n @ call Founding of Birr Institute | 1911 Meeti _ eeting of 1946 â€" when jewelled pin resented to Birr W f P Irr W.1. by Mrs. Irene & DY IVIrs. Iren U s& N#A mrba.s pemmes & §ie &\f\\'&"?{? vBWL : #7" B8R dnï¬ har n ba on ie en nree NW‘MYQ{% ; ’%a$~ stt o e m oi o ons pti ts mcb Hitage hk . %§ g&:*@%{rï¬\gw s stt t p t ts c ym t o 3 Ss338 0C3 1j F.. --i":ff.‘{.5555_55?555:':3.-’:;3123:}{’:;1:5"5:’:_555:2:1;:';:5.';:;5_’:5‘5:5;5:5_':.}_-‘ff_-'s-'s:';i-1f_:'.‘;{s_f';:':.-:'.f-;‘.:;-:.:'_-.:';;-5_:55::.-f.-';s_i-'f.':'sfs:?.f}f;s?i:::};}'fff.;'.-';:.:;-:.;:-5-‘-'-:;-'5-.:._5 s gg w se ... .-??:ff;é?" -v‘}iz.,»Ef:‘sz'::."»'%;.1':,‘:5355.-?:;'3 yc y »xff? t i. s †Sss °t M §1°000 t c ooo on o. . c o °* t t r sn on t stt t cctcs & Wls s . . 8 o) «iagr. ... .cy t s oi -f*&“ Ԡit o ts actys: y hS t saat. o o o. stt t is -"E-':.;f:E‘;:‘:Z,.‘E'E‘E,.-:j:‘:-'.':':'3,uv3.:_,_:-"":-E';"'];f;fv},:_,j.'l;'_-'_::?555:;:"'43_35:5;"{:1‘}JE:1‘2'{'3mf;ziffiï¬iï¬géf{f}f}j\fl:':;):;'f 4y ... cmas 4 o9 o ioh ty : f‘\&s o $ es t n Mn t ooï¬ ut onl ast § _ attcc . aime â€" + -“-'#‘.‘-:,-;--‘.w.',-.-?"" * iss af . . 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C3 0+ sttR a°9002 L oys n yrank ons 05. m olsc es . ie .t oo 2s ; s J«‘n' edatif en e (?»’x&’ ie‘ n t . s mc Toh Arc sA ns > y a°t â€"â€"â€" e e en Pelieaonlt â€"Ao â€" l oo n o t o e o #f‘fï¬â€"@» k oo n oane > '{#ï¬:sa$-§é=s§'-§-<:s‘ w?*f y oo '!'.f;:‘r‘~i‘.’-,‘-'-‘,:’:“3§’-',-§-'.§"v%l"..;':‘:'z.'?“ <a n wl ?x"a'u‘w&‘ es t s Sss s o hy . oo _ oc beop ¢§§ »t y scccta. C 1.3 § ‘i&\,;%\\\ Q%’%, >“)§ % c o _ t ï¬ {‘? Mflg’?@;}e\ 3EA w (@3}’\ mt ic ases iss t 30y v ioi e ie s * ‘at.. . tyufas oAsa 3 C 4o fri2s _ 1 2 s , “‘““\'\,â€â€œw- l tare : %&"‘" l L ce s . a#a u\‘:.&‘}"{i“{'g\g{« s tyz2m i %3?,‘4‘.(’5,‘%\ \;}‘«M\‘a . ooo es | ?‘ °\y§§*fy$;«‘* e . _ W L s .. sco s .. stt‘ .. es mm n l c 2oo 2C _ BP t o s yion: £.. 1«*%}\>&~\’§\"‘u}â€â€™3€,\*w '-:és}“‘*'&izzza"515::::«:;::?: i aaasta ram l y ... $an sc 0c WO L 0e o2 ts s c peeleceats. en o ovecomeraniacens > oo ohons . 0. onCc dnb D ies dovind Comnbciniaaet â€"â€" Be o ia m -"}4;‘ eA oo celelae id h : hk .'\{'tk“‘?' s *‘?"f"i' se fime :;.\.;f‘&kï¬f)ï¬rg.if_,i:g;g,fé‘i;?g? yorer 28 ce i noit ns s 3. se in . tliorl, us x _ s3 ‘}ï¬jfï¬f’«‘&, °. 0, . on ’\\x ts l i{;%gg% _ ols * ples s . y Mc yc Rg e t n en Canics Nee e ‘,«M ‘%\q* i rttray o t t ol 03'73\2.?%; e d is on ."1‘1’79)*}‘3"':,,.’(V’;I\‘)‘%‘"’,‘}!;*'é'mï¬Ã©\*}»(’5}‘9%{'}“ }‘ e alren c ts â€" Suart : : ‘0,»“9/‘.‘;%‘ > .;;?2,2{:5 i t mmieilcraneg _ Aog& t o \ on on ome t _ 11 P n .. wg;?«r“""/»s Nss L [3 . . oc raties iess ‘ï¬-("‘&k-‘-:}-:-'3_’&:."5“-‘2'\*"\{1,’.:.'::;:;\-."--3' o Wobareanieo an ineneedrel -/v\.;g‘o-x n q,z'}'&quw’g" Teme oo c at ue Sm act Sa2â€"~ apacaty s \\,eftb}&i~%“;Q***é}‘\{x‘«%&w“‘m.“,,};;pï¬n :E‘.’.‘:.v-:-;"!_?-.f\:.“:‘-‘.fl.r;r‘;;-.--x:;;fxflï¬- Sss s oorpirrs. o. o2 yapasâ€" ~ sn on i t e t . ies lt sn of Ssn Ts â€" o renieesecraa Charter members recalled early d in B es 8. M M oA it oo nc S y days in Birr Women‘s Instit i ' M e at the 35th annivers i en > ‘pin to the branch i : i ary meeti o ncb in memor 4 + home of Mrs. Reaben Hall ggtï¬leégnzsséfggayt afE]emo%n at }:he who had received it from any};f()l,i‘;i l?rgzxstllsxttir. I\N’ilSs CElmxly J. Guest, PreSsence of the t! lal, , London Township. of Denfield . " s 6 & > rs. Clarence Lewis . he first president, Mrs. Earl M. Gr { eld, present president, sh ctr j : . . ose, of Toronto, i ; ; . . shown at the extreme left, is w whose home on the Pr in c ‘ 8, in ing the pin. Besid ; . » wear i oof Line road the Instit § pin. Beside her, from left to right ? : . ute was organized ' i o right, are: Mrs, H. B. Hodgi . gave added interest to th i § R + Denfield; Mrs. John Mi f + Mi gins, the occasion. Mrs. Grose presented a jeweled 'inld c on cARxe F‘ddl?ton, Granton; Miss Dora Stewart, Denâ€" _______field. andâ€"M»g, Earl M, Grose, all charter members. e e ; ; + on n mm n F' rst PrESIdent of B' W & in the community and district. lrr o 1 . |Ves War