The official party then proceeded to Chalmers Uni- ted Church to the Kintore Women's Institute Lunch- eon. The Lt. Gov. personally greeted each guest as they filed through the reception line to take their places for the luncheon. President Marie Wood and Kae Tindale, public relations officer of the club were also in the receiving line, Mr. Reg Cartmale, princi- pal of Wildwood Baker Schools greeted the _ Lt. Governor and assisted her in the tree planting ceremony. Following the tree plant- ing ceremony, Lt. Gov. McGibbon briefly spoke to the children and they responded with songs they had prepared for her visit. to present flowers to Mrs. McGibbon on behalf of the school children. Sherri Coc- chetto of R.R. -2 Lakeside presented flowers to Esther Lucas, Mrs. McGibbon's personal secretary who had made all the arrangements for the Lt. Governor's visit to the school. The Lt. Governor's visit began with a visit to A. J. Baker School in Kintore for a tree planting ceremony.- Children from Wildwood School came be bus to take part. Mark Weir was chosen 25, 1978 was truly a day Kintore and area folks will remember for a long time to come. The Lt. Governor of Ontario Pauline MeGibbon came to Kintore as a guest of the Kintore Women's Institute on the 75th Anniv- ersary of that organization in Kintore. - s",')','??":";":,",)".'.""";')"",',']' 1 x irir2aisa; Saab; By Mimha Andrews Thamesford firemen were called out Jite Friday night to assist the Uniondale fire department fightT Mrs. McGibbon also stat- ed "During the five years one is in office a Lieutenant Governor is expected to visit as many places in the Province as possible; "when one's country asks you to do something, only for reasons such as health could you refuse." Marjorie Spearin thanked the Lt, Governor for coming to Kiritore and speaking to the gathering of about 100. Mrs. Spearin announced that each year The Pauline McGibbon Award would be presented to a 3rd or 4th year student at I.D.C.I. for Geography in recognition of her visit to Kintore. Immediatley as her Hon- our began to speak, her warmth and sincerity were obvious to everyone. Her Honour delighted in telling a couple true stories about being called the Left-handed governor. As the Lt. Gov. spoke more seriously about her duties, t was astonishing to note what was included in the line of duty for the Queen's Representative and the Chief Executive Officer for the Province. She signs documents, Order-in-Coun- cil, appointments of men. and women to government posts. Provincial judgdes, give Royal Assent. After a Bill has been passed by the Legislature id does not become operative until the representative of Her Majesty gives Royal Assent. Mrs. Tindale introduced the speaker who chose as her topic "My Role as Lieutenant-Governor of Ont- ario.Y WINNER OF THE. HOMEMADE RUG AT the draw held at Kingsway Lodge last week Was Mrs). Barbara' Lamond, of R.R. 4,_St.- Marys. Shown is Veneeta Glennie; R.N., representing the Lixige,. left Mrs. Lamond and Mrs. W. A. Ridden of the lodge, who drew the lucky ticket. 2 _ _ . f _ . (Staff Photo) th C,?,"!; this blaze on the farm of Les McKay of Con. 9, lot ihPe bm 3/35 yafg‘nt at the time of the fire. Cert 5033 Fig St. Marys Journal-Argus, VM., Nov. 29) 1978