Page Four THE NORWICH GAZETTE June 12th, 1958 lwho had worked with the Card- w,_________~_.n_.._._.___â€"l____._- ers in India Jntrodueed the FAREWELL SERVICE and her many friends missed speaker. _ seeing her to wish her God Rev. Mr. Cartier based his FOR REV. GORDON AND speed. message on' the words: Bear Ye _ 5 Mr. and Mrs. Carder came One Anothers Burdens and so 2lill.iiilRlliuhfllEll home from India for their first fulfill the Law of Christ. He / A well attended: service ot furlough about two years ago. said the problems in East Asia l Farewell for the Rev. Gordon For a year they travelled all are largely agricultural and it Carder and Rev. Muriel Gardeniacmss Canada to give to Bap- helps a lot if the mlss1onary E . 'i . tist congregations an account of has a farm background. There h was held In. tre Baptist church their work and conditions on is a tremendous pressure -0f l at B_urgesv111e last. Saturday th Baptist Mission Field in people versus land. Some evening. Many Baetist church- India. They travelled far and have much land and Wealth, 8 es m Oxford County were rf?- mostly in opposite directions. some are rich on a half an acre .resented. at the servxce which, Last autumn they enrolled in and others subsist on what by a eoincidenee, was on Mr. the Union Theological Semin- they can produce on one-tenth" _ Carder's birthday: Mrs. Card- . . ary 1n New York City and took of an acre of land. To people er, unfortunatly, because ot ill- 'a course in advanced theology . . ' ' . . ness was detained in New York . 1n America starvatlon Is Just a leading to the degree of s. T. word in the dictionary, but in M., Master ot Sacred Theology. India starvation is an actual "lille-l-Ill-Ill-Ill-Ill-Ill' Mrs. Carder passed her examin- reality tor almost 50% of the ations Magna Cum Laud, mea- population. Those on the ning the very highest ot hon- smaller land holding subsist on ours. Mr. Carder was S11eCess-. a mess of rice husks for more ful in obtaining the degree al- than a month before harvest so. He went back to New York time and many children simply T early this week and within a die of starvation. This has its - few days time they will be on effect on the Christian church their way back to serve a sec- and on all society. 10nd .term m India. Many problems of the Indian ' Rev. Harold Allaby, pastor at people stem from their religious L _ Burgessville, conducted the ser- heritage, especially the eonvie- J \vice and gave a warm welcome tion that they should not take; to all present. He was assisted’nfe in any form. Rats and“ by the Rev. J. Clair Clark, min- l other rodents destroy up to 20% It ister of the First BaptiStiof the food the farmers pro-I Church in Woodstock, who read'duce' but the only thing they/ the lesson and the Rev. L. R. do about it is set large cage†Wham, Norw ieh, who led in the traps, and when these become ': prayer. full they either take them,!" _ Miss Lynn Harlow, Kitchener, themselves, or hire them tak-ill who is preparing herself to do en about 20 miles down the i( missionary work in Bolivia, was road where the rats are let so/ the soloist, singing "Teach Us free. They live in hopes that} to Build." A quartette,, Mr. these same ones will not findii . and Mrs. Allaby, Mrs. s. Tribeitheir way back to their grain T , and Arthur Kelly sang a pleas-[pile again. isoison and other I I lng quartette. During the off- destructive agencies are avail- J V etory a quartette ot boys, Dav- lable from agricultural experts] . id and John Tribe, David Wills ltrained under the British plan, t and Allan Almas, played very but the native farmers will not I well op wind instruments. lavail themselves of them. _ I Rev. L. E. Wilton, TillSODburg'Gradually the land is becoming _._.______. _------- less productive. Agricultural ill? authorities estimate that many m. ‘ thousands times more weight , of cow manure is used for fuel - ., T than is put back to replenish r the soil. It is mixed with rice " husks and straw, allowed tol ' _ dry and then it makes excellent ' ' r fuel. . Inflation in India is five tim- es greater than anything we 7 r . . , know and it would take be- . . tween $550,000,000 and $570,000,- _ , 000 for the next ten years to . . develope the five and ten year ' ' plans and to provide tor all . the people of India. It is time T ~ ' , the other nations of the world , _ . - , forgot their petty differences ' ta' and learned to combine their , . T, effort to assist India to find T ' st her place in the world. ' ' . _ The church in India needs more young men and women to . rg . carry the message of Jesus ‘ Christ to the people and we . should all help to bear the bur- . . 'e . '. , den through our givings and , - prayers. I _ ? r Following the church service . . . ' . , . , the company went to the Sun- . ' F a day School room where Mr. ' ' ' . , Carder was assisted by Rev. Mr. - ' i Allaby, Mrs. Allaby and Mr. and . ' . g Mrs. Arthur Kelly in meeting : . T ' ' ' , the people. ' ' _ . ‘ , Mrs. Kelly was in charge of g impromptu program during g which short messages of greet- ' ings and good wishes were giv- u - ' g en by Rev. James Simpson, Ing- ‘ . ' , ersoll; Rev. L. R. Whan, Por- †, g m-___‘L___..