e : f , e Ninetyâ€"seven local volunteers recognized STRATEORD. =â€"On . Across the province, â€" MARYS HORTICULTURAL â€"ONTARIO _ TRILLIUM â€" PERTH SOUTH DISâ€" _ eSKINNER, FLORENCE: Thursday, Sept. 30 at the 8,300 volunteers will be SOCIETY R FOUNDATION â€" GREY, â€" TRICT . STRATFORDâ€"PERTH London _ Convention â€" honoured with Volunteerâ€" _ eHAVEMAN, HANK: ST. _ BRUCE & PERTH GRANT _ eRICHARDSON, IRENE: MUSEUM Centre, 97 Perthâ€" Service Awards. and MARYS HORTICULTURAL â€" REVIEW TEAM wWOMEN‘S INSTITUTE â€" _ eSMITH, GORDON: Middlesex residents will â€"Outstanding Achievement â€" SOCIETY eMCMURRAY, WYNN: BROWNS STRATFORDâ€"PERTH be recognized for outâ€" Awards at 27 separate _ eHAWKESWORTH, STRATFORD MEALS ON eRIEHL, OLIVE: . MUSEUM standing service to their â€" ceremonies this fall. ALICE: ST. MARYS HORâ€"_ WHEELS AND NEIGHâ€" WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE â€" -SMITH, MABEL: communities through volâ€" "Every day, thousands TICULTURAL SOCIETY BOURLY SERVICES . _ SEBRINGVILLE _ WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE â€" unteer work. of citizens volunteer their _ eMAINPRIZE, MARIAN: _ eMILLSON, GLEN: eRUMBLE, BRYANT: SEBRINGVILLE . "Without the selfless time, energy and skills to ST. MARYS HORTICULâ€" STRATFORDâ€"PERTH FRIENDSHIP CENTRE eSMITH, MARGARET: efforts of these 97 people, help others," said TURAL SOCIETY MUSEUM FOR ST. MARYS AND ST. MARYS HORTICULâ€" countless community proâ€" â€" Minister of Citizenship eMATTHISON, EVELYN: ePFAFF, MARJORIE: AREA SENIORS f TURAL SOCIETY jects would never have and Immigration Dr. WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE â€" FRIENDSHIP CENTRE, _ eSCOTT, MARGARET: â€" eSTACEY, ANN: happened in this riding," Marie Bountrogianni. AVONTON THE ST. MARYS AND _ WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE â€" WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE â€" Wilkinson said in a press "They truly build our _ eMCINTOSH, â€" LOIS: AREA SENIORS AVONTON AVONTON release. communities, making WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE â€" eRATCLIFFE, JEAN: _ eSKINNER, BRYCE: _ eTOWLE, SUSAN; ST. â€""These volunteers, withâ€" _ them strong and vibrant." _ CARLINGEFORD FEDERATED WOMEN‘S ~STRATFORDâ€"PERTH MARYS HORTICULTURAL out thought of payment or _ St. Marys area volunteer _ eMCKENZIE, WALTER: â€" INSTITUTE OF ONTARIO MUSEUM SOCIETY thanks, prove every day award recipients and + & what we all know about their nominators are listâ€" I : rural Ontario â€" that neighâ€" ed below (For a complete On e I I I e < erS Onoured bours help their neighâ€" list, contact MPP John ; * bours. I congratulate the Wilkinson‘s office): ; recipients and their sponâ€" «AITCHESON, SHRLEY: â€" y oooooccoipepegrd?yfafifrraprf:oupmpmmmmmeamceammftennes 7 |â€" sors for this well deserved STRATFORD & DISTRICT | |_¢ ) _ _ /) [ . ts _ â€"luâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"<e e e f o ies _ recognition." AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY £; i t 1| Sogegs ‘#. <<g _ The annual Volunteer â€" «ARCHER MARLENE: | â€" & . S . Mn Service Awards, sponâ€" WOMEN‘S INSTITUTEâ€" | _ _ _/ ; _ _ _ _ W ky KaÂ¥m 2°_ sored by the Ontario govâ€" _ AVONTON _ _ was . :. â€" ~â€" e Tess .. 