1qllltlelll-llllil+lltlel-l.a,,,i'-crt," Cd £5" _"3" WW " 'm‘ , FORTY-s1X YOUNGSTERS GRADUATED in babysitting Christina Norris, 12; Tracy Dobberthien, 11; and Judy last Tuesday throqu the St. Marys Kinettes' babysitting McKay, 11. Baby is Amy, Tracy's sister. ( taff Photo) program. Representing the new grads are, from left: June, ptr, go ROBERT ZAVITY OF " I, LAKESIDE. looks on as Joan Facey spins wool on her spilling wheel: The display was one of many put on at Wildwood Public School near Kintore Friday. Thirty children graduated "from kindergarten. The special day also marked the retirement oi teacher Fran Redman. -0LLd--jFi -e (Staff Photo) V $33: tNI Pioneer dances and songs which told the pioneers' story were taught by Mrs. M. Mainprize. . Wildwodd Park Public School has been busy these last two weeks as the children celebrated "Pion- eer Days". . Rev. Gwyn Tucker was on hand to present Religion in Life badges to several cubs. They were Brian Hopson second stage, Donny Hunter, Charles Taylor, Peter Tuck- er, Brian Van Oostaveen, Ken Henderson, Steven Art- hur and Scott Bolton, first stage. . 7 - _ Scout leaders are Frank As-lfew Ind Jask Pickering. Going from cubs to scouts were Brian Hopson, Ken Henderson, Perry Gum- mow, Donny Hunter, Baron Tasker. Cub leaders are Marg Thornton and Linda Torbet. Swimming up from beav- ers to cubs were Kent Wood, Doug Robson, Scott Greas- on, Greg Whittaker, John Squire, Josh Lewis, John Bolton, Mark McEwan and Tommy Wall. Beaver lead- ers are Sharon Rounds, Linda Greason and Ann Sharman. On Monday evening, a swim-up ceremony was held for the beavers and cubs of the Kintore group. The Kintette Club of St. Marys once again sponsored a babysitting course for St. Marys and area students. "iii'ere were 49 students who registered. - The course ran for five weeks and included eight lectures on various subjects pertaining to babysitting. The students had to prepare a record book, a babysitting kit and also do six hours of free babysitting for practical experience. "r/is-tTi/i" ireid at the end of the course, and all 46 students who wrote the test, Babysitting fire/ite games Stitchery was introduced to the students by Mrs. F. Redman. Each child made a block which was sewn into a quilt and put together by parents Mrs. J. Tate and Mrs. A. Gregory. An old toy collection belonging to Mrs. Erma Bea was shown and explained to the classes as Mrs. Beaty taught a unit on pioneer toys. The, children made Clothespin dolls, spool tops and button and ‘string The students really got into the spirit of bread-mak- ing as Mrs. J. Hryniw demonstrated this art. % dumié/EQJ 46 Graduate were successful in passing. .. 71"};ogénwho receiied their babysitting certificates at the graduatign {light on June 17, 1980, at the Presbyterian Church were: Cathy Adams, Lori Bilyea, Diana Bragg, Mary Brooks, Becky Bruns- don, Judy Bushfield, Diana Chambers, Lori-Ann Cham- bers, Sherry Chambers, Mary Coleman, Nancy Cole- man, Karen Diemert, Tracy Dobberthien, Jennifer Dur- ley, Mary Lou Feeney, Marie Fulcher, Laurie Haw- kins, Reta Hossack, Ellen Hutton, Chris Iredale, Terri Iredale, Susan Holm, Meg King, Sara M'Larkey, Chris- tina Marriott, Heather Mc- Kay, Jody McKay, Shelly McLean, Debbie Mitchell, Diane Mitchell, Jane Muma, Kristi Near, Christina Nor- ris, Lisa O'Drowsky, Lisa Parkinson, Annette Pennesi, Joan Pickel, Tracy Rabbets, Chris Roulston, Barb Shaw, T Rebecca Sheppard, Crystal Spearin, Kim Tozer, Valerie Wick, Terri Wilson, and Sherri Youlton. JunESTS-lgvo The children presented a program of songs and dances. The quilt and other displays were there for viewing by the visitors. An assembly was held at the school with parents and friends present. Friday, June 19 was the culmination day for the Pioneer event. Several demonstrations were held during the study. Bev and Allan Slater made butter, Mrs. Joyce Grooves, of London, showed the children how to make appled head dolls and Mrs. Joan Facey introduced the art of spinning.