» \. ‘ 4 workminship of its dosigner and builder, Mr. E A Moore of Otterville who cransformed rugged ficld stone boulders of our vicinity into such a pyranid of bcauty, Upon the arch in raised numerals .re "1914â€"1918" and undernoeath are the signifigent words ="TrutheDutyeValour." a testimony m to service well and truly rendered as well s a worthe=while ideal for youths to follow | in a time when the peace of the world is so much desired. On either side ' of the archway proper a tier of stone pillars continues (intez%aeted with , two ti®_g of iron tubing) to each end of the grounds, where & gate entranceS w‘-% provided, ths pillsrrs of which ere capped with oval glass globes bearing the inscription "Brownsville Cormunity Perk", & * | Such is a brisef rosume of proesent dey activitios of Brownsville I community and everts in conncction therewith, written not in a boastful _ spitirt of pride, but with the twoâ€"fold purpose of creating a public spirit to commenmoratoe the memory of our soldi.er boys and fallen heros, and : also to stinul to groater interest in our coumunity centres and rural > schools and their surroundings that they may chound with culture _nd ruzskr» i j f . bbcome the boauty spots of every neighborhood. j bs.