BURGESSVILIE , Burgessville was a hamlet in 1845 when nelson Batherton started the first store. l In a map prepared in 1821 by Peter Lossing, first settler in North Norwich, the north 1 east corner of what is now the village was owned by Aaron Corbin, the south east by Peter McLees, the north west by Elias Snyder and the south west by Blues Moore. It was first called Synder's Corners but took the name of Burgessville in 1848 by popular vote... Edward'West Burgess, for whom the village was named, was born in thevicinity in 1821 and started the blacksmithing and carriage making business in 1844. He was postmaster for /- M 30 years and station agent for 18. The farm latterly owned by Wilfred Dennis, where - I Frank McDonnell now resides, was the original Burgess homestead. 'pi1au-o/-s7o-4t-iec/(-es p/£Q75i , q In 1886 the 380 acres comprising the village were set apart from the Township for local ', Improvement purposes. In 1915 it was made a police village - without a policemen'. gig: Burgessville at one time was a thriving little village with many businesses, flax mill, mrtrpr C 7 r carding mill, shoe shop, tailor shop, tinsmith, etc., but is now as it started, a hamlet. in 1875 the first train went through to Port Dover. In 1936 the station was closed and‘ we hed one train service and in 1941 that was discontinued. A bus did run from Norwich to Woodstock, but even that has been discontinued. ‘Toodstock was always the county town, and . it hes been said that years ago in the days of toll gates, if people were in a hurry they went by way of the toll gate, but if they had plenty of time went by Oxford Centre. _.ri.1'ce first cheese factory in the county was started by Harvey Farrington three miles §0uth and the second one in Burgessville by his son, Edward Farrington. After a success- lon of owners the factory was sold to the Bordon Company and now is closed. The first school buildings were log, then frame and now brick. DeLos Hewitt was teacher in 1855, Elias Snyder and son, Elias Henry Snyder were teachers in those pioneer days. 'mir had for some time only a public school with two teachers. Then in 1927 a two. room Continuation School, containing a Community Hall under the same roof, was built. Time ' eventually came when this school was closed and a little later, as the need arose, these rooms as well as the Hall were converted into another Public School known as Barge/YYY/y-t . 5% The time soon came when still more space was needed. when in 1957 a tio room Addition was built,, In 1959 grades 6, 7, and 8 were brought in by bus from all over the Township, ', Which is operated by Hilton Hilliker, for the Township School Area. Dalton French of Burgessville also Operates a fleet of busses which conveys the High School students of the _ Township to the Norwich High School, . _ In 1959 a 5 acre site was purchased from Gordon Barker on the south side of the village for the purpose of building a ten room Public School. In 1960 the building contract was . let to Butler iii: Ash of Otterville and building operations started. Now in early spring of 1961 the various schools throughout the township are being sold blth the understanding that the new school will be completed and ready for use at the beginning of the fall term. This means that the entire public school population of the township, starting September 1st ' 196l,w111 be brought in by bus to one of the three Village schools. . . . . Mr. Lemon The Be tist Con re atlon has been in existence for 112 years with Mr. Howie, and.ElderpHavilandgasgpioneer preachers. The Methodist Church was started in 188? by Reg. . Ra‘w. Wright as pert of the Oxford Centre Circuit. In 1907 was made the Burgesmri11e circuit under Rev. c. L. Poole end is now the United Church. 1 The illofated Farmer's Bank was the first Bank. then Trader's. then Royal and HOW no Bank. _). In earl de s - T now - we had no doctor and Dr. Cook, who settled in Norwich in 1851, __') was the oniy ti'L'1'i,,'"h, the Township. iir"riir'eiirii'i. was our first doctor and the late Dr. 9, A!!tt, J“match our last. " F J, The Dufferin Flour Mill and Lumber Mills were owned and operated by Il?. E. Mollins and Son :‘ for Over sixty years but were destroyed by fire twice, rebuilt and then burned age n. _ g ' The Franklin House operated by Edward O'Neill was a popular hotel in pest days. The ' building still stands but is now an apartment house and Grocery Store. I ' The Public Library was Starfed In 1911 by the. Women‘s Institute when the 1r3te MIS- 1’3qu '1 Shyder was President and is now quite flourishing. ' _ 8 __ t _ 7, ' A Jr? _ o usi1 _ tty ' In 1927 it was taken over by a The ndent Tale hone.Com any the organized in 1995 f _ h 5 the Towizgigeand is nowpknownaspthe North iiotv.ritrhuunieip'n. Telephone System with head _§ Office it the village;: ' g _ L L - f f '