if "r / , _ ‘ ONTAR IO 'JEo'iif,2iyyfi1"l', OF AGRICULTURE -________'_'_' EN 5 INSTITUTES sh ld a -i-----e--e--e----e------e--e--ere---e--" _ ou ( see that the hall is 1 . . -----i--__------- well for the resid . c ean, well-lighted and thorou . Summer Serie . the.y.ear'? (Ut £133: 01 the Secretary of the branch to g.hly ve,nt.ileted.. It is e be in . Ive a b , ANN V ee Ings l position to give helpful agngénlg of the meeting; this plgces thercllefl rthlew of OUNCEMENT 0 , m regard to the General k e ega e in a F SUPERINTEN _ Each branch . . . . to Ivor of the branch DENT ' one da . visited IS responsible f . . c y an 1 . . or the ente t 1929 Ji,i'cll,i, '/y,f,an/f1.atitder11gfi/iT may be able 'teortaasiyy"ilnt to/eteagte,l.tf for ' F . , C I' " . . . , t I O . c . coueiltiegh1e,1idt1ieuhti,eanky, Branch Institutes thr h of IC'0rS. esponsibility which rests with thg dislttiiigt . , . ou " n iinifiilngs y1.noyneed. 1i,,eienp.atn (35131311015 Agricu.1.tyre in gplgiiiiitrilge IT ghee 3 re 1lt llielnbers Should give invitations to otl 1p,a)lig,rrawJft'lntcgtiettuigr' The -h11ssiT1lu"1Tydf11i,ersovti?, or 1more branchees :3: (ledii,q,ill1/i,eec1rrce,1ersdi)ralh1i'a1'si,t direct to tlieelded‘hogigfel ding gihls to attend. 111 e aims 1 es a ectur th h . . a east two w k er ome addr local branch furnishes ' p.rograpmes and m th er oroughly et of the topic chose f . ee S before date f . . ess . tertain ? ods for each m ti r . . " n 01 the local me ti 0 meeting, motif i transportation; 31101;}: en ment, and the district " . ee Ing, the as to what provlSlOH has b e Ing. Please, also notif Y ng been an important fa er example of the sharin orgapAzetion provides Cis een made for her entertai , y the delegate . ctor . _ . g of responsibil , . . . . inment. o'd.leys are asked to makeuiit ij,',":,,',',-)?:,',':?'] and development of ilifec11c.h has ings “811:8! lilnches and picnics are an enjo abl f will be welcome to attend the my? that all women and girls (sixteen or. The med: (le egute should be given an oppoirytungt efture of the summer meet- forget, that government service 1851;1g-S’ fg which there is no charge. Dower) n FF. 1 y or proper rest and regular tggiuxggegs. Iglstitute only; so see) 1that ‘33? line")? If" not the membersngi W t ADVFRTISING ien y. mm a Ions are general and . e s rongly advocate V . . which . a _ C an afternoon . withNtEh: Institutes have been formed at 27 centr . able 1cl.1ete,,t,iye';: al'? usually held. The "g1,pttedijeiaind)l' called .fiy an hour at comi cr prospect of. many additional branc] es _Slnce the first of January with the I meetinng a day, except where this h e egate will not be avail- invigijiolgiontlllis,b and it may be that some 1,,ee,salieh1t all.gamzed during the nstitutes Branch. as been arranged for direct WI e active in organizin ' en e summer seri I d . . . . g at new ' les on n l vertisin , th . . i m Enhaddltlon to the series of meetin s b . centres. . and subject or 1t.'iJcnls' Idiihcsee of meeting, hour, name of Departme t 1 i 5021185162"; been made to hold special l/r/s,,),'),",.)',,':,),:),:"), herein, arrange- numbers, should be given 13%;??ngth with additional tirebgsinf/hsgi1astgl, aces. V use 10 science judgin t a meeting and an in ‘t l o utilize the local . uSlca Nutriti . . . g a col . , V1 ation should be ext papers in advertisin , will be frieleon’ Housing and Clothing will be taken . f,"j/.1y,1re,nbtjr,' whether members of the Institinded to all women and girls in tth At each Comic Ill, women and girls who wish to tail3 613 these courses, which ing a st,hpeil, arrange definitely