THROUGH THE YEARS WITH BIRR W.I. & » ... continued Meeting of 1946 â€" when jewelled pin was presented to Birr W.I. bY Mrs., Irene Grose. § Recall Founding of Birr Institute In 1911 ce ffiï¬ï¬;iszi:%%?.ï¬:{s_i-*"--:;-@3;,_42::=.:;f5:r2Ȥ:-':S;:';*5E‘Ifai:féf-:i:'rfrffi‘i‘:“f.f_ï¬'%-‘i:.::';55’-;,-:":,.'::ii.â€iE*»*ijff‘ stt c ts clcyyy....,.s,‘. 1 ofoss ;::%S::é?-{?-;v;:‘,-._:;?;_:;;;;:;:;;,“ Fat c t t flns stt ar .tc tpoires . w sc o tcftt ffctcay.. t tss «x«%é‘{ï¬y’o 3 ::'-55*??3"%3';}-;"31.:;:'5':3.'1'_»_','.i_’-}f;:".'j*.- stt cCc _â€"~~â€".â€" mss eV‘ m t c c cclcccllt co tlttlcy lc yt.,tGsss. . . . tyï¬ y c c t l c calt css yc omnese. .. . 3of * & %0 0000000000 tss _ % s .e 5lc t oc t cï¬ ol y s .tc $ ty t t o ty tstcllcy, t o . ce i c stt @c& * a@g»» stt tss ’9@’;,&,& }** j owo , ~\,:r°§§§%<w“ » egc’*" .cy 0. 0c c cce t ic _ is o. 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Le,“ i css .. c ons ol k > i mne t s n + cce _ _ cmssy _ h r "J}é Alt ";@%&s s oo t ie sAAA l n t s cce _ ooioicee e ces >A M pirr t â€" in c ic . : sls ie icolllan ++3 s > >A all DW3 e ol e i e e is + M e n ch ie Charter members recalled early days in Birr Women‘s Institute ‘pin to the branch in memory of her late sister, Miss Emily J. Guest, |â€" at the 35th anniversary meeting held yestgrday afternoon at t}m who had received it from an English Institute. Mrs. Clarence Lewis, home of Mrs. Reuben Hall, 13th concession, London Township. of Denfield, present president, shown at the extreme left, is wearâ€" Presen(ile of the first preSJden_t, Mrs. Earl M. Grose, of Torontq, in ing the pin. Beside her, from left to right, are: Mrs. H. B. Hodgins, ; â€" whose dome. on the Proof Lme. road the Institute was orgzlmlzed, Denfield; Mrs. John Middleton, Granton; Miss Dora Stewart, Denâ€" gave added interest to the occasion. Mrs. Grose presented a jeweled ficld. and ~fg. Ear] M. Grose, all charter members. Lz _2 _ s _ _2 _2 & . 6 e o e j ‘in the commumty anda . district. 1 lrSt f@Sl Cfll( 0 U'r | War brides had been welcomed and a &A o many donations made to charitable o y e lcauses and the branch had taken, Gites Jeweled Pin to B T sns o m en foo h C (‘3 n 0 ranc l i ‘A Tweedsmuir History Book was A By L. F. M. Jd4ie ) ; R . fon digplay, This eives het only 4) BIRR, August 14â€"The jeweled| leSsened. Her second last public aq. | history of the branch, comple P NÂ¥ y ; & J°We!E0 | dress had been given to a Women‘s | with early pictures, a poem by one & pin which had been presented to & i i n ts of 4 a 5 ‘ Institute audience at Springhank, | of the members, and accounts â€" CH one of the two Canadian founders P AiG ivhli 1 1 f th . s » s ; itaip ; related Mrs. Grose highlights, but also a history of the i ) 9 of the W%mens Institute in Britain ; Looking around |the" rooft uy [district * [3 became the treasured possession of C l * i ingi xi j f Birr Women‘s Instituteptoday when ; Present members, Mrs. GroSe Said n t C MlngEtsn’ bmtl}tg“t‘g ‘ P > AL_ the first president of this district} that she was glad that the Small| | greetings from Livanton Institnlc P i "%. pranch, Mrs. Earl M. Grose, of Toâ€".} Zr0up of women in the early_days, | told of the in elrest of many new j s e Jie., ronto, gave it to the present presiâ€" had ventured to organize an InSti'% {;nembers as ]wel as older members y P P is ; dent, Mrs, Clarence Lewis, Denâ€"| tute s sls in sk Prane‘‘s im Db field, The ceremony took place at: _ MrS H. B. Hodgins, Derflfle]d" | Table Presented j the 35th anniversary meeting of Aa;lf?'