LJ @© ' Childhood Home of Emily Guest was tructed and Redesigned as a i i ian Home in 1987 Beautiful Victorian Home in i opre uc :fr:rftfr «4 193 it t im tA t C 1( C _ .~ _ & * 0 cessP S on o ons renesenentennrait c coas t . lhe o d 234 it es ie ie t .. _ _ . Hetdees . T395 : Pn eaurrsoata e en enie c aoip o . 74;‘:‘,/‘*"; s im fRe use( flls :&3&:73’**’&:??;‘."&5â€3?&?7«1’6‘%‘33’*«}&5&(.{535;&3}“‘"‘ . e P oevomigaeme h oo rgareaare ‘ hegs po ho EopaAihs e ue e tie idnsA wl Bwre se o+. 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At left, a shot of the home‘s rustic family room shows one of three fireplaces constructed on the home‘s main floor. TCO oz =â€"w___â€"â€"«â€"_â€"___â€"â€"_____ _z z_ ~ H . t [ h h .l . By Village News Staff "When we bought the The restoration began the area north of Birr, Ont. were added during reclaimed bricks) adds to the house everybody thought we with the daunting task of Positioned on a hilltop reconstruction. room‘s relaxed ambience. In When Tony and Irene had really gone off our clearing out the loads of between Birr and Elginfield, The 9‘ x 25 ¢ sun room the other corner, a baby Wemas bought an abandoned rockers," says Irene. garbage that had Rosenan became a uses leanâ€"to construction and grand piano waits to _ Sarm house near Lucan in "Nobody could see the accumulated in the house recognized landmark for has a series of windows on _ entertain guests. Overhead, a 1987, prognosticators gave _ potential because it was over.the pastâ€"50â€"years. Old _ travellers on Highway 4, a the south and west sides, _._ series of pine beams accents the home a slim chance of | © really in bad shape. Even I _ beds, chairs, refrigerators wellâ€"beaten thoroughfare _~_ making it a perfect spot to the open ceiling, creating a gurvival. After years of never pictured it to look like and stoves, even an empty _‘ formerly known as the Proof relax with a cup of coffee warm, yet airy appearance. meglect, the Victorianâ€"style _ this," she says. casket in the basement‘s â€" Line Road. and enjoy the home‘s "We wanted the family yirm home was in critical The resurrection of cellar . . . all were removed The home was also the beautiful countryside view. _ room to be a little more @ ondition. Vandals had Rosehill (originally known _ from the house, placed in a birthplace of Emily Guest, The other walls in the contemporary . . . a little bit ‘ &mashed windows and as, Rosenan) began in 1987, _ massive pile in the front an Oxford scholar and sunroom feature the home‘s _ country," says Irene. r,pped off doors. Bats and about 120 years after its yard and eventually hauled _ women‘s advocate who was _ original exterior brickwork "It‘s a room to kick off your Facoons had taken up original construction. away. a driving force behind the which has been refinished in _ shoes and relax." T:sidence in the attic. Tony, a London "When we first started formation of numerous a white latex. The Between the two rooms is rodents had chewed the restaurateur and real estate cleaning it up, we thought women‘s institutes in highlighted brick finish a spacious chef‘s kitchen Corners off doors and broker, had often talked of _ maybe we‘d slap some paint Ontario. gives the room a rustic, area which includes a Squatters had set a fire in the buying the home. But when _ on it and use it as a summer Today, the Guest House country feel that leaves an commercialâ€"sized gas stove, eiiddle of the aging he actually took ownership _ home," says Irene. still displays a formal immediate impression on its â€" commercialâ€"sized sinks, a hardwood floor. in thg fall of 1987, the "But once we started doing Victorian flavor that one visitors. Irene has the sun solidâ€"wood butcher‘s block Today, nearly nine years _ reaction from friends and a little bit of work, we would expect a 19th century _ room decorated with a and enough cupboard space later, Tony and Irene are still famlvly was one of decided we wanted to do the home. Modern decor has variety of indoor plants, tot leave most homeâ€"makers giot sure why [hey decided to bewilderment. best job we could. At some _ been tastefully incorporated _ ferns and a few comfortable _ blushing with envy. E@store the historic brick I brought my family out _ point, the house just took on throughout the home, giving ° armchairs. Facing the kitchen area is ome. But somehow, dpspxte here and they all thought a lne'ot its own." it a formal yet functional The other addition is the a spacious breakfast nook, @onths of backâ€"breaking Tony should be committed," Built in the late 1860s, appeal. 12‘ x 25‘ family room, which gives visitors a r\lgbour‘an_d an undisclosed recalls Ireng. Rosenan was constructed by Entering from the south finished in knotty pine and _ chance to chat and observe ~j£1a_n_c1al investment, their I don‘t think anyone ever _ John Guest, a Scottish side of the home, visitors * 5" pine flooring. In one while Irene, a certified chef, ecision seems like the right believed we‘d go through immigrant who was granted _ step into a spacious sun corner of the room, a brick _ prepares meals. one. with it 100 acres of crown land in room, one of two rooms that _ fireplace (built with see historic home page 7