Burgessville WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 3, p. 5

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2 . â€"-â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" i i H HOME AND COUNTRY _ l OME AND COUN i TRY the best "For Home 2 1 . . and Count " s-,...,.,---..,:...,---.,.:..:.--.::,:...?-:""'-"'-'-?:; I P bl Our acti . ry. , 7 The Feiierlszlzd Qasrterly by munity Ougncmw .1n our home com- WOMEN'S INSTITUT i i a ty Vom.tsr1'ts Instit te o ',, anadian eommunit ES The ' of Ontario ll tr ur w.orld community l ill Y and CELEBRATE ' pageant story _began . h 3 and force 1n shaping our *1"th1 ‘be a yital 5 THEIR §}§S?ntation of the Spirit opt,. the The Worner1's Institute Bran .Ve enter a new er .1116 destiny. 0th ANNIVERSARY f/l. shone throughout lghic I DHome Economics Sex-via: and history as We ‘sta d a 1n the world's (Contin portrayed how Mrs Adi .and then! apartmensnff .Agrieulturs of a new Institut: dll) thetthreshold of Women 1u/idsfhryl1, Page 1) lefss}; out of her Sori‘ow 313313: 1:003}; M10 success W .,; -cen ury. The was n ' ' e was sorry th 0 er own child e. ea I _------- we wield ev'attnm and the induene the I Ot'a closet co-operation bet ere an organization , eyolved the idea of) EDITORIAL 0 will depend e nstitutes and th ween 1 . , which would ' Mrs. c. Holmes t1r.1Ti'l1 of tut individual as olethte, ttfre "There is not as 2008 30ml dcollncils. (if Jf tecononflcs and the care oftiiigl Mgs. H. giGriGh ici , e eville. par . ach will . a es er ing betwee n un erstand . , n O rura women Th 1 V Miss Anna P. i', ..R. l, Fonthill, of her abili contr}bute to the best and n the women of the t - mg at Stone Cr . e first meet-) ACTING EDITOR £1th c'Il‘gglnetngb d prayer, siliesEr,11pvl1'.2iivt through she 2iifo1vit,isdr Is therle should {£273 (T Inkembersyof”pagei ir'iieicis)'c'itiiij',ii) _-r-r----- . that best Thro C ton 0 better with a11' , would urge , ree Institut . onef N . . ll . . earn . you, . . e and it , . MEMBLRS 0291;210:321?le BOARD: $11”Ityldentfefrprisegg:nftiiliaiizltiivSelfieiitcom;3 Wfonderful faiiiiniisfse tgozzdzertise your his??? tint fiiiiir Ce $151333:in . . Wor a air . eres o earni . . , S a me .t' I'le ee a e . 6". l Mi A Hanan“? Presidents "tf/g fllTut1iihfi'1pl.1' women can give life." ng a living, but as a “733732: Egghng iis,iiiiiii,t'iiroiiariiiie ISOIEIleSEEn'e’i 183 mm. P. Ltswirs, T en countr . FORME .el': I? and Lee . [.e1.1.' Mrs. Clarence AT/d, Reign? anew“ work together "fU'tlod1f,ill, of the world 2lfte,1hu,f/l'ielFgFt'heEa'fl,f, behind the first 'at,l1tein1,1ol1J/i spiriti Pram . can determine the dfrgoilchmon good We ance of two gfmhght was the attend- mother, Mrs. Lee. g, and their: l Mrs. Hugh Summers "l R history, Neither “use yy?, of human of the Women's 1,il2/e'irt superintendents From then on the st . . i ' . . l, Foothill. goverhmentis can co #1101 gold, nor Mary A. Clark . ute Branch. Miss tute 't'/hii1'rii'/d"n"t'a' d cry of Insti-i, , l Regional Vice-Pr id as, working t n ribute as much Superinte d e, said that as a forn picted in , . n growth was do, -- i Mrs. L. A. MeE 88 gttt8 We Ogether, we can do tut n ent of the Wome ' I? l itl . graphic and beautiful st 1 t . Mms. F. L. 