4s ernment, recognize adult _ °«BENNY, SALLY: | _ wAp lc 0c s poeas _ es ( 38A _ volunteers who have five, STREET CONNECTION _ o l 0 h e Ts 3 *‘ . s ) E: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and _ e«GIBSON, JANET: FEDâ€" | _ _ W litims.,.. : l se c J 50â€"plus years of continuâ€" â€" ERATED WOMEN‘S _| w @ §# ; f hssat â€" » ts ï¬â€˜? 3 § â€" 14 | ous service. Youth are _ INSTITUTE OF ONTARIO | E. A (al y 3 }.‘é . *&af â€" W\ es recognized for two or â€" PERTH SOUTH DISâ€" Les *‘ i s lt Q?{E ï¬â€™ â€" tsz . mt 5 more years of volunteers. TRICT S B4 fa reee 3 ol § o _ _ S;j:‘ 4 : All volunteers are preâ€" _ °GOOD, _ MARYLIN: [ _ | [ [ w Vw y :\ se _ 5 j â€"~~e & R sented with a stylized WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE â€" 2 esd 4 CC _C_, _ .. @6 & e Trillium pin and a perâ€" AVONTON age . & *;‘? § : e S ‘g 3 P | f sonalized certificate. _ _eHARKES, AGNES: ST. | 3 f o p eee ) 22. s _ 5 ~>~ t C ’ E : s ' ï¬ > "W § g;“" : > x : 9 f > g Wds e fg e â€" t > +631 t * : ¢ 2 ie § * & * i §44 | es io _ e .. "@ ;’%'33:1:" sorâ€"â€" A:‘f " o# v‘"/ ,,a;;, nï¬â€™;‘f&"“ \‘“ ' __‘. *:"fl .. h) /d y ts 22 Ww\ _ BROWNS WI _ | e â€" U : o es ies e Ssj o ppmmrmmmmemmemens i saint _ e l rl t O C am and dent Order of Oddfellows honoured some of their long time members with memâ€" f $ Is at a recent meeting. Front row: Brother Reg Near, 50 years; Irene Richardson F _ the late Brother Jack Richardson, 25 years; Brother Nelson Dundas, 55 years. :other Jack Youngson, 40 years; Brother Bill Bodenham, 50 years; Brother Max arm nan a, a ars; Brother Murray Hotson, 45 years. Absent: Brother Carman Bragg, 25 years _ Humphrey Arthur, 55 years. The September meeting of the Alzheimer‘s Society for Coffee Browns Women‘s Institute featured _ Break. Delegates to the Fall Board a car trip to the Tim Hortons Camp _ Meeting and London Area were and Farm Onondaga near named. An hour of shopping in St. _ Brantford. George was enjoyed. Onondaga (He who lives on top of _ Thank you to Sue Day and her the hill) is a fully functioning farm _ group for organizing the trip. with a greenhouse, observatory, creâ€" Browns Euchre â€" aftve «stsâ€"centre and barn. The 400 _ The winners at the September 16 acre farm was.originally a golf â€" euchre area as follows: Ladies‘ High course when it was purchased by â€" Jean Sims; men‘s high â€" Larry Greg and Mollic Robertson. Campers Brock; ladies‘ low â€" Mildred of ages 9â€"12 attend the camp for a Newman; men‘s low â€" George § ten day period. A leadership camp is _ McLellan; ladies‘ lone hands â€" Kathy offered for youth ages 13â€"18. Jeffrey; Men‘s Lone Hands â€" Alex Lunch was enjoyed in the dining _ Jeffrey; Door prizes â€" Carol Herbert room at the camp. At the business _ and George Thomas. â€" meeting which followed, it was _ The next euchre will be on 4 / | decided to make a donation to the September 30 at 8 p.m. in the > â€" Tim Horton Foundation and to the _ Browns School. ;