C) A C B " (C,ii' " ~ . ' . memes a eein it , lug y As l l ()00 1) * . m; l/ omen tten ubiiee . _ I l T, ,' _ - GUELPH Ju 18 - (EDEN BEBENSEE "No 001111131? can ply itself. past president ot Inc .5- _ , Ine tart) - Eleven thousand Ontario farm much above the level or happh Gounod of Women. Miss Mary women swarmed the Ontario Agricultural College grounds her t dt ness we can establish inagricul- A. Clarke, inspector of home ea: in the largest women's meeting this country has ,5 tg. Ve e 0 ay tural areas. "the prosperity of 2ypmi?? of the Department .ol represented build ls t W , . s everwitnessed. They the country LS proportionate to Education. and Mrs. Guy Slrilt- . _ . . A recs 0 omens Institutes of the Province celebrate the prosperity of its farm her of Michigan, the former Bess I mg. the fiftieth anniversary of the Federated Women's In tit t ,f people," he said. McDermand, represented the " Ontario. ' rr, S u es or, He commented that in feltg earlier supegntgndentcs g tthe . N laces in the world today con W. I. Mrs. . onan ' ll 3.1le t Elam: special trains-198 char- fi 'w'Tf' _ Irm 211011 a mass gathering be at- Commissioner of the Girl €16 . 9585' and seemingly end- Jrst leaders of the W/r., and tempted with food and transpor- Guides, brought greetings from less individual automobiles car- made a plea. for greater respect mum rationing so rigidly con- that organization. I"ied the great throng of cele, and understandina among. the ‘trolled. "We are a very fortun~ Lady Londsley Taylor spoke on brants to Gueluh Women who willbo ‘t' to I . ate people," said the premier. behalf of the National. Federai R . . . _ A .. . " . br, . " _ :Ollllllle the He commended the influence “on of Women's Institutes .of ‘ aiiclelhlgmg in . their heritage WOl_k In a worthwhile future." of the Institutes in laying fine Englandsand Wales, and Miss ing ttfd1hrell1vbls1eiueadset1iis Paladg MfWOl' Gordon L, Rife, wel, foundations foi:(Canada., .and in Amy Kane, represented .t‘heV‘VrVYl. homes and communitielsen: 1:: coming the Women to Guelph, making“ rural lite attractive. 'i,t'eniSrofhaiQ1ifiv, tl5Jird' coil: 1 ‘ fililllllni 53:21:28 bllaeace of the Slots: {1.16 W; as ('the greatest I, "No organization means‘ as gratuiations from " a similar accepted 'l1/,it'i15l?,l/e, thousands {â€15 organization in the much to the choracter and rtr,:l: American organization. from Prime iiiunuteg.g1"ieete.ci,ri' World. He credited its success fare of t111§131‘0":11109 as try? IN om: . Representatives Irom the WIS" Drew Hon l, L Kse e1 dv Gorge to its support of the democratic em's Institute, COL hemied) inces were as ,fOHOWS: MISS; 5-1L ister 'di "dF,riierit"i1iii".. In/ y, min- way of life ' stated. Nothing we can 5le can _(_.‘.iimmow. British Columbia, Mrs. ers in theDVV 1 1, rom lead- IV i/ .. __ . repay you. We have awaim spot Til. E. Morton, Alberta; Mrs. Rob; Ontario. the lithe nove'ment 1n . " ReeK, 11ew president of in our heart for the work yoii fert Palmer, Manitoba} lP1err,,.l).r. Canada,' England 25nd 1%71ilces cg O.A.C., considered the influence _ .3113 dung.†We can only 533 E Sinailman, Quehec; Mrs. Elton New Zealaudfand from 011?; ll)?» Of the wa "immeasurable." Il,s "rhe,'tsv11,1(, sight at15rOnt? siuilvsy i11),e)lt,,yoipi.i,'cie'f,1ist1i,vlff')'i' $211de 1l)1l1aei1zaat1i1o1sro"wide women’s :TméfwhueS? and its ability to on this plrltfory today will new" mil-s. J. H. 