Burgessville WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 3, p. 3

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r _ L - 7.1 l L Summer, 1947 _ - LL L _ 3 1 ESSAY WHICH WON V SCENES AND PERSONALITIES AT wo , TIWVIIEEDSMUIR TROPHY f 1 MEN s INSTITUTE CELEBRATION e omen's Institutes or0ntario L L _ - - ME IKt Tlil LL ' ' 1 ' ' VV - - - 3 _ felt greatly honoured when the " Li. h - o V ' ' . . F, Ill.' iisn, IR5N . - r " . c%eirEi2Q EgNEM, I " Tweedsmuir Trophy m the Essay com- " I' , 'i',,' .- 5 " _ N . " l fiiiiiii'i'i'ii'i"ii L ijjs',e,'i'fc?iil, I 'lSiN'ic'rrrrCiCa'1s%EBj1 petition was won by an Ontario In- _ " TI ' '1..' . pq - 'li-' " _ ll ‘ . 3" Ml E . . “41“ 15.58%?" stitute member, Mrs. J. H. Christian, ' L , . ' " q s t . .9. " "" I tt IllllNlii5 Illea ll It- 1 Ilk Nb . '.'"t' EM! ‘L R.R. No. l,. Woodville, a member of 5-1. NP, C', _ , . BB8BIB, - Mh . . MEi? - "Ni 'iRieSii?,'iri'iii"iiB, 1;; - IT? - = the Islay-Zion Women's Institute of l L , 'rut. IR? t "rl" 1" if r ALT L Ln L ' 'am " 1lll BlF - - 2-ss,;, , . the . Victoria West District. Mrs. f q " . - . ttull - ' . ‘ RsiiEgl M? ' al" L: - ( Christian s essay, on the subject, f'The ' , , q . " F, " . - , . i ti I ' '.allll 5.. i Book I .have Most Enjoyed," is so lh' 'C. t _ - - 5 'h " is} il . 3'1. - 'iira. 1 . . outstanding that. Institute members ill .- Ty ' LL». L til 'rEa' . t J MII _ 1 all over the Proyince will be pleased " ', v i'. t . EI m lg tt . TP L - 3 , - to have ,it published in "Home and in .1 _ . I ' . . I " 1. 1.. Ii 'i L Country’. The essay. is therefore pub- " L'» t L": ' ~. L L L _- . is P P'. " 1 " .1, L _ lished below. - Lila ' '4 . " - - . I?" Il., L I » Lva "" " . L _ r From across Canada left t . . LL" L s." - ' _e,..%" 7 _ . . - 0 right: Mrs. S. . - . L . THE BOOK I HAVE MOST mow, British Columbia; Mrs. Hugh Summers fig/g,.-. Waliiii'toas 'a'gl the ULSLALL'MFSL G. T Brown and Mrs. ENJOYED Mrs. Elton Smith, Nova Scotia; Mrs. Cameron bow Que-L Mrs. Hugh a"lJf,'h'; ‘from Mmhlgani. being welcomed by The book I have most enjoyed-bee and Mrs. Julian Herring, P.E.I. 5 ' mers, F.W.I.O. President. tantalizing thoughtl--erowding into , LLLL"-- "", " ' . MMM q _ . _ . . . . -- the.routjne of mY,busy day and clam- . ' . "q L ' L ' I - "L ' ’ 1- y " L i. MI Gil IMF, EiiiiaBiitltrii'd curing for attention, begging me to " 5 I "ill T" ' - ' . l _ "illlltM, £3 Il.iEWt'it52E . , ,w . leave the pryver.1,.patlys to go a-gypsy- if a... . ' , ' '. .' 1. mT if; ' - ' MEI' _ M bii L L " MIlMl, itsEiNilIil $341,511 btaRg, V ing into.un/amiliyr fields. And yeb-- I "ttFar, - 1 1 1. s, 113-1: l, . , . ti& ' P . if? El-gli,;' 33249 . a' "New 1 variety IS the spice of life, and thus ‘ - . - " I - - ' , 'Pt, iid/iM tu _ "£31 . 'kead'R MliiLk',rCrrail',)t'i,ttrit I Til=2:s - _ we grow. IB. I -_ - "IESlt r. LT?, Ml 'Alll - ' rb' 1. 3 "",aP, "e?e'c'cii,.ri;'i ii8Ri:, .311: FFirrN TF,' 'SM But.there are so many. Down the B' tW. " $15.31 ' " I " r, 53.. 't ‘13-. "ii?,"ilf:,r _ F e?..:. 'd, “Q “’L L 1 ujr L marching years they troop in slow - .