F. 5’ i, ' V PCUNDER AND ORGANIZER OF WOMEN'S lNSTITUTES IN CANADA (CONT'D) PAGE 2 l l l i the stamp, and the Women's Institutes are renewing an earlier request that a Hoodless stamp % be issued commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of her death. u f Mrs. Hoodless died on February 26th, 1910, stricken by a heart attack in the midst of i her work, while addressing the Women's Canadian Club of Toronto on the need for a larger ; and more advanced teacher's training college in domestic science.. She had barely finished 2 her fifty second year, but she had lived long enough to have received international re- _ l Cognition for her work. A few years earlier a British publication had piched her as its _ most 11istinguishedWomtim of the Year. In 1909 the Directors of the Carnegie Technical ; Schools asked her to inspect their work in the United States and make a report with re- â€A commendations. ! 55%| What she accomplished has stamped her name - Adelaide Hunter Headless - on the honor roll of women's organizations in Canada and the world over. By the end of her brief fifty TWO years of life she had founded or helped found: the Young Women's Christian Association l of Canada; the Victorian Order of Nurses; the National Council ofWomen: the Macdonald l Institute at Guelph; and the Women's Institutes across the world. I i _ . i l I Typed - February 1961 - by x g I Mrs. Wilbur Morley : l % i _ l, ' _ i I l (’2 l w! , I . i,