‘/i.‘. A tss , ~orpk & , y tod , ')'I-'l' hk * , ï¬ a 1 'I. D | * 6 ae o. pes l2 ul 2e ue c lne m l us ccee s Abanicmatatenentne MR aled Sharmertume msoeren i enindintsenntemetrnmncome o .. ' wtom â€" ht en 4h 9 ng 18 Sm Ne SAï¬ omm narealmnpermpepaenac un y m s 7 7 ' â€" n pair y# caRHn l # o2 e 5ol k8 ug» & * u. r-.+ un "Jr';-"'-'r:i--fj}‘{’é:;.\"\'-.'|'I|/_r'.€'-'{" r.\f{',i’f‘,'a,"fl‘.q{'{n" |I.u l + . + l0 t h e ht e( dun prct P e ay cÂ¥ se t sa‘c ts ee> 8 t u} ,f‘,’-;,_fl*-.g.-;;,“-rl'_,g;;?,._ r‘!r.,“l,“‘(:",n\‘, i : s ‘ tae ‘ 2A L 4 h l Hhs t i w e t s l * ~. Fecfyh o oc h i t e i e esn en e ; 1 RNWJJ nB oc Wtz l e 22 s T §i0 © ‘ j ( Ehi es d F7 © â€" Waterrtord had â€"â€" , ¢! f MX : Etm in ts > mb 3 t es A 0009 9205 S( hi :-.j._-,i.'.i;f-f-.&;-:i&j-ï¬:;!--f'-!a:f.-.’{f.r:-,‘-};f: We uied * . t e on is t ooar o e o ota ho , &0 ho 4 5 ul M 4 es ,'J;.',-_'-,5.f’?_’fl;‘-‘:5;-;-;%‘.-'.-'.}ig-.'fï¬.‘f-‘i:i-'-rf.'r.»?.';.".'-f';'.r:s,-'a'f--:-fl."._-{.'r,rrâ€.-!.-!:.;:,-!.- hok 9 w ce sys sls fls e es e es c Een o8 is ‘-w-Y% v dnnbvtns. J We nsc aeta i ui ! s t TR T ripe 1 <o T ‘ T.3 a SIsui it dl| . is o mafl i y 0) _( a _Q_ S uy sol) * t * 1 Tmeigprrenmecs s m fogps (al en‘ e y e( ty m ds t B > _ /oz O *A 00 ts e y ue $ uit is ho e t o t t h . > U : * tb ft. ohlu on Lc t 1 e o ie‘ hok Feeet eb e e oi ons w t oi h o 200 C uM f-“--J *A .+ ooo )".rl."._'f"r-.-'r.'f.-ï¬'i':‘f'.":i!,-.51,‘I."'l"ri-’?EJr"r"-"ï¬i?ié’:-f-‘.’é:ij'.‘%{?,'!?§:";-:'ii-".‘.,";f}-‘f'.;!;i‘ijg_‘-‘:’!",:?,":{-ii:-.!.r-%!'g;?é??3}',-';'-'1{5?5';'; * . * w5 d c ald heis dhee 1 P l P Nt olsn t en a J , & 4 urdmbvie, 54) leg! ~ / s , enotagiseean| | e oeresinnaes . plopy‘ s & £ â€" __.MR@L’ga'o" alization ; in {Suffered damage @at the || ; . 5028 i =* 2 smd . *.; ’;-,. .,-:_._.-:,;IJ'I_:EF,_- -' > ::_:_g;};: ï¬_._..fp:.'_::_r_, e ||5J|*t'l.\‘ k * c J:, "'__‘,",_ £.° . . + .«%%'.74“‘."1'@_ é% the‘ Jhands » of , Amencam ||/~."~0 ~.. . faag i5‘ £ ol /7 i en : tranmae." Thet iAï¬ Wr aFoa Te > V " 3 DDS#:/ : 2l Sihere":. . p ¢ + , , Q.tea‘tfon Ei _:,'-’a-.’-, “@. ï¬' ï¬('rfll. J_’r_}'a"é.- L.E‘l?‘-'ll% ; ‘{**s * > n ; ~ ; 1y i4 ie * td o e i e ns s 2 ihiely .' h L0 a‘n C+p 3 : ; Nanticokey" wasnft, (the : wereamong meobulamps |p â€",‘ .‘ // . . Si% D se Wpommniamaa ) " mane ic atee anenga on on CJ, i & v pAinosstacs ols oinvrent: ; ; 14 Cube i.: qeneenven‘ 11 c Anoransneccy ( 1 Iparmnetis 111 toa lpe® ko ds £0. ‘ first‘mame fchange/tim{(the, ‘bumed)| fand) when) dab/j1 |, ‘. .. h ~61 . + [RYZ l ctang ay, * ';__ y e )’.r}:_,;j ]Efw____‘*mg-‘i;‘...‘ }‘h‘“w?*",:"\ .:i':.:'i‘“? #8 {| ..,._“- + ; : , 1. * t istory . Of::>:Waterford Abeder. rebulp them) the |}. .. > * § $ *al m P us .AE L. _ o ies ie ..