The open meeting of the St. Marys Horticultural Soc- iety was held on Monday, May 2, at the Legion. The president, Peggy Ful- 1erropened the meeting and welcomed all members and guests and suggested that at this time of the year, gardeners should be on the watch ifor caterpillars and be ready to prune shrubs after they have flowered in the, spring. V . and were examples of the designer's inretpretation .of classes open to competitors at the Rose, Swag! fall, Horticultural Members Demonstrate Des‘igy , T w',,". l I The anon mnnfina‘ nf tho and Christmas shows. Cucumbers. ing designs iodine dreated by' " voiimteers to help plant and a.m. If inte‘fé'swu Iiriakii'itr The meeting took the form of a flower show design demonstration with the foil- owing menPsrs taking part: Anna Peterson, moderator, was assisted by Alice Hawk- esworth, Dorothy Elliott, Mary . Santandrea, Edythe Howe and Marion Mitchell Themes for the designs were taken from the 1983 schedule (rdohn Hawkesworth gave a history on “The Men's Club" and named the Kristina and Kevin Tate gave the "Moment for Mission", last Sunday, r which contained the message of the appeal for used postage stamps, to be left at the back of the church, to be sent away for leprosy work. A good turn out of the men of the three congregations and community enjoyed a pancake and sausage brunch at Brown's School last Sunday. Stacks of pancakes and several pounds of sausage, followed by cake, cookies and cheese and coffee were enjoyed. Cooks were George Towle, Murray Kingdom, John Conway, Clarence Tate, Homer Brown and Reg. Harris.' I _ -We are pleased to report that Baby Megan Hargreaves is improving, after her stay in the hospital, and our warmest get well wishes go out to Joyce Muir, who is still in hospital. . p','? - (1011,}: li/tkey 'ttrr" (_/ //,'C3 “I"; Browns Corners News ", _ Green oasis is used for arranging living material in a design and brown oasis when creating dried or silk arrangements. Always . try to use what material you have on hand and when working on a budget try to do much with little. " Arrangements for the din- ing room table should be created from clean flowers and materials. 'A hollowed 6ut' egg plant makes an ' aittrattive container as At, and Christmas shows. Decorative wood was used to good advantage- when creating floral designs. The wood should be scrubbed clean and when dry waxed several times. When design- ing floral arrangements, it is important to carry out the lines of the container and there should always be! a focal point in the design where the lines meet. N _ Pastor Ross Hargreaves spoke on the rural church in the community. Robert Iryine,, clerk of session of Kintore Church, spoke briefly on Brown's Corners history. Sympathy is extended to Melanie Groom, financee of Carling West, whose father, Mr. Ronald Groom, passed away last Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Stan Prince and daughters and friend Frank McKinney of Toronto, moved their furniture to the former George Dawes home in Lakeside on the week-end. Carmeen and the girls are staying with the formers’ mother, Mrs. Joyce West and Mr. McKinney, with Mr. and Mrs. Beverly West and family until the end of the month. Mr. Princehas returned to Toronto where he is employed and is staying with a niece during the week. charter members. Reg. Harris read a letter from the Foster Child which the men are sponsoring now. Cucumbers. ing designsbeing treated by " volunteers to help plant and It was interesting to see the society's own members." maintain horticultural flow- beautiful professional-- look- Anna Peterson asked for er beds throughout the town. . ___ _ H" M., a; If interested, please leave I your name at Beckers Flow- t ' er pend Gift Shop. It is expected' that the flower beds . will be ready for planting around May M. f Congratulations to Mr: and Mrs. Robert Harris, Mrs. Harris is the former Christine Waken, who were married in Brown's United Church last Saturday night. f"' . Browns Corners . Warmest wishes for a speedy return to good health are extended to those on the sick list: Mrs. John Hawk- esworth, Mr. Harvy Barons, and also Monty West, who is recovering from surgery in St. Marys Memorial Hosp- ital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beavers and family of Lon- don, were Sunday ggests of uuu, "say -....___, U Mr. and Mrs. Harvy Barons. The last euchre of the season was held last Thurs- day night, with 13 tables in pray. Prize winners were:. high Jean Rbbinson and Ed Monteith, lone hands Marion Harris and Grant' Johnson, low Win 'McMurray and. Cassie Howe. m" F The euchre committee wishes to thank everyone for the support given during this -... r. r~L ~--nl.unn past yrerévx:."c1"he first euchre in the falrwill be NOE}. L, L3H" Frances Semple announc- ed that .there will be a horticultural bus trip to the Cullen Gardens, Whitby, on Saturday, May 14. The bus will leave the Townhall at 8 St. Marys Journal-Argus, Wed:, May 4, 1983 lit, 5 - The goard meetiné will be held on May 9 at . the Friendship Centre at 8 p.m. A successful plhitr sid was held at the clo'seof try meeting. 7 ' 't this trip, please call Fréncég Semple at 284333842. z _ ,3“ The rose show. will be held on Wednesday, June, _29/ at the St. Marys Legion. Con.- sult your 1983 schedule for further particulars or call Johrtcyand Alice Hawkes- worth at 284-2065. ' _ j“ a.m. If inye'fe'swq in takit'ig Door prizes were won by Merle Kirk, Josie" Tyler, Alice Hawkésworth, Agnes Harkes, Curly Wilson, and Marie Dunnell. ‘ '.