Brown's Weezies achieve The community extends a welcome to Elizabeth Conn, who attended church services on Sunday, after a lengthy confine- ment. She was recovering from a fall which resulted in surgery. Audrey Bannerman,' Dorothy Pickel and Margaret Facey contri- buted to the worship at Brown's Church with music on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Beavers and son Matthew of St. Thomas spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harvy Barons. " ' "113321†Arthur received her five-year leadership certificate. The 4H achievement day for this Milk Makes It unit was held at Highland Park school on April 19. Brown's Cheesie Weezies attended and performed a skit, The Bone Builder, with all 10 girls partici- pating. . " The annual meeting of Brown's Women's Institute, held on April 8 at Brown's School, began with a noon potluck dinner. The social group, with convener Nancy West, were in charge of dinner arrangements. President' Dorothy Taylor, assisted by secretary treasurer Susan Towle, conducted the business meeting. The roll call was answered with the payment .of Brown's WI installs new executive 7 During the annual meeting the annual reports and standing com- £1313 mittee reports were accepted. The nominating committee report was made by CarolMiller_. _ _ .. _ .. Alice Hawkesworth installed the newly elected officers as follows: president - Margaret Arthur, first vice president - Nancy West, se- cond vice president - Carol Miller, secretary - Janet Uren, treasurer - Liz Harrison. Past president Dorothy Taylor expressed her thanks to everyone for their help' and co-operation dur- ing the past year. Mrs. Taylor was presented with a gift in apprecia- Brown's Earthworms meet Brown's UCW Easier meeting draws M f The first and second meetings of the Brown's Gardening Club for the summer unit were held at Brown's The Easter meeting of Brown's UCW was held at the school with 24 people attending. The ladies from the north and Wellburn were invited. President Mrs. Geo. Towle opened the meeting with a hymn followed by prayer. The minutes and correspondence were read by Mrs. John Htwksworth.s An invitation was received from Harrington UCW to their spring bazaar April 22. The president thanked everyone who had taken part at the World Day of Prayer service which was held in Thorndale United Church on April 28. London Conference UCW will be held at Central United Church Stratford, April 14 and 15. The theme will be You Are Light For The Whole World. Treasurer Mrs. Dave Arthur read the treasurer's report. The muti'l ID Brown's euchre season ends Brown’s W.I. held, its last euchre of the season on Thursday night. Prize winners were: high - Joyce Tate and Grant Johnson; lone hands - Helen Elliott and Bert Butcher; low - Connie Monteith and Reg Harris; lucky number - Blanch Anderson and David Arthur. A sign is to be mounted on the school designating it _as Brown's School, meeting place for Brown's United Church Women and Brown's Women's Institute, along with the institute crest. VCarol Miller and Marion Harris will again be responsible this sum- tion of her leadership during the pastyear. 7 ‘_ a . " - Margaret Arthur thanked Susan Towle for her work as secretary treasurer during the past six years, and presented her with a women's institute life membership. Under new business it was agreed to purchase six new card tables before the euchre parties commence in the fall. Margaret Arthur asked for everyone's support as she begins her one-year term aspresidtpt. Easter thankoffering is going Seeds for Zaire. Various fertilizers were discuss- ed. The next meeting will be on May 26, by which time. everyone will have then: gardens planted. D:..:n TtIts-o.., I ....... ac, ___-I,A, . Pirie Mitchell-was/the .spealié} in church on Sunday. Jean Baker is away_for her ordination this week. Stewardship and finance con- vener Mrs. Murray Taylor opened the Easter worship service with a poem, Easter Miracles. Mrs. Fred Arthur read scripture. Mrs. John Conway and Mrs. Clarence Tate sang two duets. , The name Brownrs Earthworms, proposed by 4H member Lori Douglas, was selected. Leaders are Lynda Torbett and Jodi McKay. The president is Pauline Distler and vice-president - Tracey Karsten. Items discussed at the first two meetings included soil samples, and garden locations. wP'"rrii'ie'"rlii"dlii was answered with an Easter thought: ___ --- _ School. The project Book for the clgb is, called From Seed to Shelf. The guest speaker, Alison Wood Wesley of Knox United Church, London was introduced by Jean Baker. She spoke about Easter, Luke 24,' His Story - Birth, Life and Resurrection. A _ - -hTrG.- -iiiiikay Kingdom thanked the speakeryith a gift. . .. Joyce Burgess mad.e the courtesy remarks announcing that the mother and child banquet will be held May 9. Lunch was served by the church in society group. The next meeting will be held on May 20 at 8 p.m. The agriculture and Canadian industries group have invited the 4H members from the Milk Makes It unit and the guest speaker will be the dairy princess for Oxford County. mer for. the care of the flower beds at Brown's School. Brown's UCW hosts banquet, Brown's U.C.W. mother and child banquet was held May 9 at the church, Mrs. George Towle welcomed everyone.' Small gifts were handed out to mothers and children while Mrs. Clarence Tate led in a sing song. Karen Arthur gave a toast to the mothers, replied to by Mrs. Mur- ray Kingdon with a poem - A Careful Mother Must Be. The president _read a poem, ghild’s Creed. Mrs. Allan MtCuteheon, regional vice president, brought greetings from the Presbyterial with a poem - Kids Are Gone But I Am Still Here. Mrs. John Hawkswqrth introduc- ed the speakers, Jtev. and Mrs. Bruce Pierce from Granton. They brought with them a display of souvenirs and Indian relics. Mrs. Pierce gave a commentary on the Medicine Hat slides. Some of the baskets were made out of white ash bark. "iir"srbaire Arthur thanked the speaker with a gift. The president closed with prayer. I/78é