I V - /'7. /7 ith (M b t jlit1 il Canada's National Newspaper n Toronto - Canada 373:," l, 1773 Dear Yhrss. Hoover, 'tn Fey 13, 1959 Canada issued a sinéle 5&5; ccsmmrrrcrrativs-) stamp For the Arsocieteé Country ',/crr,,r-m or rte World. ir' This stemo was oartly in honor a; Aeelaice 10061683 of Hamilton Tntario. c), hublic schoel in that city was herii Utter her. Then Releh "f'i-trra:iier:cl-d designed this stem: (sample enclosed) I accused 'ivrc: in thi Globe ar) Nail of stealihj the design frwm an earlier Polish stamp. In turr the: $0list artist swiped the desirpn Fr'm C: Sermah coin e†1346 but h’ reversed the fiiure turrihr it Frjm riiht to left, She, made i.t like: tyrre German coin. The pap r came out on a Saturday with '-T:Y str [C' colurn in it, an: on Sunéay nielt hrs. Becan (her carried name ) te1r-r-shsccrer" to CTS: and screamed her bloody head off at my accusation. Che lives about 25 miles Frtm us, but iF I' 'r-c-rc] 'CrcC-i-.rrrrrc? our frgnt door I'm sure that my wife eh? I coul€ have heard her yelling. I have all three: Germrn coin, I"\lish stamh 335 our Canadian stamp in an exhibit o? stamps at tie loyal “ntgrio itseum at tlc mreseht time. I shuf er to thirk what Feleh will 5“ if" she sees it. C?-rr.r.nd, luck, but sen†"f/CF' a star rcrc.1 addressed; envelope DEX? tirrree ? This portage far hundr?ds c,f letters every month costs me a small tortune in L-? year. Sincerely p' ‘ ss"" " as†l V l , , Ir, Q, ' Lhag‘.s Patrick (et")'"" Ilohe c"Cf2r, 'yrrrvi1, "hilstteliste Raul f Kr) (Cy {3"3f1 _-" i" . 13'. r), i" 1i,2'ucrcy, 1:! _ I)' 'v:"s, i T Icct-: l Ci. r J; i ; ilnvmftn by MRJI)HUODER ,