Birr WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 2, 1948-1963, p. 5

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" P e L OOAAAE AAAAAAREEE f m d. sn KX MARCH 37. HiG ommc * | ownship Studies 7 y RDAY, §7. T ie e e : : THE FREE PRESS, LONDON, QONTARIO, SATU T fS [ x L ts ovors | â€" Useof Sprayers | rous On the Farm, Stock Markets . REPQRTS 2 Fate of two London Township . Fate of two. Lo Wgs dl.scussgd [ ipumaek, j R ; â€" NA Tss . s ols at a ratepayers‘ meeting in the â€" ( 9y Oraraâ€"an i YCt NY i uc ce e t c $3 N*a“ifi»*’%r uen township hall at Arva last night,| l 9 § > We ca M‘\*fif&»”w,fi“i without a decision being reached. y sce e 1 t â€" es se 2 snn A small committee was appointâ€" «/ d | i es e t t e sn o es _ _ e 2 oys c ie â€" ed, however, to consider possible Lo s o s s . 1 s ~Mpoc s e <.9r fhe maehines and report 2 % 3 (%*; ; :: _ e ks . o Ctoil e .. M e to the municipal council at its | $ ’@gfi; * _ 1e‘ plosr t meeting on Monday. They were 3 %‘gvf»m ol â€" s h _.‘~: w ..c. . s purchased last spring to spray L o o ~.'-=;:5:;:5::9;:;{:t,-::;:;::-g:;.;,';-;:-:;.;:;;:3-::;;;:5:;:_-:~:::;;;;;;;:_;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;;;::;;;5,;~:Ag;-:;;;;;,;;:f:::;,;_:;;;;15;5;;-;:;:;:,-:;::;:.5::v::;;5;‘;:5:3:535;:;:::;:::;:;;5:5:;,3:_::35:5:5::::::;.‘;;5:.,;.35_"_,:5:_;:::::.\4.;*5 mssn . .. w .: es .: s o : .. ooo s s @ | °3’§f "Mf”v}‘n‘?‘fi*& _ _: e 30 s township cattle for warble fly. 8 i ( *%"&‘V%H\,% . wl t s #omdcro c oce. It has been suggested that they o ie o c e e | migns be cmployed in the spraying »”‘%*{’%«Q s e us l of barns in which cattle have been.| ”””i%‘,eg o o o on found to ‘be infected with T.B. â€" i e 19 l s 0 12 t%s use of the countyâ€"wide ; s 3&% ie e [ t i 0 feslne program. n such cases a f § e s Waaaine ié's?J-Ii:,:fi.:_f":gs?éé??’f?’f-f”i?} s o. ‘v " 33 sys thorough cleanâ€"up of the: barns is â€" es Se . . o o e e M ho s sn wSael . ’3" ';:;:::'.-:-: ie omcs Mamirc o oc ‘requil‘ed ::'.s;-:s?sfs-izzfia_.:3a:z:;:""'.iw.;::;z:‘;f"’:??:--55555?»’3-?‘,12_-:553%1%Ez:5"5:5;;4:;::::::::::‘:i-:a;:‘f;~=.~'~'i;-szs‘r€=~-'-: wl > '::'"3"-;-15‘;5}5:’35}§E§E;S52155?555325;@51;55:?3:55{:2?;:§§EE§:;§:,';E§§§§§§5§5;§;‘,_;:,,._5-,‘,,:;,;53-._._ Je s . + 200 d S -i'5§i£’é‘:éi:'f":i,f’»’éifif?‘:“‘sif:iil’-’iF‘fif"?‘2553352":"isi:::z;:,.j § Ji%&A"”’, -"’;;535;,-';-/:_,;,v;;;3',535553555;3g:ggj::;:’?;-’;g;;;;;5;___'j;;;555555;;;;:5;%5;;;;;;&;;5;;%3:E%’;é;:; a 3%2 32. g 3 ez: o --*Zii'ifl'i:E=:“1‘?~‘35?:?§E’E:i55\‘.--Ȥ55;'"?"?-?:5'E'-Iliifi:'-Z;:;{’:::3~:’523;{;‘-:52§5;Zji5:;:;:<~._."‘_‘;,?:"'fl::?t y Junior Farmer Plan oo ic y esns yc im e slsn it & s s sls es on . 39 _ ioz s ,, 2y ts iL o s ‘Another suggestion forthcoming j mA s efi Mn ioh cce s _ t e ts . L. e n es csnls es f i j \,? # .. y k:i &4 . m -:;.;;:;::;".:=_:;:,;;1.,::;-::».z:z.;:;:-s;?::;:;:j:':;;;z:;::e.t;:;z;s;;;g:s;:;:-::s;a:;:-;;::';:-;'-,;v::.-,.., :;E»f"'-E;.';15:??:'@fi}gfi;fi;?;i,ifi:&;igi;‘:%’:s?