'A1?C1ulloell, Brampton. i2/iTdiG'iaii'tC'crovevno,. Tl _ T an up?“ Its own feet, made It forget," The .s.si,srh.t, he said, sur- secretary read. messages trom Rair Lawson and M]- F Hon, an effectrve weapon for peace. passed the Wildest dreamsof 50 'ays!ratcthe,way and New Bruns~ received the 1/fh 12i, Jamison ' lit t k'; years ago, and sry1ttt.tyly1,.,.tllt wick, and from the Associated during the tea hour if??? reps' 'The character of the women good to. be done in the nest 50 Countrywoinen of the World. ‘ of congratulation were tfre who make up the Women's In- years', lilrew1se beyond the scope ...Tht. pageant. was nuclei the coming from Her 14,91 l-, stitute .1s such that the cause. ot' dreams. . ... ,, direction Of. B"'O.VV’_II°\Y 91m 91 Queen Elizabeth. Prime (//ertsg' of religion can never be far from Mrs H ar, ‘Suhimers‘ Fonlhill Toronto. WWI ISM?“ ,ty' lining†' W. L. MacKenzie Kine- and fr 1 the Institute's program. I ex- 135' Pei:' . ll Fiiiir.b' ‘1)â€; Card, Bowel. F‘prs on. 11>. in. the Women's Institute; of sd',',")"; press the gratitude ot all who arts. I),1'f,rsC1adC.f _ of '18 h' l C"' 331 eCde., provided the rt1llf//r . , L . . Africa. . ‘ " l interested in church work for its sided over the 351i. "Ill' J, Ieirfii( Mrs. Dow displayed a. silyCi Climax of the tremendous AT' influence on moral life," said 1nvssed Wilde.“ Pt 191112.33 HT won lsy.thts REY-21011. In- ‘ liionial celebration Ewes a 'i),7iti.' (Jlianvellor G. Gilmour of Moll/los- cstveaT ol' institutes., Ill! m an stitnte, OntarioI in the Dominion liantj-cossdGiii' Daniel-11]!" “f“ ter University, representing the organization“ W12?“ 50 “Kim, essay competition. Similar cups sented in the earl "'ee1nn"in,,11',e/' Dmninion Council of Churches, women found worthy of. 11,',ile,fil' "V were won by New Brunswick “PM the great outdoor ystaoe Ub flll He spoke of the stand for moral She coinn'iended the contiiiu â€â€11 Nova, Scotia for Village histories the title "Let There l'; Ugh?“ correctness, loyalty to high Irvin- to the betterment of lilome 'tTJ, and a.l1ancirasr, respectively. Tluyr . it chronicled the histOi-v ofbth~ ciples, and the Contribution m community..1ite,, and We. ll. u- are given by Lady Tweedsmuir. Women's Institutes thron h a; the banishment of fear in health. 'TH' on national i",t,l.ihe,pi1l'c.h,i,o?1; Thirteen charter members of . , years, together with theiig IC".'. programs. al life. She asked (gJ,11miJft1ie,l tfy? Stoney Creek Institute were . fideiice and vision for. the future Miss Anna P. Lewis, director the face '_o_fr_f,1t_1_v1'1l1ll] 1llll, "fr', given anpovation. .. t 'iVeathee favored the historir: of the VVomen’s Institute Branch -- At. y,et,adi.e,1y, challed hy M.†‘ meeting. The city the 001160.?†if?