Mrs. Tate welcomed the 4H members and leaders and read a poem - Ten Little Members. Annie Uren gave a commentary titled What Is a 4H Leader. Evelyn Ar- thur outlined the 4H project Milk Makes It, which she and Christine Karsten recently led. . Jody McKay explained the _ leaders' assistant project 'which “she completed and commented on - The roll call, a favourite dairy product recipe, was answered by 38 members and guests. The agriculture and Canadian in- dustries group, convened by Joyce Tate, was in charge of the program. A .4 _ 7 _ Dorothy Taylor, past president of Brown's Women's Institute, presided for the May 20 institute meeting held at Brown's School. Mrs. Taylor read a poem entitled The Farmer. 4-H members present skit at Br<>Wn’S .lll/1lr,.prp,,eey!"rr)g _ Brown's Church Celebrates 1301b Rev. Biaker has accepted a call to remain as minister of the Wellburn charge. The church was filled to capacity as the 130th anniversary service of the Sunday school was held on Sunday. The Sunday school choir Four ladies from the Wellburn pastoral charge attended the or- dination services for the Rev. Jean Baker at Manitou Conference on May 14. Attending were Joyce Tate, Roberta Atwell, Betty Barons and Reta Hughes. . 77; If) lm Jody McKay, who is helping Lin- da Torbet lead the Seed to Shelf 4H She demonstrated several ways to arrange an attractive' cheese tray. Win McMurray thanked Miss Martin, presented her with a gift and expressed best wishes to her when she competes this summer for the Ontario Dairy Princess title at the ONE. Mrs. Tate called on Beth Pear- son, dairy princess eo-ordinator for Oxford County. Mrs. Pearson in- troduced guest speaker Shelley Martin, the 1985-86 dairy princess for Oxford County. Miss Martin ex- plained the process by which she was selected and outlined her duties. V her display of the club tour to the Leslie Cheese House. The 4H members presented a skit - The Bone Builders - which they had prepared for achievement day. sang I've Got Something to Sing About, and 37 members of the senior citizens choir of St. Marys told the story of Jonah, called The Runaway. Matthew and Danny Miller have a new sister, Erin. The community extends congratulations to parents Dave and Carol Miller. Congratulations also go out to Mike and Judy Harris on the arrival of their daughter recently at St. Marys Memorial Hospital. 14/7†THESE FIVE DCVI GIRLS came through with Stan- dout performances at the Huron-Perth track and field meet in Goderich on May 12 and 13. From left, front row: Junior Heather Brooks, first in 3,000 and third in 1,500; and Midget Tanya Stephens, first in both 400 During the business portion of the meeting Janet Uren, secretary, read the minutes of the April meeting and the 1986-87 recom- mendations. Treasurer Liz Har- rison gave the financial report. A summary of the spring board meeting was presented by Dorothy Taylor. Joyce West made the courtesy remarks and invited everyone to attend the June 17 meeting at 8 p.m., when Constable Steve Reeve will speak. Susan Towle thanked the 4H leaders for their time and leader- ship and presented each with a gift. . garden club, gave a brief outline of the project, which is currently be- ing held at Brown's. A lunch of ice. cream pizza was served by the 4H members. and 800 metres. Back row: Junior Annette Droog, first in 200, 400 and second in the 800; Junior Ingrid Vanderschot, first in 1,500 and third in 3,000; and Senior Leanne Burgin, first in 1,500 metres.