}i;:;%;.g:,‘;-."&fi::i{i:;?}f;» at last night‘s meeting was that ts t ons en old . t c c .. n :. lt inss se ; j - é?%%‘g?‘%e‘é%* o s Sss . i l s f*;%“, the Junior Farmers buy the units â€" t +wv/w<,r > oi sc s s t S . and do the spraying for a fee, inâ€" | ts s 4s ~>> " ut yc c c t o o s yc o =© tead of on a municipal basis. Preâ€" ; A sys ons l c is c cc 2 itc l %gg,fi‘ W t o LE =| | stea ; thought that th sA §y>“‘}«< %’ ;»%m,f*};*)?fiz s tss ts viously it was thought tha FÂ¥ s §" s right be sold outright. j . *1;;«,3, s e. se *‘The com“g‘ttee. ap}f"‘gtgd bat E‘)‘St. e â€" s s t e dn n it d e l iss sys c ic e o ~ se e icht‘ ing is heade xâ€" â€" e 4 e "i ol‘ t o fhieke Wikanm, Seduare t and 12 ; .;».-,;-.;:;,;;;:-:-,',:::..,.,,_4::::::::::;:;::4:214:2::1:1:2:2;2:;:;:;"_:;; esc Psnnd e . "-‘:1:3’5:1’-':1:1’35'-5-':‘55::-:52’:’2‘:""';525-'5"55"':::3:555151325‘::552 e ::;;:\,.;:;:E:E:_:;,;;;;5;5;;*:;:3:33;5:Va‘v_ s axlt o L n . s i ) 1 s stt a o sc ol cludes Frank Sceli, J. L. Robson, > ht â€" se s _ L _ James Reader, Arnold Fraser, Euâ€" . j it gene Wyatt and Clare Lewis. o e s ces The committee will meet later ¢ &‘% y is‘ td esnt ok | is week to consider the matter mc ..A,..__c'._-;._.;:;:;v::;5:;-;::;.:;.;;:._-;:;:;t;:.:::;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;::j:':;:;s:,:;.;:;:::, ‘;}-y., ce -::;:;:;:;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:g:::;::;:;5;:;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;A-,:,«;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;>,:;:;:::;;.;::::5::.';::;;:;:;:;:;;;;,\_;;.,,,;4-;,-., i e es : e t in t s raniee $ thls ifi C ‘“”’ y s t a c t prior to submitting a report to o e 2»"'3cxfi’ y ie in mc ts t uncil ‘ l Wcc‘ . ons e ol e gvren, tfi ’:-;~:f"352:5:%ssé'::éz?:i’sibsx}ns.‘;1555':3:5':;.5:;553=5:E:I&i::;:-:s.iiaii-fzil? Pss .’zs::'::ras.1111555352:;::5,:?:?53.%-5%5;2»:.:.44:':::'1;,;..E;.ziei."»:j:<;3§;5 =?3:::5:isi;:zisiff‘5::&-5::@:2:?&%_2::% olsn t h c t f es e S oc art ob _:,:"’._.E:5;3'2;E;=;5155:1:5:55;555:5,’-*'-'3;;’-;:3:g:;s:;:-;;_;5gi;;;;;g;;;;;;.;.;:::5:;:;:-g;i;;;;;;;;;;j:;:-.::f:;:;:',;,j;;:;g;;;;;;,f.,-;;g::;. &4 Z”?:i?»fif‘:'3?55525.-':?-?-2-:{;2‘5-l‘r‘?‘-fif:55%335355‘5??Eiitifffi‘»fi:vfii:i::;f" yaAns t ssa n n‘ n aee t y y ooX “‘%««o’ s sls in im kc ie y t M 774;:Z't':.g.’-l;,-:;;f:;;g:,:;'};v.‘.-'e’-f,‘,‘f oo . ,,;v e o2 exyan i. 42 se yb arens kc o o e oA S ul y3 oo e t o c io > N e s o s n e o. P e o c css e i 2 t * o oeimite s hi o ce t o o s @g?”{;’“”“‘ yuoanat i t.g. s tee 2 [ l .2 (¢ d o Vokl un oo t magila w ie e oi e éziz“ e oc l e Muelie T of M on ol C M Wns d cE t m d m y es m Te is . vw; ystados, ie y‘ ‘l..‘, h ols e n t tma ts f M ie ie 4 "'f»"’*f:":v::?:~s?;;.f;::'e.;.f-.j":.-i- o e t n sc . on en siec h eA N nc NJ U mepencel s d oo _._.:%:z_:v.g:,:_:_ T oo . ut oo yc Oy io e ; . mc m l n e Abic t oi y e 2 c Neqoo oo mers o m e > t & oc lt 3 n ‘<,,.