Significantly enough, many of the town's churches are located on Church Street, and a brief tour of the street will satisify any visitor to town who admires the' splendid stone work of the stone masons and builders of the 19th century. Doors are usually open in most of the buildings_and visitors should not hesitate to take a glimpse of the church interiors. The Churches of St. Marys have alwarys assumed a prominent place in the ife of the town. As the dwellings of the first settlers progressed from simple log structures to stone, so too did their religious rioeeting places. Ad- vancing in prosperity over the years, the townspeople contributed to the building of the impressive edifices of stone and brick which now adorne the crests of the hills about town. The Churches of M. Marys "Where no one ever regretted t buying quality..." QUEEN ST, E. st. MARYS 284-381 I ( m l The present Gothic Church struc- ture was built of the finest stone and has been in use since 1881. It is one of the two outstanding edifices which dominate the townscape in the north ward on Widder Street. (The other is the Roman Catholic Church). Regular Sunday service is’at 11 a.m. and joint summer services are held with the United Church. During August 1980 [tret; service will be at the United Churc . Rev. Vernon Tozer is the minister. Renovations to the stone walls which surround the church property were completed in 1978. St: Marys Preibyte. tia Ifh 11er h Page 20 ,V.-.v., . null. Jul 11:15 am. and at 7 and Mrs. Alan Burkt in charge. For more 284-2760. . ,__..u.] “CSIPUY UIHCE' rdylv' B, lHlsey IS the minister and all. are we come to attend any of the services. The splendid stohe structure on Widder Street overlooking the town from the north was completed in 1892. It was the successor to a number of small buildin s, the first Roman Catholic rlii'lldl')ii'girt, established In ft. Marys in 1852. Rev.gFr. C. Fitzgerald Is the parish priest and Misses are celebrated at 9 a.m. and atr11 am. every. suryiay. There is also a Saturday evading Mas's aii..% 6.51 Thi I-' '“ruat Iaucrllaclc . IS attractive buff brick Church Jf ?n Queen Sts, West halfwa up the hill tom the stone bridge. gunday ser- Vices are held in their mornin at 11 aim. 39d Evening at 7:30 p.m, Tghere is iv50 Ili/ole Schmi1 at 10 a.m. Before. its Pgrstfrlegunlt, the building se/ved as the B. 'd',d-, Office.. ’3?ng The Salvation Army .. The Salvation Army serves the COTT‘I munity well in its many roles of 505': service. Since 1913 meetings hav been held in the Citadel at Queer} and Peel streets, but struCWra.t problems in the building have madgt'e necessary to hold meetings QPPOSP'Y e the present building tn. , t ft/,1fit?t.js Hall. Sunday worSh'P 'l 3. -1r: 3 m .___, - - - “may; Baptist Tabernacle Hely hliy,ne tf.Mary Church . Located on Church Street South, Just a block from the town hall, this solid .biick house of worship holds morning §ervjce ev.e.ry Sunday at?!11 First Baptist Ch urch an}. gu‘aaay "iijioirii/ai"iiGym."rhe budding his been in constant use Since 1902. Pastor is Rev. Keith Fox. “""' ‘“ I H"". y"""h."'C ._A.lan Burke are the officers I-'""."'.." u“. C,','i'ral more information cal ." ijat'enant "","i0i-t:"""'iii"t'"'"'""t-".'"t)lillL,t, iiiiiiiiiiiiitrAty “TRADITIONAL, FRIENDLY sEitVlCFrr: WITH All YOUR NEEDS ON STOCK" 140 Queen s! / LOCATED ON THE or ST. MARYS 531.1491 " St. Marys page 21 1gp,ijifiii,,? ; _ fiii,'iiiiiii',fl,'_ asyny'imt 90106 W v m the iiith6y19th centuriqs 19%â€;th by Terg'amirt Moon: " ot. mm Wale Doucus WAllPAPER I28 QUEEN E. sr. MARYS 284-3740. Create a classic air of rustic sophistication with those documented 18th and Nth Century exterior and in- terior colours from Boniamin Moore. Also view our authenticColoniol Wallpapers and Matching Fabrics Grace Community Church This St, Marys congregation, a member of the Assoc1ated Gospel Church plans a new building in the near future. It will be located on Queen St. East overlooking the Trout Creek valley. At present Sunday ser- vices are held at St. Marys Collegiate at 388 Elizabeth St. Sunday service is at 11 am. Call 284-2680 or 284-3820 for full information or assistance. St. Marys United Church . The church building was completed in 1879 at a cost of $17,900. It's at the corner of 'Church and Elgin streets. Sunday service is at 11 a.m. normally, but in the summer service is at 10 an. In August 1980 the Presbyterian con- gregiti.on will join. with the United Church congregation for joint ser- vices on Sun ays. The minister is Rev. William J. Moore. The congregation is one of the largest in the area. The Gospel Hall . This frame church on concrete block foundation is relatively small but serves its members well. 1e,',Sg of Bread is at 10:30 a.m. and Gospe Meetings are at 8 pm. on Sundays. Visitors are always welcome and you can call jack Woodside for more in- formation at' 284-3509. The church building is on Jones St. East, on the east side of town. St. James Anglican Church I, oo â€nuts ""9"..." v--." - A lovely limestone structure with copious areas of green lawn' com- plimentinF its attractiveness, St. James offers Holy Communion each Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and Mdrning Prayer at 11 a.m. Summer services during the months of July and August are at 10 a.m. Rey. Robert Birtch is the rector. The church is located on Church St. The stone building dates from before 1858, but there have been many im- provements .si was erected In 1'iiicarihd -church fewer MWEA _PAINTS