1‘11; -- .7, wry, 'lseek-miie-iii/ste',",' CHILDREN ROMP AROUND IN the playground at Wildwood School near Kintore. Thirty kindergarten students graduated Friday and after the formalities they rushed outside to play. Graduation was the Pionééf""' Days At Wildwood For the past two weeks, Wildwood Park School staff and students have been studying pioneer people. Demonstrators at the school included Mrs. Joyce Groves, London who made apple head dolls; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Slater who made but- iiiGr."ioyer', and helpisd Mrs. Redman make a quilt. __ _ - During this unit, the children made bread and buns with Mrs. Hryniw, learned square dancing and Canadian songs with Mrs. Mainprize, made toys with This project concluded when parents and friends of the students were able to enjoy all the knowledge learned. Everyone viewed the beautiful quilt .on display. i3; and, Mrs. Joan Facey who spun wopl_ into yarn. daritsaS,lt?Cc') JEFF KITTMER, 7, DRESSED UP dergarten graduation day Friday. pioneer days. DRESSED UP IN AN engineer's outfit to mark Wildwood school’s kin- on day Friday. With Jeff is Karen Arthur, Theme for graduation was (Staff Photo) (. man-.34. oTe' -- . -- - Jul f . culmination of a two-week pioneer theme at the school. Children made pioneer toys and fether made a large black and white quilt. I - _--' A A . (Staff Photo) dune; asc/ees