'lf/ic,',','; [Russel th _aceeptAhis Challenge iii f f es of Ontario, she h d ns Insti- VI 1 first the Provinces of C ye, Mrs. B. F. Danigigalé R.R. A, Thsmewillts. e future with Cour-a e iii, f? ace orce and strength of th a seen the yyl later the nations of th anada l _ Fort William.“ 20 North Brodie St., 1tffCv_i1h_coeye_attltllth' Effort of a body of 'gi1hityot1g,,tiJ,t ii,hn2g the ranks The mania “£10119, i Di 1'S. T . . Ing 1' . . . ' na e shtr. Ben 31::er t'ifi, Exam”, QUEEN ELIZABETH SENDS t2,'tiSedtinsnae.gi, f931‘1iierly 'hi'Jsof)5,li i-egelftlég iii; os/.'si/iitc,1itsl"'t flgjure, rep- I rs. Wm. Moon“, RR , monte. REPLY more th , ' e Institut . phone " . '.1s, o 16 micro- '; Mrs. o. W. iiiiiiic"oT . 2, Brampton. TO INVITATION s ' . an an Organizatio ' .e 13 f , , 1vitl a stirring plea t 1. Mrs. Harry L wgodmff‘K- Her Mai et'vlee of edueati n-it is a o.rwiTd with faith . . o go t . , h ' jest . . T 1011. W . . , VISlOn and - Mra. £13533),ng m ite ener Ava, response to ”I: ifeitiio,li1is'igbtett1o1, m 3311 hgénes do a lot of Luvtl1fj?, 1n 'Jdna)igl, for greater achievemgfttefn L. . ate. 2, attend the 50th Anniseient to her we Wanta lot of enjoyable work as mongtizl’s that he ahead. The Har- l I Mris s L 2ffe1'e Directors 6:33;: ththe Women's Inssftailtht(gel;3 Piness 'Trent/tttsissy, make for ha? Junior isLitiitihe, frog: thug Vellore i ..-pe-. , o . ."" . stituteisi Y" . roug the . Mrs. Arnold Leach Pk1f the f W _1 e unable to attend t _ meeting this " S invaluable In to a close with b . pageant ' Mrs. w. A. McGree ' M,; 6, Belleville. th ollowing gracious mes ' sen Miss A need. of "The L , a eautlful rendition "i his: motoring "iii. ','iloiiiirs. tL1,?iif..rfed Women's motif; 2% brought $5535: ifoPvtde',1,1g,1,,d, il‘ibuticm Jet Ste 'tt1,Ti','ieaifthi, cl'll-, g Mrs. R ' o lgin. .-- women J . T 1 e unior , . ' lr the l iii-2' 11:13; "///,Sf,t,ma.if"/""& WINDSOR greetinggffrttiiiaittiflsifr- l1lmitl1ieon,111ill Club 1115;113:1121 t\evasand Home making tr"' 31;: f1enr,tesLiht,'t SebrAingvilie. I grove. JSAS'EJEI tpeg-ell by Mr: #355 Séates were yiss Florence Eadieogiisihgdwg’ and ', M I A . Bn, ppin. u . ne a 947. o ichi . r ' Fen nstitute ' m omen's ( fd,': kvt)y2,yty'tfi Fllntsville. “lagged Lady-in-Waiting is com- ')tu',1etl1sig'eieittt message from Eh: of credit BsgntrdttT'i': a great deal 1 iii; 13511232113, RR: i, idhi.e"r" Landing and 52y t'iiytrllilhe ftg,ie to write was read. ll es of South Africa these groups. work in organizing , Miss Betty R Ti, R.R. 25 Maple tou h a er laiesty is much P ' ll Ielfef (leorgetown f,p,ei,httdedhihtetid/'J/d motives that PEER-“El: GEORGE A. DREW In tEINNER IN EVENING _ p ' m ers of th 4 - s,. mer 90.0. . .ne evenin ', . ' s Mrs. John 1"c'.p,1tei'.'ririr'"ir. fgfigfiovggmfn s Institutes ($1325: 1%???) arrived iiib’fin‘ixe gleg‘étOf IOn-. goria lunétecl nunzibezi- Cl11,ti1id1iai'. hetld / ., DC t .R. 2, Brampton Qu n an invitation t - a greetings fr 4 enc of- m ea ers frm {rues B, F, .,..Ci"=."iC.LT'=r'_"C.2.'