The community of Brown's Corners extends get well wishes to Pearl Nichol who is in St. Marys Memorial Hospital. Best wishes also go to Margaret Jenson and Kay Conn, who have returned home from hospital. Brown's 4H club held the fourth meeting of Milk Makes It at the home of leader Evelyn Arthur. Cultured dairy products, such as yogurt, buttermilk, sour cream and cottage cheese, were discussed. The characteristics of cream and butter were reviewed and the girls had an opportunity to take the butter challenge. Butter and its dairy substitute, margarine, were spread on small squares of, bread and served to blindfolded members who tried to identify each. Over half of the members could tell the difference. Brown's. 4H studies milk The members prepared whole wheat yogurt pancakes which they ate with maple butter. Fruit smoothie, a strawberry and milk drink containing yogurt, was also prepared and served. The plain yogurt, added to the pancakes and fruit smoothie, contains all the goodness of fresh milk, they learned. Brown's W.I. held a progressive euchre party on Feb. 27. Twelve games of euchre were played at eight tables. High prize winners were Marguerite Jensen and Ed Monteith, lone hands - Helen Elliott and Terry Barber, low prize - Helen Turner and Calvin Elliott. Helen Land won a prize for the lucky draw. Susan Davis was busy on Sunday distributing the new church directory to members who recently had family photos taken. Jean Baker was back in the pulpit at Brown's United Church on Sunday following her trip to Sudbury for her final interview prior to her ordination in May. The next regular euchre party will be held on March, 13 atft30 Congratulations are extended from the Brown's community to Jeffrey Uren for placing first for the boys in the Optimist Club of Kintore oratorical competition. The community also wishes good luck to Jeffrey when he competes at Embro in the zone competition on March 5. pan.] at which time tickets will be available for the Brown's W.I. luncheon and euchre party to be held Saturday, March 22 at 12 noon. All proceeds from this annual event will go to the Canadian Cancer Society. l The woAd Day of Prayer will be W.I. held a progressive observed at Brown's United Church on Friday, March 7 at 10:30 am. Friends from the Wellburn Marion Harris is back on the job as Brown's Corners correspondent following a vacation. Evelyn Arthur filled the position for the last few weeks. The community extends congra- tulations to Audry and Jack McMurray on the arrival of a new grandson, born to daughter Sharon and son-in-law Rob Staffers of St. Marys. C Good luck goes to Jeffrertlren Jeffrey Uren was the top boy in the zone level of the Optimist oratorical competition held recently in Embro. Brown's community wishes him success when he speaks at the regional level on April 5 in London. Sonya Arthur introduced Joyce Tate as the guest speaker at the fifth meeting of Brown's 4H club. Mrs. Tate demonstrated how to make homemade ice cream using an electric ice cream maker. Brown's Corners f "'jiiiLL2/yti, The members sampled the finished product. Tracey Karsten thanked Mrs. Tate and presented her with a gift. The 4H members prepared and sampled different flavoured milk shakes, and tasted an ice cream pizza, served with their choice of toppings. The World Day of Prayer service scheduled for Brown’s United Brown's W.I. held a euchre party on Thursday night. Prize winners were high - Joyce Tate and Mel Monteith; lone hands - Blanche Anderson and Oren Baynes; low .. Betty Barons and Grant Johnson; lucky draws u, David Arthur and Clarence Tate. Tickets were on sale for the annual cancer euchre. Jody McKay, who is a senior member of Brown's 4H club, is working on a new project during the current Milk Makes It unit. She is completing a leader's assistant project, which requires her to be responsible for four presentations at club meetings. . Brown's 4H tour cheese' 'factory Atour of the Leslie Cheese House Pastoral Charge and Union Church are invited to hear speaker Jean Baker and share a noon luncheon. Helen Conway lead in worship and was assisted' by Dorothy Taylor, Verland Beavers, Florence Kingdom Joyce Tate and Evelyn Arthur. The theme message, Choose Life in its Fullness, was expressed by Jean Baker. The community extends congratulations to Donald and Joyce Darling on the birth of a son last Saturday. This is a new little brother for Sean and Adam and another grandson for Muriel Darling, a resident of Wildwood Nursing Home. Annie Uren accompanied Joyce Tate and Helen Conway, who sang. as a duet. Church on Friday was cancelled due to stormy weather. The service was held instead on Sunday at all three churches on the Wellburn pastoral charge with friends from the Union Church also attending. The 1986 World Day of Prayer Service was written by Christian Women of Australia. Matthew Miller had his tonsils removed last week in St. Marys Memorial Hospital, Get well wishes are extended to Jessie McKay, who has been a patient in St. Marys Memorial Hospital. of Stratford was arranged by Miss McKay. Members were met by Joan Leslie Chase, who explained the history of the building and the business, and conducted a tour, showing everyone the network of underground cellars where the cheddar cheese is aged, packaged and stored. They also learned about the special house cheeses made on the premises, and tasted several different kinds of cheese. Miss McKay thanked the hostess for the Members returned to Brown's School for a meeting, followed by a memory game called dairy concentration, which served as a fk'zjt,tj,ttj, f,Yuc L,LI A? a t /fi?'d John Conway delivered Rev. Baker's message in church on Sunday and Joyce Tate was in charge of the children's story. review of fac-ts learned at previous meetings. Get well wishes are extended from the community to Rev.. Jean Baker, who has been confined to her home due to illness. The community extends congratulations to Heather Brooks, who spent 10 days in the Yukon recently, and competed in the junor national championship for nordic skiing. She placed 10th, 12th and 13th in a group of approximately 25 students in various competitions.