-1 .1 ”114”"1" WVL ' " 2,3351%: Fai , 'q “i «1311 ist', 1f" L l reVlew- Books, books, books! Old I. ' - Mil 1i1lliilME, rv-ali?, Je. -' 21:1} t L l Cc,, (d IE'-, .,,' 5., '3“:"'1"°"‘§‘,§’L W453?" l I friends, grown dear through long ac- a 1 ’ " a BlNgiiEllMif,, , fy _ J"' d s, rgar L Trl"""" L 'l,%t.Miti't2lltlN1'iii't5ir ’L LL l: quaint.an,c5 others quite new, and all ' ' - " iili1E 55 ._ d ’ - :'i'.f'c?v",s' .33."? .,' . rllisl(i',i:2viflil:ll,il.85l.iiilt I ttet, 'rr . those in between. Each has ministered " . " if l "71,5 '.‘1-€1l'".;”L J? "3: _ .. I"iiiiai' B:tiitit.! 93",?” l f,Fi'rf,, T to some need or mood, has filled swift q . 'l ' _ L " . ' " M . " . " l "ii!, ". q j, ':.tli:ta 'ifttM, 2alih .1 l,,, i cr.q' hours with romance, and clothed the . ll. - ’ - 2 _ , ltr i}; ii“ ' L: "e),"':,?.:, figfihkfiifi3 ‘7". commonplace in charm. Through your ', 1/ L L RSI L "Ci, '__.-, TWE EC4i.% 'ktgr,S2'e"iNlt't8r'r, Ib1ii7i:,,c5tgbPri/i1r"j' ., ' pagiils It ha? travelled far, learned E L , , Some Annive C it LL - C L et mile , as. at strange adventure, ast meets west: Mrs. Ca rsary ommi tee members: Mrs. Gord n Li laughed, cried. How can I choose past president, F.W.I.C 1greetsm§1riflsn 1l?"ii fli'lomt Gaspe, 1Wea:11;, Mrs. Ernest Duke, Mrs. A. E. Walker, Mrs. J Ti L among gm? Mrs. A. B. McGarman, from Alberta . . or on and y and Mrs. H. R. McCrie. . . l An ien quite suddenly I know. 5, . _--- - - - ..., ". _ . l Lying there, s.till open from our morn- 1.7... " ' - " ' P. 1 ’ _ _ " F II, " , ll Ill-hr, aiE2tlN "M' " I IllMtiE l, ing reading, Is the Book of books--- “ iie .il " - , " MMS' IllllllllM'icalRElPiia . - 'iillm Tllllt;i-gMJ,lNEill 1 my favourite! Tenderly I take it up 115' Mi I , IE, ' - - "d if. L" is. .‘1}‘Q;~1:.‘_’.3L;LLL __ dl ., .. . L 1 ‘6?“ Fdraii'iYia= e ' . and leaf amo.?g its pages. Wrapped 'tii 1., 'it [N _ . 'am, . W, ae We ',vNi I . Ile 51*? " . q 'lt 'al A . IN hj'fal: "l up between its worn covers is the 'e 1: " . " .. - ttl is 'M hi? aim " , 's1itrt, ' ' - Elksip 'N?. 'f4'Ci;?s'ragWaq, 55 best of all my books and much more Tw - ' 51..» ff.“ qkl L Q.=..1..1': sf. ' " " " 'ark ~ 5555.1. I L " "331313,“; Less)? al _ _ besides, My .earl.iest recollections have r _ l - '. l T 5 ", g FTW, F Li P' ma ' t " ' iEa 1 i " » f .r8P,i,i'ii) ‘LLLW i been of Stories from its pages thrill- , a /. I' L. __ ' Jr' sf," .3 ,l’ " _ Iti8 its.?) . 1.;1'5 1333.35 si,'r',i',riii:ls'?,iri,:si'is'i _- , ing my chirdi.sh heart, and now that f - l '. l "rt:" .. it". /' 3193.1", A a fft V; %¢:5 ~11»;- , is"; , I am older. this storehouse of precious ', -r it ttttas 'epic r"), h " R),) L", L" it), 'Cty)',','-;)'-,;"),")"':] L; treasures is still a neverfailing source . - .413 “‘” U/tr/r?')',' MR . 5 ' Mth' ' '.' ' ititiiiii'iiiB'Eiel C" “of pleas.ure and instruction. is I“? 't,',T.'r., _it'sii)/:P)?i5illlMlll1 1-1» g. T15:. “1," i 'lltilllllilliiiMil%, _ , Here, in words of haunting beauty I -e L L tr: , _ ':it.ji)iiiit"ii1! lf 13L t - Mt rr - - L Itll '”" " MF', "’13 llllll" 'llllltll!giilltggN,, 'e H read the answer to the riddle of my --" _ I " 'Fl, L5“; '.i MI I e L - E'-' q r lltliiiiilillllfiEe', 1 3‘ life, the p.essent,,patst and future. Like . ' _ -) l (it' 1.?" t - IME " . _ It,',,,,?:,;] .. " T ' ' I BiliitgiilillllRElm l" 5139131312153 into a hall Ofdmiri‘ors I see T _i Fr, ' srar_I ' [il, q - ‘ IFC- _ L ' C', bd Irs illllliljllMlilir!iN myse on every_ si e, startling, Executive Bo V . _ 1 M" "F" i, strange. Yet, too, it points the way ton; Mrs. Ben JgiriiesL Ital??? 2ihlh McClure, Bramp- FVtIfLLiOSL the Past: Mrs. A. E. Walker, past president where I may find myself as pure and secretary, Brampton , ay It an rs. John McCulloch, . . . . and F.W..LC.; Mrs. Laura Rose Stephen Tiii,"; i lovely as I long to be.. Within its . government orgamzer, and Miss Marjorie Lee TG', ht _ pages I find a love more wonderful Misc: a rr-m - “‘5 .. of Mr. and Mrs. Erland Lee, the W.1. pioneers: g er l than any penned by man. The Prince E iii so - "'s,ki.21l,yLt"iiic? 1:.“451'355... s' F, F Eiag . r , - i of Glory Aame to woo and win his l 'Slilt'l, ' . - iiiiriiiiaEFMki' 5,' . MlNlMlBr . F, _ "3.33; ( 1lB%aiitrrasr2c'k'iksiieIl- ' 'c. _ i captive bride, of which I may be part. [, 1, 7‘ f F. s "tee C". Bl qt 511 M mee b, e _ 1.1"" aq . . ‘ ' iliiMlMl 1.3;?“ L . if (£9; 3333:," " 5' l " L t Through the medium of such love my . "x ("L53 r L ' f WI .3? id? ae r Etitui V"? V " Ill1lgMi2l ’ ~‘“ tel, 'ig-lil-itil' - "LL37"; ' 1 whole life becomes transformed and [) ' x‘; ‘ " Elbu, L rl tgsyeeieE, _ MM .1»,ng "I. 9 tEh' I " ' MMil - AN MRgt2i', l Bl i', glorified. I amfno longei‘) a stumbling E 5’, il f,“ rr Ill - I s " tlt a . yti'isih'" L. a...» 'fi', gh WA'WL 'ii"iiiiill' iiiigii', " ta - ' , T Vancerer on 1 e's way ut a h ste . qt-IE? - - . . ’ iMB, " " ' _ 5N " 'MM., F,StrgMtiat I .2“ " -. aam a . is ordered by the Lord. My liitcchen i: , _ral ., 9, i" ”"4 Y ii g ' (s 1lExfiiii it _ C Gr JF', ESilitgill "g i. 1 1.. BifP " © _'ii'i" iS?' A; l my Palace and humdrum tasks take I gp, L tlr, ' L _l,'ii, L} " LL 'v',r'si “is; 'irieN;'i' , , AT', L7 ", " . cr, "Li? At', Y, . on a nobler meaning. Again I read: ' ii, ‘ " , . F, "d - " 4&1; " :3 ty? ", 1 c, TAN , E Ir, 'tiris"?)" :~sf&_(51 .57 the prlce of a virtuous woman is above , B, _ 5 c, & 1 Il M, “with; in" MI , ‘15 Nt .1 f sf ,. 5 ie, -5 . . 'Es/rd) 5 A ,5»: KW t"Hc, .51 L,, i rubies. She looketh well to the ways RB, "a TNi r, - "ll8liliEiilg5,gillfiii, . 7d?W, shim ,. c, _ " "ig ",,a'rcisii:.ri rf; - s/'Ca"i'Ficu/'crl'r" Sis ,r'Ha'hTgl 'l of her household-not the office or Kil . - m 23.5::“‘;5j§:5.-’.'5sv;~EQ§¥%»«fligi. -. 1- e3. rage f; '. Tsts'; , LC,,,:' ',:ecf'rr'i, - s the c1y.b--but to her household. And - tE aiillIlllltBBillllliM 1’51“""e..1‘1. T 1 3 i'ei1 1 ", -rtiv.J, _ , it?fl " ... b"r3iitq I '4 if at tlmels I Ion}? for greener fields - 3 1rlg5mgllEBhi.EPlefCrrT, L LL g.5.A": LL WW". Ir, if . bi: (lies-::,,,,-,)'),:, L" "r“. Illlll.,ii,,_iill$,rlt.?sl!,',% L these. “Us "even my humble role in . T V . l, y id MlMt'iiiiiiea'" ' am'1&*«”{i the fulfilling of a divine decree and A typical bus-load: That of the Fo t . ----u as. swwifiieassmfi r f l d i ' . , , Institute-arriving at the 0 A C n hill Wome , c,' ' '_'..