‘ oi erliies iess s m ts meepanratanl / k £C P , bony e pilodiy "Iaheg " id‘ fev ind hay! Ilxes n ue | ; 18... Py . & +8 4 . although gm:_@uf oka w . | S is 4000 0t . C 9 yigves mameâ€"â€"iRodesmle."";;" l â€"â€"C#0 ~ : â€" o tb lasts~"" _ [,, o\* O § 640. mameâ€" Rodewille. ) o. to ho ty s « 1 ; n [ 9 e h (t P Hacce ce e it t .0 : : M + m ' © o 2e oid ,*'(â€Nu,,?%"f.}fï¬;ï¬ ht ;gsgi;%;; fprokt l t onl 4e Pm 2 Dsate im (fha adoiie ce lu M h onl ie esn en es 8 f â€" se o k _ 6 1 C BT_gck '1.1;14( eJCE‘S ays ; hocal Imstonans jean, || â€" e e y ue e h e L C Chpz3 y ; faesiss s ) . iscreesn | tss pe,: »Aegee B * . t dn 2 o audÂ¥gt (ae â€" of .?h‘,?/ +/ {community,‘‘ @ccount; for) the jearly || ‘% <x o hiR a n s . .G"‘*,. +0 --,- 80 Bluit /s P 1i ï¬mwy'y-_:sâ€"hfl% Tob -'-‘-.'-'-'-I . kc * *T y { T ‘*the: namextto erCcommt $ : lt PM . . > : g@%{l‘&j* i esd s / 74 - ’»“!.%"r%&»,@@’il\,;}& © t ym k lc e c d 24 C * â€" settlement walknownf@s) .. but ho how. why xd || ° 22 oo Sovereisn &n named when of meesten foill s l e ediyi sovereign‘s‘ | ; named >when (of Phe)lswitoh fo/ ) . |_ «u2 9P > Les} CHh: * mfidiwouidhie IAaneank muilatart lIl © . 12 #O5upl 4. ip. ~&f réï¬&hï¬ï¬a‘_ï¬gï¬o@i Waterford ar xa;'}ï¬lfv": m'cg_-‘r. o6 e ul * to" ‘-....;J;-,: sb o 5 "‘]ï¬_f_‘ _ ool o reoieates uol o ces ce To ie i. . ko 9 15 2y S axfpas .t . oo °s m; t in J_"-‘_f.s!_" pyby s po4 l ds , ks s uM . Sovereignâ€" who owned, (Gomehime dhrng: fhe ||/â€" |~ : s hy C 2 ui * fe defeioaarl i > bst‘> .adomea" mapilss" aor: real,. e mt o ! ind operited .‘the gnst‘ t090sâ€"(betore Ithe) (post se lon 54 14 ¢ ,Cï¬â€˜*lg’:__‘..;.‘l“f‘?â€"f‘_'?r * oC‘ 2k o Ceedey! feg y oo e is rereen|// es ; *PÂ¥a 8 x § Millyy," 0; m ewiar i. . _ .. .(OGEnece r":".i!l'.i':??}'-.]‘j"%'-‘r"i-; 18y)7° y‘ . e t e uKs f * """!I{J.-,I ¢ pi‘ 5o oC , egrouie . P s ie anersee ho s .---:..n--’l;ï¬g_r' w . & a . s ced to, u2s *:\L" L.l! ‘:?‘ yonatis '.'.',l'!ona © ? Dae. E@}"-.'r['-' be t e £ e ht s ,:x‘, ies ~â€" * / "Inâ€"the Waror 1812 ccal * Ts â€" rpepraenesn.,, © Oe . \ ul To | _ To the war of T812, ced )\ by : Wateriard‘ te m h $3 C oï¬ L : Wt Th j â€" hooasf 5o eaeel Peared L k Pomn effingaagn) (o5) 4 *, j 2e 5 t e y Wt miich . of. fthis @ : @and (that name basstvck,. We oi n n . ig "t > Tok P act ue e e 4yX 0 2. VC oys Te all / qayl‘ w o t e h 4 2 MA ts ' 2o e _ Gs 1. . wl d oo lt tag o ï¬f]‘;:_.J,.a epamore so 4 it M remee fids i j { CE ob s L .’-J;..;'?- , , jul lc m s 2 es o8 e me e wrore n n se n mm e o egn n in EPm i mee ooo Lociep on po‘ * _ * en > » * , w4 2094 , y*a * 2006 w bwre 5o k60 y L cce qo# !a +. "',1"" f,éï¬('.'i“q- 4 h onÂ¥ C 2 db ut C . +C ',;'. 5' f.lu.'}-_ll"lrl'f_.1 : _';';;rg % 5“{{'.;-'-"'. F . h P\ R) 2 ‘f“}r j 6. 3° #+" « t a + 5+ Fu, &n e ';5) [Â¥ .