THE EXPOSITOR DlSï¬'E‘“E@ï¬' m@ws Saturday, April 30, 1983 â€" 7 nommmmommmtsmmmommmmmimmenmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmenmmmmmmmnsnmmmmmummmntmmemmmnmemmmmnmnmmmenmmunm mm m un mm mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmenmenmmmmnummmenmmmncmmennm By DAVID JUDD Mr. Robb fears the bridge Although nothing definite is . {FhiD SÂ¥ @ z> Me se( o( us NVR ) J 3‘;.’4‘;1";,5./" /.("'f,' ’f!/.fl/ L y es u2 Expositor Staff Writer may not stand another winter, known about the origin of the . [y$%/mo ¢§625 i twes . U i\ :.\"‘f I k;'i'/v S 2k tC. o fip o ob se BLOOMSBURG â€" The . Bloomsburg . bridge, â€" the . best . [¢% + @omsoueb se nsl wthe o NEAN LE T 2 1. arre | & 5 Te c APd 2 Rloomsburg bridge is (alling . mineg by vandale who have re. _ §UCSS i8 that. it was erected |*% "f/ ,%%~S§V ‘@k‘\‘\){\\\‘\i # P sï¬ r] iï¬ â€" BR ET down, _.~ nioved many of the larger about 1853 by the Waterford and #a ", : ") 'fi&\:\:\:»*’(\\»‘h\ '; x '}");.}’/ Af # ),{;j _}{ t ’: The stones of the rare arched . stones along the water‘s edge. Simeoe Plank Road Company. (y 62 /H:/, argt of> e “\W‘w;\\â€":‘l‘i\y :‘ï¬â€˜ 4 e / f’ LCR /’r/‘{‘ . , P structure are toppling one by . p busi . i k ies / M mseans 'If».;:‘iï¬â€˜i.;;:' 19y .. A % ’7 C xc y x 2+ / iVOk U que Into the cresk which they On top of the bridge, two wo. businessmen spent FPTTIEOAipreeh i\ (= cpinincc t i. wl Afieenrs . I+ + ies . > i have spanned since late pioneer Manitoba maples have pushed . $16,900 improving the road, inâ€" {W@",3% i f@ w_ ANumeit Sxetp ?f"'rf'"’.ï¬Ã©:Y\ adre oLA ’\\â€i";’ PB scmsunl ies their roots deep and there is a _ Cluding five or six bridges, in an ;:;’ï¬ï¬‚;}.’;rg}é;;.&ga\:: sÂ¥X ':§;‘\:\':\ï¬â€˜ffԤ:£. >\ T"}»{/‘ e 0 e reailrs . hole where motorbikes have viâ€" . ¢ffort to aid the travelling pub. !‘,‘ Bleen > wail ); \‘i\ ho wl 8.3 ,p,-""L'\ t aApA e en e sb Except for the occasiondl | prated the structure. lic, especially those wishing / »_‘.--.1".'“.-_{.,,‘*‘:‘?3",,@ ; athiien ts 4 3. +2 sc o f s Aame â€"Leraer d a s 80 RZ x m J Nouin ue i0 ued. n oaels dsn unate . Cï¬ ancd resident out for a stroll, the . easy access to saw and grist |e eie~ â€" tos aave Cne Nalitns X" 155000 s 4e Lc c . Ee : S fugh ue nar bridge doesn‘t carry much traf. . ‘"Another winter could be | ols in Waterford Ets (eoiep "\@4’ BB ~XT\ ul /)ï¬ S Uz“'iéf‘-» o ns d t en fic these days. disastrous," Mr. Robb says. "If © a “1_»'5\;"{»?;';.;;." @.Q' i en Wal/~~ I ‘&T“’,’“‘\ .f{"f} 4 ecgs use Aesamns .. V M ME m YAdT Mn Built barely wide enough for r;]e get a ~]t‘,)l of frearing and The road was intended to 77%‘“‘“&&“@""&‘. Ms †es MWn 0) ,\f;_? o 7 We 7 > a team and wagon to pass over, . {f awing, it‘s going to come â€" pay for itself through the collec id (Rrevs._© se s ‘ is Mn | e We oo e > : it‘s been out of service on the . °°*"â€" tion of tolls at the rate of two | C543 % > . hh > 40 A t iivieats: | i0 95 o aoraainl ++ esn § â€".â€" ; : ._x-,?.(‘ Ninâ€" z> acoil . fonh 28â€" ad ' 3 t road between Simeoe and It took expert stone masons _ CCntS 2 mile. RL ‘;j‘j‘:‘ â€"â€"__ ~adhan fls id ME . ngmtie Sithides . 