If - HlSTORY Ji? BURGEShVibLE W.i. \continued) have been able to count on the interest and active support of our W. 1. For war work in World Wars 1 and 2, a book might be written regarding the activities for lied Cross and Patriotic purposes. During the first war, all money was raised by the institute through bazaars, teas, garden parties, end showers such as this one in 1915, when these articles were donated - e dozen and 10 pillow cases, 12 cheese cotton handkerchiefs, 2 khaki handkerchiefs, 20 sheets, 268 surgical pads, 1 box gum, 20 chocolate bars, 5 writing pads, 5 packages envelopes, 2 boxes homemade candy, 2 jars cocoa, 50 cakes toilet soap, 80 surgical bandages, 10 surgical shirts, towels, 2 barrels of canned fruit and jam. Ill sewing materials had to be bought and out out by hand, before sewing. in the lest war the Institute joined with all other organizations of church and community in a Red F cross unit, receiving material ready-cut to sew and yarn for knitting from headquarters y“ in Woodstock, and finished articles returned to them. miss surgess opened her home for _(,t' weekly sewing meetings and five sewing machines were loaned for the work. besides this " sewing, our branch made large quantities of jam for overseas, twice each year sponsored, a Salvage Drive, using the money for war work, Ditty bags were filled for the Navy League, boxes sent at Christmas to local boys overseas, and pencils to boys in service here. Money was contributed to the Central Fund of Institutes for mobile Kitchen for Army service and Seeds for nritain. Bostwar activities include the sending of $10.00 each month to relieve hunger and distress in nritain and Burcpe, through such channels as the "Save the Children rund"etc. _ Raising money and spending it is of course not the sum total of our interests, the regular programs each month include much of educational value as well as demonstrations on new methods in preparing food etc. The social contact of women at meetings adds much to the life of rural and village women. The series of Card Parties each winter bring people together socially, and increase our funds. Short courses in sewing, glovemaking, and food preparation have been on our list of projects. Our wish is that the surgess- ville nranch of W.l. may continue for another 50 years as active and useful as in the past, and we urge the younger women of the community to come and join with us in helping to make our homes and community the ideal one with the right type " recreational act- ivities for youth and Interesting projects for all. mrs. Glen Warboys - President, hrs. Martin nuchan - Sec'y trees. Taken from history prepared for 50th Anniversary - rob. 12th, 1954. _ Typed by "' Mrs. Wilbur morley - March 1960. atrtiriiirdhh,sa, “a! - 'q - , v T2r, ' {’31f; 't _ . ' "l,,,, l a 'il " . f, 'llll e ’ T oii' ' , L, J' ') e 'ilt I . m w ct., llllB' " - v , IC,, bliii'iii'i' ' in}; _ Ill.,,, k v " = il, fL _ 1 . - I , , li, (i, at. I': v r wF r Al 5 'L"P, [!fl; If Ni. _'" { /10/lvss.,gos-/iv.s; Cp/vos,