Lillian Rutherford /, 19866 CORONATION WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE The 20th anniversary of Coronation Women‘ts Institute was celebrated in January.of 1957 with a supper meeting and veriety program. The following year a similar family night was held in the Bolton town hall, with members â€" past ang@ present, numbering eighty, attending. On January lé, 1962, a 25th birthday party was held in the Psrish Hall. Seventeen members responded to the roll of 1937 and had their pictures taken around the buffet table. While Coronation W. I. meets regularly esch month, with the exception of July and August, and follows the Institute program "For Home and Cbuntry" it also enjoys educational outings. Four times members snd their friends have travelled by bus to attend the Shakesperian Festival at Stratford and twice to the Simcoe County quilt and rug fsir. In 1962 a tour was made in Toronto to see the Flower Show at Casa Loma, the Allan Gardens and the new offilces of the Federated Women‘s Institute of Ontario, at 20 Spadina R4a. Coronation was represented by seventeen members at the 60th anniversary of the formation of Peel County Women‘s Institute held at Brampton on March 29th, 1961 and on February 19, 1962, eight members attended the 65th e ~â€"* anniversary of the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario, held in the Queen Elizabeth Building, Cansadian National Exhibition grounds, Toronto. Coronation sponsors a wellâ€"babyâ€"clinic, uses the pennyâ€"roundâ€"up bags to aid in mental hesalth, conducted a farm accident survey in 1960, started collecting "Pennies for Friendship" in 1961 and has participated in local leadership courses on "First Aid in the Home"®", "Focus on Finishes" and "The Thira Meal". Beginning in 1957 one meeting each year has been hald at Peel County Masnor, which brings variety and cheer to the residents by presenting a light, humorous program. Officers conferences at the 0. A. C. Guelph, have been attended by Mrs. H. Wilson, 1954, Mrs. G. Porter 1957 and Mrs. F. Tingley, 1962 while serving as president and Miss Lillian Rutherford 1956 as Secretary. At the Janusary meeting 1959 the members approved of a request of the Metropolitan Area Conservation Authority (Mr. Ken Higgs) to make the old log house in the Albion Hills Conservation Park an historical centre. on April 18, 1961 Mr. Colucci, curator for the Metro and Region Conservation Authority, spoke to the meeting on the furnishing and opersation of the house. By July 1, 1961 the pioneer log house hsd been restored and on that date was officially opened to the public. Mrs. Charles Kehoe, president, received the key from Mr. Roderick Johnston, reeveof Albion Townshin and Warden of Peel County. Quring the summer, members in turn acted as hostesses at the house on Saturday, Sunday and holidays, from two to five p.m. On July 4, 1Q62, to celebrate Coronation‘s 25th Anniversary year, the members of North Peel Women‘ts Institutes were entertained at the log house. Much interest was shown in the antique furnishings of the kitchen, parlor and two bedrooms, also the costumes of yesterâ€"year, as worn by the local members. When the Akbion Hills Conservation School began using the log house in its teaching program and for overnight accommodation, the W. I. members felt it was not feasible as a museum for displsay to the public. It was decided in June 1966 to discontinue as hostess snd remove their furnishings and articles displayed in the cabin. As a result, the log house remained closed during the 1966 summer season.