0 o 0 o Waterford since a modernâ€"sized . to fit together the arches of the The ect »hen. NuSRTH ds © > M X Nes “‘i'ht )' e 2 o d ; replacement was put up next to . bridge, perhaps the same craftsâ€" a le proje! apporentiy bok | ooR *./ ce nb n ï¬'-wk‘:‘ifï¬â€˜ï¬zs pe| 393 hiz it in the early 1920s. men who constructed the stone ï¬ ?oumsbuxg. c tre |§ oi al â€" â€" . §if ols E' ty ts ~,£ e Lo & I For some residents, howevâ€" bouses north of Waterford and alm elt boas[ted s fharch oo Coaaly o)\ A . t iss "C on _ . M w\‘:tlg‘ uF2 er, the old bridge serves a purâ€" in the Oakland area during the fc hn WOO((;n mbx'll, post office, 20A is c i fsml we _ § 3y @Ai% . . "A . e 'ï¬J pose by linking them with 1850s. ne::ag;y' and a boot and shoeâ€" ’ neers e 7 Miaese: o 1 '{:'t::f"?â€. is ~I0 ie E‘:¢ Bloomsburg‘s historic past as a Bloomsburg dates back anâ€" ‘ | vogs : seqt e e y [ . ~ :: ce la d bustling little place on the . other 50 years or more to when _ Unfortunately for the plank }y )0 >( OÂ¥antemoanli ooo plinte _ . o o g®*>4 area‘s main road. its first settlers arrived from the road company‘s owners, the |/. '\':’ 3 -’ hoteat F sn A~ onto o "optae < M Py > sA "An arched stone bridge is a _ Yicinity of Bloomsburg, Pa. road was not much of a moneyâ€" . F<@z ho . meeiiipaaace o 41e . c \ MB i{,\ i real rarity," says Scotty Robb, The road itself is older yet. . MaKer and they soon gave up |(%. ty mow .. â€" 4. ‘C{x hm t mtal e e ï¬: s > /. o Mowns: <; 2e# ho a renre? Non‘olkJ C';Unt_v policeâ€" . It took its route from an Indian _ "°E%@r repairs. > "Yaun m is es "‘«’:"""“: af‘h‘ï¬i:?%gé& : 3 .:ï¬ U % man, who‘s made his home in . trail the ey Pol ysd o 0 oc o e ty ols â€" e S K. Bloomsburg for the last 37 a;aL:{::tgggil;orgr:E{}:: };0"“ March 14, 1879, the Bloomsâ€" | *X .t 0; + (wWon: "'r*:.;"ffr“,?:?n'{.,ï¬.:-‘~»;3:a‘f?!;t.‘*,f.5),"’.il‘; i ~eHe ‘»’f‘ Cl years. the Grand. ord 00â€" burg correspondent of the BR CR WN Wnn P OO AAPHR OA e n‘ B hk _ l ClA Waterford Star complained: Longâ€"time resident Scotty Robb fears time is running out for the hamlet‘s stoneâ€"arched nimet Sogse t bridge. Time has taken a heavy toll on the rare structure which dates back to the 1850s. This week the road is in its usual spring style and the colâ€" The town of Simcoe and the _ fou i j i ( 9 us M ght to leave the old bridge jected a suggestion to renovate !ectl_«:r} ;Jf .(olls t|h§1e0n is simply townships of Townsend and . standing. the bridge. , a mild form of highway robbery _ Windham bought the road and . : (and not very mild either,) dismantled the despised toll ‘‘Marston didn‘t have the Roads engineer Erie D‘Hondt "That the Directors of this . ROOthS, including the one at . h@art t‘()l e sliireatss Aamanncmniay _ mid have no principle is an BI(Jor:sburg_ ictosgnnze the skill that went into . deteriorated to repair safely. acknowledged fact; and if they The Bloomsburg bridge conâ€" ' Taki brid have a consqience, it must be so _ Linued in service until about 1923 Since then, the bridge has stone bl;lgslolgf lhl(;:'l gri-a;;g:,;t. small that if it was put in a when Norfolk County council been patched a few times but bling it would take great skill hummingbird‘s quill and blown ordered the road straightened mostly it‘s been permitted to deâ€" â€" and be expensive. into the eye of a mosquito, it and a new bridge installed. teriorate to the point of collapse. The City of Nanticoke‘s ar w;):lidâ€nol make the little fellow . MF. Robb recalls a conversaâ€" Haldimandâ€"Norfolk Region, chilecturalyconservation comâ€" ' Bl 5888. 16 tion l“‘ilh Guy Marston, the xhl?hu:nléeriled the bridge from â€" mittee is interested but has no Y 5, residents had had ©OURLY‘s road engineer. who orfo! ounty, this month reâ€" â€" authori i enough of the road‘s poor condiâ€" fhorinfoarder repsine. tions. ~â€"â€"+ a â€" ‘ â€"