‘u' *A . ':‘ o‘ * p ¢. , &og 4A * . ww 29 1 2 hh ) « ++ "th. " . + EC .l $ uk s » Lt 2 C 3W s ' : '.;',l._i 6450000 epidy eW L * + * .{ i !bl i t . :,"l © ]J*\ :‘ <© S Â¥h. .0 )* e s ty § y . : 2o t WBR PSA 0 4 0 ‘ &« w9b ® 63 L _ F2 y‘ s ce ut | o f * TL swin t s t c oouh tlagsd} Taq e S 6 un inss TB ul e C oys en 4 9l C ' l oR . d } ies &A .. t#.9 oz hk in ‘% C 1':_---.'-:-.ffl.")‘_{]‘. e « 684. o d 0 EiC mï¬ o «©24 F #1 51/ ca d Pate® ENO F Way .1 c0 202 sadffunp ht es w o C [aMeol | o * £0¢) 7Aï¬ y oc !.?%.EJJ P o Llfaway . : > oc e o ! ‘\ £*"0 0 dy" s r;-.’./;"/.fgi’,,/f:-_".ff.-:f,- 7. Tï¬'}j wl â€" < 2 s s 9 o e t P ' e w oA s uL e ughe t ue COHet o Biaz & C355 Ba 4 a -,-__rgf,,.,:,.; Lelsie OR f:-;-:-.------.- P : ‘a n h66 08 fou® Om 2o Wtb (FM3 m"l $ > ‘ f B * Â¥ 4e fls oA# e Nepvithy <29 a“{' k ; B 3 y 003. nitanes o ht oo e TD3 *3 . 2e 60 ies Mss d‘ , IFr.fE"';-' watid \e -1\.;;1:"-4:* _'h{r_d"if;'!,-?fl‘_r:;_[,'-.'.l {e Q ‘ : Py Cb §74" % e on l -.d-:;-r__-,..j!__flr.;,-;;_.;-;-_,,sr;.!};;;j.=.!..ï¬fu,j',.’!f-;: ® $ ; 3 . s esnt o s 2000 a e C( ues o , [ *# Â¥(00060 Â¥6 0 en CC a Lo oaud c o hy s u,._:.l,@f _r;,-a,f:;;,;ï¬!g;\:, tb esc o © ( n s 4‘ a e wp h2 1 C ue y é teey ho o h No oc ore ‘ C S ler‘e? ce y uds s ol P aed 0 tuae e S y‘ > Bu e *htl P map o.3 gpofh on td d , .4-.'!;s.a’.r,a;;-:s.i :Jr.u-u-:-.'.'f.'s.f-;a:.!.-.J.’.'-.'..-"-:!.J,e,;!f.,ï¬x:‘-.'-:.:‘..-.'.'fis;-i,f's-;f::af.%r';',ss.f.-*;f.'.i’-.ééi;f.i--"f..f"'-‘ § » : *A. i. oo 4@ ,, h 0 h n e oo‘ e es i) i ‘ bo, * a £opâ€" ".::I:.'.‘ shord ’Jf;‘f†fA C Ce . {-I-.r.f-'i.;.":,'-{i.’:[-_"'J'F * '-i".r.j".'i-;il.f--:i‘ * Hfl‘fï¬*/EE"/}Hâ€; 4 : 22 se n ; y f.*|=;i~f:..£r|'!: ult pd }":.“--'.5.,":\ 111 J oo(z J;'f'-'.a-.’-.f."'"- ’,r"(fr*'z-}u*f*iâ€"frjâ€i}s’?\’%?;c'fg(r'J’ï¬fi,wf‘llb"j“ . ho Nx o alc o 8 naes eb oi oh. 7 0 ud tuyht ut ds talt i yie o l in e n e d t j Cl k t y e 8 ',Lfl ds o (Atioiok o ,fj-’-.r-.-':?'.r}?ï¬;, 4. t'i"":"g/,rrâ€HJZ“??‘,,?Mfj““];rfâ€}ffl*;5= io 5o e ateu 4 o ts ts t oaiteskh 02 2o 0 0 o uies td wl : : : . ty Op s qy 5U o 0 *CB cfAlMbs ..,~‘~'x'-;:£.-...fï¬:’?-.'.r"i'--“‘.3-:.f:=:4f-?5x.‘-ifiï¬-.-"}ff'.-’;f;*r','.J..-r"-,-"-.ff;f:::, 6O la ie oo tatten‘t, ."n;?.',lu‘;ï¬*"‘r J'i;" ( oo \ p05o t + *T e stt3 ’4-9-;,.- aople ue 2oo eAE L ;2'=:".‘-§.-'.-£:f't;-'f';i,;*%';::'s!J«;q‘.â€"'.?ï¬g.’.";;-i-'en :-.'h..-'-:-.'c.-'.:u."i;'v.».u s zie n ud‘ -,=:;-s:-...-,1.§r.lf,.f,r;;’;;i:i:i.;.:.:#w:é.,' sostote ityels| . â€" . C e i e e i o y o i en e on fs * sn : Mn e ns ons neragrond netyio in nrnonnmepnmees it snn ons onl esdï¬ in tm uen onidanensy aohie ce fioet (+ Pinliet eion en y esc =':-'.4,"zii_'a§=i"".jl_'g"-.1'-;‘1'?:?' Sï¬ stt 1 sAmiid t oigt . MAE penimmmtm rtannampapaninesi «on covemess m emcanmammntintes Reevareesieaacee * uts * I