?: Chal’tir member, told 0 tha.t| _ The program had another highâ€" l P ~â€"s the Institute held at the farm home first meeting on April 16, 1911, Llight. Miss Hattie Hodgins, who is M "< "% C ks of Mrs. Reuben Hall, 13th concesâ€" . when 13 people were present, 12 of |leaving to reside in Lucan, was preâ€" C dn â€" I w J“a y * < gion, London Township. whom became members. During sented with a handsome end table € T 3E) +7 $ It was in Mrs. Grose‘s home on | the first year, the membership from the Institute., \?' 4t /,;,: fac the Proof Line road that the first . grew to 34, and of that number 12 This was a combined anniversary P Pe ‘\‘L o + W UA k: meeting of Birr Institute was held.~ , members are living. There were and children‘s meeting and it waSs U e '>' i 1‘}’."““ * p | ‘She was then Miss Irene Guest, and â€" two other charter members Present a group of children who gave the V LX . #.f',‘:;&. k it was in memory of her late sis= © today, Mrs. John Middleton, MOw of ; program. Frances Adams played a v ; $ :" fe i s6Â¥%e) ki > ter, Miss Emily J. Guest, that she {Granton, and Miss Dora Stewart, piano numb€r; Mary Anne Kohl * u. " va/ ME ‘L‘J J h and another distinguished | sister, | | of Denfield. sang a solo; and there were recitaâ€" â€" id 'LL’ h tt?‘ in C pr. Rdna .Gue.;t,t (EBE, parted ; Early Minutes tions from Bfgr!tuce Deblock, Marie . "Â¥ /3 * 1 ‘L with the pin that it might be . a | | i si"s intt Lewis, and Ruth Dickinson,. Little / in ied a jasting tribute to ‘her as it passesl ; hReadmglsorgx; gf il,zf_’sm"ï¬légs 13.5, Doreen Garrett donned an attracâ€" 6 4 C O U N e ~Jale from one Birr Institute president| | thOSe °&Y Gays, M of th § tive costume to give her clever tap meitth>.... _" "" " _ . eenees _ to another, Accompanying the pll’ll ; came across the TECOISi 0 C tl_me dance â€" »},’ 1â€"TdrMinnllinnl oW liaifcamecs o â€" We o) Sz \ when the branch considered buying § it hi â€"â€"~ACA e 15 ns Jp WMs 1 o. s was an address, emphasizing Inâ€" [A Vacuum cleaner: on & o â€"ofjeraâ€" After the meeting members sat 3 Oe \’i PW ht W â€" mm i > ai nd i y i is onl lawn w A Prvzcsy_ ~ fls °... wl Eut stitute tS 8 dea]ls i tive plan. When some one ASked if werehgersed. here refreshments im tb‘ 7@ English Gift \this had gone through she had to & 1 +3 ph e n > reneitial) «lA * oalFe With denth of feeling, Mrs\ Gyaue ']admit that the branch had ended + f S e T i A x d Mess ‘ : a 4 . V a 1 ie $ E. prought before present members a | by renting one. 9 & arPiru:=.~ © + eealibescl â€" ‘ glimpse of her sister as a woman A history of the branch dun%g i ENGLA‘ ,5;{':,. who al} her life had had a keen inâ€" \the past_ five years W“_Sldrefl‘d P C Feemermers e e ie o on s w im o 2o 09 terest in education and a great love | Mrs. R, S, White, who to s 02 ‘}}fll for people. It was she with Mrs. â€" work, Red Cross work, h(;on ods Alfred Watt, M.BE., president of stion to the mobile Iitchen puto the Associated Country Women of: chased by district branches, ax}m the World, who founded the WI, mentioned mnqr‘nelablcb “‘V"‘Yfl‘tiw ( in Britain. The pin had been a gift which the branch had been active I to her from an English Institute in 1918 Miss Guest‘s interest in the Women‘s Institute had never