theme trof this fear's meeting was the "Year of the touth". During the, morning 1 sitting, displays were gpregented by the A'wised1upuir History ‘ presented I Tweedsmui Association, Relations ( Members were reminded of the Federated Women's In- stitute of Canada Con- vention to be held at the University of Western Ontario from June 16 to 20, 1985. Most sessions will be at the Alumini Hall on the university campus. On Monday afternoon, the A.C.W.W. president, Dr. Ellen McLean from Nova Scotia, will be the guest speaker. The Har- monizers from Kit- chener will provide entertainment on Tues- day evening. On June 20, the closing banquet will be held at Association, the Public Relations Officer and the Rural Organiza- tional Specialist, Grace "New Be innings". Bill Brady of ERRL. will be the guest speaker at the banquet on Wednesday Wonderland with Pierre Turgeon as speaker and the St. Mary's Bell Ringers as the enter- taid vention will be held on October 30 and 31 at the Nordon Restaurant in London with the theme INey Beginningsâ€. pill Page 4, Voice of the Middlesex Farmer, Tuesday, May 21. 1985 Members were en- couraged to obtain WI signs to publicize the In.. stitute. War M em ori al Children's Hospital. In the afternoon ses- sion,unembers were In- formed that a bazaar will be held in November at the Wellington Mall tft raise funds for the mime artist performs for Mittdlesex East W.I. annual Liners. The London Area, Con- Entertainment was New conveners of provided by Greg Wat- Standing Committees son, amime artist. He is are: Agriculture, and a graduate of art and Canadian Industries, drama and hopes to at- Mrs. Donald Black of tend teacher's college to Glanworth; Citizenship eventually teach his and World Affairs, Mrs. craft in schools. He was Victor Pavitt of Hyde taught mime by the Park; Family and Con- same artist who per- sumer Affairs, Mrs. formed on the children's Bruce Fletcher of Bel- show, Mr. Dressup. He mont; Education and explained to the Cultural Affairs, Mrs. members that mime Wilf Buchanan of Ilder- originated, from the ton; Resolutions, Mrs. Greeks and Romans. It Edmund Wills of Thorn- was performed by deaf dale; Farm Safety, Mrs. and dumb people and Ernest Parsons of thus the art of mime has Moseley; War Memorial continued the tradition Children's Hospital, of acting in silence. Gre Mrs. Robert Wilson of demonstrated to W? Hyde Park; District members the technique Delegate, Mrs. Robert of making up his face Wilson of Hyde Park with white clown paint. and Alternate District He performed some Delegate, Mrs. Glenn skits entitled "The Easter of Thorndale. Box", "The Artist", ' "The Butterfly" and "The Weightroom". His performance was en- joyed by the members for its originality. New officers were elected and installed. The officers are: Past President, Mrs. Charles Lamb of Belmont; President, Mrs. Marion Moore of London; First Vice President, Mrs. Glenn Foster of Thorn- dale; Second Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. Everett Har- die of Thorndale; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. William Boles of London; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. J .C. Car- ruthers of London; Federation Represen- tative, Mrs. Robert Wilson of Hyde Park; Alternate Federation Representative, Mrs. Donald Black of Glan- worth; Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Francis Fallon of Arva; Assis- tant Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Kenneth Hogg of Thorndale; Curator, Mrs. Jack Legg of London; Assistant Curator, Mrs. Clarence Shaddock of Dorchester. New conveners of Standing Committees are: Agriculture, and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Donald Black of Glanworth; Citizenship and World Affairs, Mrs. Victor Pavitt ofAyde ttl d, 'annual conference in Lt unlimited potentiag; an left to right) Bea Reeves dent, from Ottawa. m m Country Women of tho FWIC ANNUAL CONFERENCE , CONFERENCE - The Federated Women's Institutes of Canada are holding their 9 in London all this week. The tenth national convention has the theme 'Women - at,’ and has attracted WI members from across the country. Seen here are (at back, Ekaves, current president elect, from Prince Edward Island, and Bernice Noblitt, presi- 1 m the front are Martha Bielish, senator; Ellen McLean, president of the Associated l? the World, Nova Scotia; and Jennie Mclnnes, next president elect, Nova Scotia. MIDDLESEX EAST Wl ANNUAL -- During the May 14 meeting of the Mid- dlesex East Women's Institute, new of- ficers were elected for executive posi- tions. They are, from the left, Mrs. Everett Hardie, 2nd Vice President; Mrs. William Boles, Secretary- Treasurer; Mrs. Dennis Moore, Presi- dent; Mrs. Robert Wilson, Provincial Director; Mrs. Francis Fallon, Public Relations Officer; Mrs. Glenn Foster, 1st Vice President. (Staff Photo - Fred DeVries)