for ads ertite? or n03 The branch and district i = . se ere will be a di l . e a vantage of th as 0 eir respective . -. .,c. , Sing, an have a l 1 bearing upon a variet f . Is? ay of literature d . . e same. A 1 fl . responsibiliy. C ear understand- b ects 1n rhi an illustrative mat . t? et announcing all th . . ested. Full announc y 0 su J . w iich.women and irls . -erlal by the district s ' . e Teeli.ngs III the dist . . l tireldgstricts concerneedmggfi 1,ttiggirhitit1riull be made tgo all 2th: v/Sit/dst/ri-, ecretary and copies forwarded to eardht liaiselhally gotten out ' WI e ex , 1 u es sur . n . The girls 'g/jtyjetehltp"irg1,1 (it Insure f its 1iisg1,1gy1/111ipi,tl1igect; $310158“ A k ti GENERAL NOTES short courses will be o a en ' and those who tak ac clay. S ques ions at the meeti C i,, ex t _ . e advanta . u of the C Ing, not afterw . tive branches. pee ed to report important features to theiiergfs‘piég" ber/ly1"ifi',i,ook and rl ard, when all will get the benefit - . I penc1 with . . INFORMATION mi D "N If the Institute has b you. I The district officers will be r ll ISTRICT OFHCERS Women and girls overegrflta beelit, to you, ask others to ioi stlt', sleieaker throughout the riding g/gi2t,'d to arrange for the transportati f een will be made welcome at all Jririelet' I S 011 co-operate in planni o pay or the same. The b ?.n 0 GEO l P lngs. ranged through the kindnemg for transportation and thi ranch officers . " . UTNAM, . . f memb . , IS can often b F, Sn -' expense to the district 111530 ers and friends of th . _e ar- SUMME perintendent. ute. e Institute with R SERIES OF W , In some co . . . out OMEN'S INSTIT . the 2prrTnecityideileist,ait,.11sua1 for one of the district officers to acco 1929 UTE MEETINGS The district secreta mpany , (Meetin ill . . . ry should . gs WI be held In the af T . ttiiacnty"getlgaedspae/1alsley, (Slow to /egyteirffi'ee afS to plans made for DIVISION No. l-Mrs W J Hu t (1131110011 unless otherwise indicated.) . so sen the delegate ace 0 meeting in th . . . . n er, ox 626 Bram t N. It is , copy of announce _e dis- F . ' p on, lay 15 to 22. 13118.“? of J,i11itsit1 tt,af,v:tit.,vili, possible the delegate 'irif, of meetings. Port Rowan Dr. Annie Backus, Port Rowan, May 27 to June 27 t e officers and memb r’ .rus giving her an Ja en to the next Forrest il 'ir'fCTr,'r7rfi1.rri'rriri'i"'" N . held the next afternoon?“ regarding the local 1'.1ag,T0lr,teui1,irtey to consul) with (?gtiSr1illee, ("av,g1e,nvels2)s,tittt.e Hall I'.'.'.'.".."..".'.'..".".'..".".".'.'." Tfolk 803th ..---.May 15 I re the meeting is Hall................. as h St. John's Parish .......F_wm....F......F. " 16 Branch officers h Nil-‘ORMATION FOR BRANCH Oi=ric Port Dover T0WnHll " u tainment of s eak S ou d see to it that deiinit A Ens Marburg (and L nn i) li"i'(,T."'Eiiiii'firr'iia"ii'JJi.".'.'.'.'. " " ...F.r...mF.....r..F.... C', 17 secretary as iii) arilanand thorough advertisinge 2113515 are made for hall enter- Lynedoch, Private resiiléizé’ Shand's School...... tt " .qF.mFrm....r._..m...... i: 20 gements made for the iécai sh?.uld notify the ’district Cianbrassii, Private 'i1"iriiiiiic'i"r.r..rr.r.rr.r.'.".'.'.r..'r..".r' " " F....................... a 21 2 meeting. Those in charge ( \SNlliOVV 2ytt Home of Mrs es-r-si-isis-rice"":" o.......'.'.'."..".'..".."..".'.".'.'.".".'.'..'.'.' " g; ' prlngva e, ome of Mrs o'rt' . . P........... " F....................... 1 . on Win er ...... n mr............................... dt _ Nelles Corners, Women's Institute Heal f.'..'.".'.','..'.'. " ....Fmm.m.............._...s..... " ES _ l