."..,L'- een for the Fiftieth o.The of Ontario tt 71011.1 the Government Mrs. Huzh S n Jt.leg. provinces. " Correspondence should be add d 8,afiftr,It,ii2, to be iulnhivteht iolntunate 13.530132 ioégygalnada are a mistress, andmilillnetlfe 'ttVe lthstT: Ft reim t . ow r . ' 1e sai n Wt' Ima . - The 'ive,,'),',?, and 'COUNTRY'v e o Guelph, sey111ltthyal Colle ge, such 2821181213905 In the 1tgladidd'f//, iveigmheeagfi grgieg many eulogigsi _ HOmen i'd/,1t,e,ti1,1,tse BMW! and “The Liiryu1Ciiraiti . pleasant 1seuegro11'1'; be held, under such responsible for ttlhose who had been? P Department of A:ri§:i:1i:: iili‘at “13mm Her Mal-9515’ ézntgofgd XVOmen’s 'r11n1ipi1etdeipesi"ort said the Elgd its Ontstzlmdilrigdashcs programme; I arliamont Buildings T esen ,The Rueen's th It eel justly ' n ario could ose who had t cess, and of: "s Thi . . . ' create 2. be with the m oughts will accom li ‘ pr.oud of. what had menti C alien aptr. S eei Ir- secretiiriggpg i1'c2,t,1b1tftitt,l1t2ugt1o1 the auspicious mega??? on such an tfggyeet1, in rthtyi.fiftsr yeargeeg W. Rf)nRé211{JStP Fer-tamly be rouge ill 'i , Women'ts Institute ttg,',u,r,14.tit11t'" to the 'C.r.iL"'=CL'Li._.., ment of 'pp,1,'f1j,ue,1b,v. m the improvg and his Stafi‘ aégsldent of the o A.C . T _ -.'L..'L'LL.T""'"_""'"".C.L"'."_., he S . " 10mer. "No CO ' 'f, Tolt t,, especially of Cd ', c, _ EDIT " OUR INSTITUTE COLOURS '//ip'tiea','eyL1iiriic,tbttt the lziigiyéf for 'tohne'iv1)t,toltf.e Pulol.ie, Relavtioiig; -.._...E,e.li"e.ff1eEl1.'.V take“? in the classroom at the J, 21.0215, and the IIIéiittiEZS algmultural ' hMICHing of so g§1‘;‘a}glil;1:g made i . n- gre ' .- . ve eo . 1eri , WE few dOZ{irlcultural College where greate? coptributiop. to brimgde sl) the SO eminently 1itcl'ifd'he/.'1n" I FACE THE F en women-del a ' I happiness to th ruling; . e celebration f . The seco d UTURE Women's Institute E,dneegitoe/s lo the of the Province." e farm people mversary of the Woiiieiiile 50th An- ' Versery th n half of the 50th Anni- wry early years of the y.el,r,...1.?, The RE of Ontario passed dow Cs InStatutes _ was admiriiile}; WefFace the Future" Shscuaied the matter of 1giy1f,atig LIEUTEgEISIT'EON BY 31(113'111 live long in tillemnto history, 5 . se 6rth . r omen's I . urs or 1 -GOVEItN . e ,000 W0 . lemory of i, Ing message of th Hi Jn the elos- fact th nstitute. Due t th At the 1 OR it tl men who attended , at the Guel h e istorical Pageant i G at our conventions w o e gramm c ose of the afternoon n'. my drew inspiration t .From i, Anna P Lenp' Celebration by Mi n uelph--the Royal Cit ere held m It e, tea was served to th pro- greater effort, to re li 0 go on to . r1S, and whi h 5.5 was the famil I y, for Guelph u itude of visit e great were part f a 1ze that the worthy of reprod . 