“ Home Economics Service. bumineis. and aiianged by. M15; . I welcomed the Women. The “all; saw tht,w.. J. as a force for G. Gordon Maynaid, sec1etar3‘ . . beamed from a blue skit-clouded democratic citizenship. She point- of the committee and i) meinhefi. , " only with picturesque 1dfiiri.i's's ed out that this, year of cele- of the board, toast‘t? the F1“. ' ' and the O.A.C. grounds in all â€flu?" .3150 marks the 5th .5reHI' I. o. and the F. W. l. C. was their spring loveliness formed the fl scrvme 1'3" WOW“ of the Des proposed by Mrs. Reek and Il? - setting ideal for a farm worn/s/c,) p'culmenai: ot Agriculture. swered by . Mrs. E. A. Duke, ‘ ‘ celebration. - Mrs. Cameron Dow, past ptvsi- past py..oyineial president. Mrs. H. ‘ Macdoimld Institute, the brain dent of: the TWIC., aslced the R. McCrie, a past Perl member. I ~ child of Mrs, John Hoodlessvor‘ women to understand the forms proposed frhfs wasâ€: to the P,,?,- . Stoney Creek, the founder oi, the Qt government and to be a "thors partment ot Agriculture, . ‘ies- . ‘ w. I., expertly handled the in. the flesh," to 1.'e)prese11tatives ponded to by Deputy Minister crowd in a picnic lunch thouai7 Jll gIQYemmenti m Improve social C. JP. Graham. ' it had prepared for a more 6080 conditions. " She mentioned jail Mrs. L. MacEwen, _hoard mem- _ Two hundred chosen institute- conditions in Jytticular. her. toasted distinguished guests. ' ‘ guests were entertained at, a dim .,1"11.'S- A, ‘E. Walker. past pro- Tle. reply was. made by'Mrs. L1 my in the Administration Build- r'.ilty,iirel and Dominion president, Millen, provincial president ot ‘ I mg cafeteria in the evening llépl'esented the Stoney Creek in- l VSpeakers were unanimous in y,ileyte, mother of all others their praise of the Contribution 'shroughout the world. She re- of the. WI. to peace and to the commended that each branch A. a welfare of Ontario. They s/ad yi4',y..1 011.6 overseas institute as , 52 500 Slices . ' the organization and other; of a friend ' ' ihs kilm'l paving the wav to Hill‘- /i1,'d'y,i1,1iijriutl"a IRULSO Stephen, first a verse. understanding" an T ' _ - g .7 l :.1' T"urev appointed F d hd i 3185s. They called [113013 1912:3533? Is. the Department of Agi'imd- ee u t1tu e leadership. a . Lin-e, now aged 81, reminiseed . _ . _ tr'. ll 2: liiimomusly, asking for eo]evaid/ _ _ Fifeor-twoPhousanc], fiye hun- l .. "At a. time When this reonnr,t'y in outlook, and in acceptance of dred one-slice sandwiches, by l IS going to grow faster than evil, iimoveiions. She suggested ihe count. plus an unknown number i hefore Peee- and it is M the new .Wml'leir make their minds lime; of smaller. mncv sandw1ches, TOI? fmpi'oved standards and the reins or their bodies, T ""k werepirepared by Macdonald in- need for happiness in rural areas Advertisements of farm life as stitute yesterday to feed the ll. ‘ assumes national importance " .9. way of lite in face of MOM“; 000. .? _ . . it., said Col. Drew. _ , yi_drtsr/t'tartstr, was advtlcfitml ,7 Paper bags containing five . . . . .- Mrs. F, CI. Miller' of rjiirir, iJ,1 sandwiches, wax-paper wrapped“ 'm _ isâ€; l of" were handed out along with me ' VH1cial cream cups and coffee to 10,500 ' Women's Institute members on the O.A.C. grounds at tea time. . This number does not include F parties ot early eaters, and a , ‘ few score who had tea, with Lieut,..Gov, and Mrs. Ray Law- son (the fancy sandwiches.) ‘ . Nor does it include the non- eaters, those who lacked the l courage to queue. All were ‘ ‘ celebrating the 50th anniversary 1 . of the Federated Wo'men's In- . stitutes of Ontario. .