fi' CCI, 3 B1JR(1IlSfNILriiiill'l. I. ANNUAL MEETING 1965-66 (CONT'D) Of all the activities the institute does, We feel we should give the outsiders a buzz. The community at large should be kept well informed, So they never can say our Institute is deformed. Mrs. Fred Sullivan looks after Public Relations, To say it's done well, we have no hesitatione. Things of Public interest we all must confess Are written up nicely and sent to the press. The Institute is most interested in Community Welfare And. wonders all the time as to just how and where, 1p As to what can be done to better the plan, _ir'ti)), Which would. be an improvement to both Woman and man. So we all pull together, the Institute Motto in mind, "Home and Country" it is, and. whenever we find That we have come up with n real good solution, Then to the proper sourse, Ade sends a Resolution. 'We're surely all happy that we each made the jaunt Out here to Ingersoll to Clark's Restaurant. And. when we return home, feel that we are the winner By taking the day off to attend this Institute dinner. Composed by Wilbur J. Morley Read at the Annual Meeting - April 14/66. Typed by Mrs. Wilbur Morley. -,s' F. _"')";