Scho0l, _ HYMNN SING _ soe flap for detai "The Life OFf Praig for details: ourse with of Effectual 7 the yron CO _ â€" ‘ tape #333 . may 31 \ cay May 3 Horse back riding and Weiner roagt at _ CGoldén Arrow Park | | Meet at the Chapel Please bring $350 197 FTour OLf 1# Mint GelFf _ © Meet a‘t the Chapel at 7100 p.m. Please bring $1.50 "".,'-‘ ,"j ":::-;{L*'L }'-,«: l £ London __ PREPARE For . | A GREAT Time OF FUN ANG _ / °_ FEELLOWsHkIpâ€" | 24 «l it M