- al-AWG-NE SE* "A" L L 5 I am com 01 e . Hei ehildren, too, Celebr ti 1 . . for the 50th Anniver “S HOW they ate lunch: A typical Mr ' rise up and call her blessed', What au0n. sary Institute members enjoying a picnic ligiiimllip of omens i. more $011M heart desire-to make of ”â€"’3â€"fl: 1 these our walls home where love and FOLLOWERS NEE l . _ DED ALSO th t; . truth abide. For every problem, for .na we be alert, aware of condi- T . . every sorrfowt there are words of wis- (By Mae (33:35:53. Farmer's $18115; nottswayed by slogans prei- tutlei1et,1,ttgejattsti11(ioQpi1gt"i, Instr. l om, com orc, power. Th . . Ice, par lsan emotion . , . o y pro- ' she bursting buds speak tlie $333ng! . One begins to wonder if we are mak- loyalty is thought of asS b13130 J,','?,,"; {raglanda and huge investments in pub- seedtime and harvest shall not cease. mg toomuch of leadership. Leaders are unquestioning devotion to a leader of ll/il Y. nor by producing a few leaders. Through miracle of c1'ocuses and daf- as diverse as any other, group, shar- a §logan. This was the path down h 53y circltd.t,he globe because they fodilS blossoming from the cold brown mg just one thing in dommon---their .1yy.i,ch the Nazi rushed to his dom t? a good idea, because seif-eduea, earth I hear a beloved voice: "Rejoice, followers. Most of us are destined to Hitler was a great leader-because 1:11. ion IS the basis of their programme, ', because I live ye shall live also}! [t f?ll.opveys and quite content to be in had so many followers. e and because every wife and mother " _ And so, on this beautiful spring t e tail of the comet. But if democ- Partisans are the enemies f and homemaker IS concerned with the " mornrng I make my choice, confident 'their, IS to .syrhnve we must have in- ress. They do not want t 0 PTQg- same basic problem. \\ that in; oth.er shall transcend for per- exigent wide-awake citizens. nor to understand for dll p312)??? .---.--. manen _enloyment this dear 1 book W not give the best , . acce tine: re "" . . S ---the Bible. For books may (3,3,8 and education to each individual, 1:355:13: Wlthp their igro1ist'fdtitt Ill e British "////f,,sT,) TREASURES MISS _ books may go but it goes on forever! ms to his capacity? Conditions call freedom taught the world a J/g5,',nia,,1 . T S JEWELLED PIN _ "; .------.------------- [pe, leaders, but to attach the label the past decade. Personal fl-eedoslgncln The Jewelled _pin which had bedi, i, mtnrobin, Carleton West: Elee- i Em y to this. untested and to youth exist only with personal responsib'l"?n presented to Miss Emily Guest one _ . I . . S 9 i.nylte disappointment nd t Let us have f 11 Ir ' 1 I] y. of the two Can l ' . tree ty was used for the first time t . a C) o ON1 ers who ' a(ian women who ( in local Orange Hall movies and Ti1tthinl1perii,c,lu,ajsi Lind groups out of step the leader as long as he is $1131?" troduced Women's Institutes to Grént a, talkieS sent out by the, Federation of racy, 'iesijic1seiibgifit)ufssu1e1 $11121? 22:21. GELLLLSLLL An alert, informed, Sin? 1311mmit became the treasured posse: 3 Agriculture. Posters judged from We choose those to whom we delZgateL (i1,e2r,it'Jft'))e',, from? Vlllage club to an ng 0 . 12irr W1. Mrs. Earle M s:'" local school and $2.00 divided in authority and we get the government leaders 1g1il1ete, will Call forth t2i'ieie,sise,' of Miss Guest and fifG; . . . ' . . T ' o L . s , prize money we deserve. Wise choice demands such a procesgion. e at the head of pin. It '.isoUili'1'dovibppiie1htei1, the . d 1- eac re i., ent during her term of office. p SI 'r . l, ,. UT“ L L - L v' e L L LLLL " T IIN, 1. -,

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