brides had been welcomed and many donations made to charitable e causes and the branch had taken ewele Pin To Branch its part in district W.L work,. ~~ * A Tweedsmuir History Book was: , by L. b. M. J4IP > on display. This gives not only a: h f . [ ; _BIRR. August 14â€"The jeweled lessened. Her second last public adâ€" history of the branch, complete® rin which had been presented to dress had been given to a Women‘s‘ with early pictures, a poem by one me of the two Canadian founders! INStitute audience at Springbank, | of the members, and accounts of Y the Women‘s Institute in Britain | related Mrs. Grose. 8 h}ghl}ghï¬s, but also a history of the recame the treasured possession of[ Looking around _ the room at. | district. ; Hninsing Birr Women‘s Institute today when | present members, Mrs. Grose Said | Mrs. John Middleton, bringing he first president of this district[ that she was glad that the small| | greetings from Granton Institute, rranch, Mrs. Earl M. Grose, of Toâ€"| ET°UP of women in the early days| told of the interest of many new fonto, gave it to the present presiâ€" | had ventured to organize an Instiâ€"| members as well as older members dent, Mrs,. Clarence Lewis, Den.| tute. . . _ _ [ | in her.branch, boG field. The ceremony took place at) Mrs. H. B. Hodgins, Denfield,‘ Table Presented ‘ Elï¬e 35th anniversary meeting of, also a charter member, told of thati The program had another high-' DfeI\:'[.[I;Stl?{ltebheld at the farm home| ‘first meeting on April 16, 1911, 'light. Miss Hattie Hodgins, who is fien" i. ;u en Hall, 13th concesâ€"| when 13 people were present, 12 of |leaving to reside in Lucan, was preâ€" it w ont °“MT°WDShlP; i whom became members. During ‘ sented with a handsome end table the Précl)sofull_,' rs. Grose‘s home on || the first year, the membership from the Institute. fnesting of }131}3 road that the first | : grew to 34, and of that number 12 This was a combined anniversary Sihe w 8 ?h lï¬. Institute was held.|; members are living. There were and children‘s meeting and it was it on as then ls‘s Irene Guest, apd |* two other charter members present ‘a group of children who gave the s3 ]V?im éne;]rxoxy of her late. sisâ€"|< today, Mrs. John 'dedleton, now of ; program. Frances Adams played & ud ansosth "“dy, J. Guest, that she / Granton, and Miss Dora Stewart, piano number; Mary Anne Kohl / Dr Edna eéue;?tmgouxshed ~ sister, 1 of Denfield. sang a solo; and there were recitaâ€" T. ( & O.B.E., parted |~ Early Minutes tions from Bernice Deblock, Marie with the pin that it might be a ; * mul Lewis, and Ruth Dickinson,. Litt] lasting tribute to her as it passes | | Reading some of the minut6§ 0f Poreen Garrett 1d d i tt . from one Birr Institute president || those early days, Mrs.. Hodgins tive cgstume et ionnltle arlx a rta.c- to another. Accompanying the pin | | CAMe 4CLOS® the record of the time | joy,, o give her clever tap was an address, emphasizing Inâ€" 1 | when the branch considered buying After t} ti ber t stitute aimsg and ideals. {|a vacuum cleaner on a coâ€"Operaâ€" t}er 4 i8 me}el ing members SA Encl L . i‘ tive plan,. When some ane asked p C 1e‘, awn whete refreshments ; ; . ip y CC + + bll Inglish Gift ‘, \thxs had gone through she had to YC** avIF&G . . With denth of feeling, Mrs. Groge admit that the branch had ended brought before present members a ; by renting one. glimpse of her sister as a woman| A history of the branch during who all her life had had a keen inâ€"| the past five years was read by terest in education and a great love: | Mrs. R. S. White, who told of war for people. It was she with Mrs.: / work, Red Cross work, contribuâ€" Alfred Watt, M.B.E., president of| ©tiOon to the mobile kitchen purâ€" the Associated Country Women of| chased by district branches, and the World, who founded the W.I . mentioned innumerable ways in in Britain. The pin had been a gift which the branch had_ been aclive to ber from an English Institute noa ks eeme t in 1918. Miss Guest‘s interest in thr Women‘s Institute_had never