1.e we feel IS Viet " 1y name of good Q of the O.A 1 ors, and the st if Oro: . . o a great world . y editorial eolum uetion m full in this oria---then reigning and ueen the s . .C. performed w ' l ganization workin f ' 1 -wide ' . .--- , peed and onders 1n ment f h g 01 the b tt , . _ , That Lizht Hi1 . M.M,,H 2ggl colours are purple and as the the lon li smoothness with l hi h 0 uman relationshi e er- And guiiles S 1 Signs In hearts toda c ose them for our W01 , golf., we with w. Ines of people we V ieh oped that from that . YP?.. It is l us onward . y, Experien 11errs Institute. . their ba s T? served come a revit li, in.spir.atiop will We the 1 In The Way. di ce proved that pur I their be ' g of sandwiches t c 1 a ized organizati . 1 daughters daughters and ra d a iifieult colour to bt . YT tl was s Velages. It was a and 311° that will conti C um In On- of the first . g n - paper, et o PIII In ribbon Tooth organi . marvel of number . . "me to grox . ' i 52% the future ‘With 13:31;th women changed tg'biulet Was just graduallf tlhle, Hon. ferni, s, the same as a ”Shine? itte1t,f2egietig,1.cl actiiritg it ination and faith ge, deter- so 11 with no fuss or we Lieutenant-G . wfron, O.B.E. T celebration. _ Trul . ow blue and gold ar th 1FY, com . Overnoi of Ontari ' 0 the 50th Anni , 'c, d y we treasure the colours of the W ole .6 official . P?.nied. by Premier Dr IO, ac- composed .Velsm‘y Committ " eeds and a . past. The Omens Instit t reception rew held . of Mrs Hu h ee, women who giggpégshmings of the (Laura Rose Stepiigi) over 100 igegfogg11fdtdy H’ouSe 'd) Ip/l/h/ll,; Mrs. H. it Mfcriguénmers, j .Stel'ling" Chara t me e ore, their I--------------- The Lieut , W 0 had tea ther ' . rnest Duke, PIOI't C T '.' arnia; idths, inspire 1'fs1'el,s gen their high OUR mm (ip/lou/s, ie'n'est",e,rs2y'riiice 'lelii. 21illt 1,?idiptii., 'iii)))).?),'?)',,',').',,')),'.': i , . V w ' r e: _ . . . M23: e, $323313: rim; hegitage' ofIn convention at Guelph the bi Insiciltluilgsd been done by the 11fogveoJlc, iiirii'i'fio?.rii(iiii,; "Ill “A l Lvefatlllleio- our l ' F o 0 ay, ac a suitable , su Ject . It on, and . C, . . a er, things igsnge and go on to grezigt was one of 83:21:] was brought up. I "LET THERE BE nard of Unionv‘iiigh Mrs. Gordon May- l,. . cause the,ause thes.e _women lived her what we thought selected to. submit After tea h ' LIGHT" hard-working secrigéis-the efficient and I they built it] had VISIQn and bechusn That es/enink Iwould be suitable. again assemb’l t 9 great crowds once measure of credit foary, goes a large I strong and itte.o11ndations'so straight:a mfy dear mother’ssabgcéiqt theltable in tiful stage xviiichn il‘olntbof the beau- gents made and this 1:316]! arrange-, J . , . . v D P. . T . e 8Pportunities ahead are b ou dl t tgi/ter, thinking 1pttnt1,rcged, $253111? E’ccasion, ai'i"Itd'/i'fih eaiECtEd 'led/inn Itll),) they were carrie‘i‘toiitlarllt i , of 1rc.'1gg,igfigl, 1nogs no Eggs; tini,i1,sjsci.i"t'isefoi1,1: words---") Home, "Let T353: git-11:9 1ii1ori,,eraol page;th :Utelmdbers of til}; aciipit.tteey, and-the "i, , W , .’ ere? or oli . as it . . . . Brownl , .11? ' produe , l e to feel , ee are en- , alitifs,W§§i?§}c§f iiiieod1,a.i'i'iaiiis's,iti,iire,1, imam“? tihtotnhtien1t2t,id1, dh just a $5 'on/tLge/ICN/If/pct' Lag: ailii tlohoover 'iil,uipeett1hoefirsaef/,fgt r, ( . n reli . . - ess and Mi . . ' etal e Hood- on . Ing the . ne of ti . 1r e _'ort are Drovmg that mous beliefs 1SS Urie W 1 symbolical . . music .19 pleasin f s. h . we can work Macdonal . atson, Dean pa yea ' ' and historic 1 . the souiren11' ' g whims w ‘ kirfé“°“‘%‘ni13nfttteamongst: As a no? 11tlte1i1,t,edg,g.t lr, not? negotiators to ftiof,ti; veins”; rd gold 11'vell,rolill1ne1fin. with on: r. ll . . g,' howled e small wo 'd m 1s10n 0se fou spread e. y? ory, an ront the anni ’. r1ng on th ' 031:1 eriziaiigmg’ and’. in nudists??? are used1 ash le Home and Country}; ada 1he1/iutgt,1iztahet",1, acrosslcgh‘i Majesty aaJdgei'cs/e'L',Tr'difi. of He: t t1,iuttttr"g,ty1ifnri1eeifionre,siyi, thge motto of the Woilnehbse gstecss, the flaking part 15 2:11:31 tthhe, world. Those gresented to all (leiggggg 1tifil1 was . S o riendli . s 1 u es. reds_ . 1ere were h ramme ' . . is r - Tless, tolerance a d mess, kind- (Laura Rose St were all either a ti . un- H t. PI epared by M M p o shall be a mi . n mutual help W w,._.._(.,lt11E..adl.yf.1trr.11en) members Junior I . C ivelnstitute ood, Dlrector of ts bli '. cIntyre ghty force f , e maki 0' , '.1 nstitute and H Ontario D u ieity of th peace. Cyl? world Newmark , Ina Club girls, a . ' ome.. G epartment of Aryri e l This is our ch 11 . sored the fl', YOI'lg North: Spon. (H‘s. The'colourful igldyeisy Farm- }V.as.minted by the 'lrt.ijLPi1iit,1,11,2,1,',e/ ‘ tunity a enge; our Oppor and Ce Follies m Febr from the period dr Hines ranged hunted, and present I ompany, l Th1’6ugh intelli - Gavemade over four hundred (is-111133137 women portrayin -,t'etsf0s worn by the as its contribution 'teoc :10 the F.W.LO. , tical acti _ igent study and prae- . a. five dollar prize f rs. held at Ston g e.fiel; meetin versal‘y celebrati 1e 50th Anni- _ putting siijviwe bslhall work toqether gig}? t"l, grade seven havi or 3119 national new? ClefEkhln 1897 to mg ____L__‘_ I ' Ce etol' . , es st . ng e "' neso t e "' i 18 self, to bring term. anding at the end of the in??? liepresented as 'fiJr'iCrouiet'lil1; Markham, York East: of tho the Associated Countr come on the Way to 1'0 11' Steps are Y e World. ywomen Health Nurse for PMvce a. Publie and District. arkham Village 8 I l .. i

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