TEN YEARS AGO . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Irvine are on a vacation motoring to Ottawiand other points. Mrs. Mary Powell has returned from a six ponth motor trip crossing thirteen states and spending a few months in Phoenix, Arizona, Los Angeles and Pasadena. _ . ‘7 bingo Catamarans have been spotted out on WiltiwoytrLake. -----F-_ . TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The new street lighting is the most efficient, economical type and has been praised by many, says the PUC, A ' my 3355). Constabie's Garage and Service Station and the Pinecrest Inn are in the process of being spruced up. The old Junction Water Tower, which has seen many glorious days including the Royal-train of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1939, is in danger of being taken down. . Thelhaw crop is going to be a good one this year. The Queen street sewer is being tapped by Mr. R. Box at his new block. Old plank sidewalks are being replaced all Over town by asphalt. The change is argood one for the taxpayers. . Horse-back riding, always popular with the ladies of St. Marys is more so this season than ever before. The exercise is good, and of course a nice figure is shown off to advantage on horseback. ""riecent si. Marys university graduates are Norma Maxwell, Dorothy Greason,' Greta Abray, Dick Ruch, David Forcht and John Hawkesworth. adjacent ridings. _ Fresh Pork Tenderloin - 25 cents a pound at Whyte Packjngpo. {Ck †FIFTY YEARS AGO The Liberals have swept the vote in Perth and all "The most popular car in the world is the Ford V- T The May meeting of Brown's Women's institute was held at Brown's School on May 15. President Mrs. Reg Harris presided for the business part of the meeting; Correspondence included letters which announced the 4H achievement day to be held at Embro on May 26 at 9 a.m. and a forum on freezer foods on May 29 from 8-10 p.m. and May 31 from 1-3 p.m. Estimations were given regarding landscaping for the school. Mrs. David Miller, Mrs. Reg Harris, and Mrs. John Uren and Mrs. Mike Vanstrein were named as a committee to look after this matter. Mrs. David Arthur presented Mrs. John Conway with a gift of appreciation for her work as president for the last year. - The recommendétions from the executive meeting were read and voted on. ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO Brown's W.I. Outlines iii-ri-iii/i-ir-, “ They are: 1. That an additional $25 be paid to Brown's United Church. 2. That a used Gestetner be purchased for $40. 3. That the euchre committee be Mrs. -Reg Harris and Miss Joyce Brugess as co-conveners and Mrs. David ,Arthur, Mrs. Joyce West, accompanied by Eldora McManus of London, attended the graduation of her daughter, Cheryl Anne, from the Agriculture College of Guelph University last Tuesday. The community extends congratulations and best wishes to Miss West. From Brown's Corners Women's Institute week's That each member contri- bute $4 towards buying the prizes for the euchres and the conveners purchase the prizes. Also each group be in charge of two euchres during the season. Mrs. Joyce West, Mrs. Carmeen Prinse, Margaret and Catherine, attended the grade 7 fashion show at Highland Park school, representatives met at the home of the president last week, to practice a skit which they are going to present at the East Nissouri Bicentennial Garden Party next week. Mrs. David Miller, Mrs. Harvey Barons, Mrs. Clar- ence Tate and Mrs. Fred Arthur as the committee. VERNE HARVEY, right, sported a mustache, top hat andlong coat for the bicentennial party held at A, J. Baker School in Kintore Thursday evening. With the school principal is John Uren of R. R. 4, St. Marys. Mr. Uren's son, Jeffrey, gave a piano recital at the party. . (Staff Photo) Brown's W.I. presented a skit entitled Wedded Bliss with a Hiss at the. East Nissouri Bicentennial Garden Party at A.J. Baker Brown's Corners extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Taylor who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a dance at the St. Marys community centre. Congratulations; Mrs. Hubert Uren, convener of the agriculture And Canadian industries group, presided for the program. 5. That a variegated maple tree be planted on the school grounds, commemorating the bicentennial. 6. That two minute reports be optional. 7. That a bus be chartered in August for members and friends to attend a play, with Mrs. Fred N Arthur as convener. . . 8. That the institute will sponsor a euchre, the proceeds of which will be given to the Northwestern Branch of the Cancer Society. St. Marys t_rpurnarhrgus,-wed.,. May 30, 1F84 '11 She read a poem entitled Brou/n'g Corners the institute will a euchre, the of which will be the Northwestern M20 Best wishes are extended from the community to Fred Arthur who is ill. School in Kintore last Thursday night. Karen Arthur, Jeff Uren, Jason Uren and Kevin Tate. assisted Carol Miller, Janet Uren, Nancy West, Margaret Arthur, Evelyn Arthur, Florrie Kingdom and Marion Harris in the skit. The roll call was an exchange of plants, A musical contest was. conducted by Mrs. Uren. Courtesies" were made by Mrs. David Miller. Lunch was served by the group. Mrs. Uren presented Mrs. PiEkel with a gift. Mrs. John Hawkesworth introduced Mrs. Harold Pickel of Wellburn who told about some of the new varieties of vegetables available for planting such as Celebrity tomatoes which mature in 56-62 days, red onions, white self wrapping cauliflower, baby carrots, and a bush squash. She had a display of herbs with information on their growth and use. . Griyuirnoper"s Day.