(; | P M f p snn o on nc o9 Senetent o n lA Ets M iesE inecdieecnp TEvas m e sn mss sarl '&;-;1;;:"--'2:2:1::1"'5:3:-:;:-_-:-‘::4..4.'2:1:-:-';: . c o. ie ie wl t e ym 1 e e io %wa‘;' t | ; n n s oo ie h M in e iuthen ons . A ons on Sane Nas e ols on e J:L‘.-.;'»‘;:;:E'z_!;:f:}.’;?;‘-:“f3!:::!:15:5:;‘:5"_.,\::::::;:-:;:-' es | hn i e e alsy s on c omlovale Ee 4 4 '“w"fl"Z‘-i,i:f"“?’-is?i‘?li?f?i-.,::;5::;-.1'-25:5,':5?:2:25%{%;55533555EiE=E‘:5;=;??iE=E-’:.-‘.“i€z":="':’.:311“?3%:?5‘-??5"!‘:?:1‘“ yu ol es t kn e l Eie . sm;yf o t l Fomke ie i nta inss SnR C on 3 n e C Roprons CA M se 2 M :»..-.:v-f:;ifiii.i:i:'i'-.‘:t"‘::"-:i':':1‘-'5"3:: es oo o aasoes o es d lt c e o e e t a e es .;.;:'::;:-"'.?kiii.‘?i-’f?%i'.-:v,i-,ifi‘;i:ii;%5:5:::&'1-'5=?§E§=§;‘£=Efi:::.v:‘-:::'-':ii'¢_<:~." yA y: es io. v'?o*gvfi%%%’é,ux + lt radtey M”',»’*”«*‘sfi‘/wwgv»‘ ol at y ’ %%a’%v’*ififi%@fii\ . h en *‘ Pfi ce n oi m e ts w2 '3’-‘3-':"3:?::--:1353:-:.‘«-‘:?.'..?-%E:E:,:V’\':T:-.:.:..‘-‘:::1";‘:-.-.?E;’:-"E:::;»:-;:::'é':.'L No o on ns | en e n . es alrinance, ,"*%gfu,f*;}’,/,.;;i’g),xq .;::s,..f--.;,:.’;,y.:;;..;:.:»::;3:9_,:;:;:;.;4;.--o?&::;:;.;.;:g‘:;:.'- ts e | fammedarne 000. t > cecek * T. e n en * L4i in Oe e e s s s "-;3.::::::::':Erz:-;:;:;?e:;:?&:}.;;:;::;:2;";5:;:--;._.:::;f:»:<=::::z:?E¢$4-h(f.- esns y ts iher s %‘r ,és:;:e?;;.;:,:,:::-:{ Kaml ,’fi?fi,\i’g’(@,,#%g@v, yesemnaenanemer in ns § $ ‘ fr"w%/%”é‘”» | _ Between now and June 20, every single head of cattle (and De R TOWNSE[P FIGHTS WARBLE FLY | partment of Agriculture officials estimate there are some 20,000) o 3 . U s pa 3 & 5 j 6 " "as the Medway Farm Forum Twmondon Townghlp arintg;ll: f:; in London Township ‘will receive two sp'raymgs ofse;?;le;o;inace thz‘oilondon towhanig Federatioxi j ) & " M & m 4 & . . two. sprayings of "rotenone," within the ne{{t tt reiayings \’avere protection against the warble, long recognized as a 32 AgHculturs 800. © the Junior | protection against the warble Gfl)i w;gheonfl:;e -fgth concession, to cattle. Farmers, the campaign is a dream ) | larence G. Lewis, s 5 ; ici t true. + y held ?in th;nflar;r;leofugper photo shows cattle bemg glverélotclz{e Yesterday, township offlcxalsdar}d . Cost 20 Cen.s co’?‘qge m Fermn mat gifenace \ yestfl‘ ;13; Mr. Lewis, left, and his neighbor, Emlell‘ ggBlock’ neighborhood farmers gathered in The mixture used is rotenone the need for a townshipâ€"wide proâ€" | » + ) 1 + » l ; ;I,.:?c}];nas George DeBlock, holding the nozzle, and Fran the barn of Clarence G. Lewis, on powder with water. Cost of the gram. Later it was taken up by . o + % y 4 | l ‘ i C right, saturate the cattle with the rotenone the 16th concession, for a preview service is 20 cents per animal for the federatiotr;; a.rlxd .JustFa few 7 reprronmemrerenitinnsieniihe ob iiee ie eR SE LETESTeELAC TLA ie intaln ies n aote arrccmarerintemierrine trrraceceroaercea ce tantt : j o TNeL F \ * e ‘h’ of the spray program. the first spray, and proceeds will weeksteggg petitionurethestiilgm&f: , t ar e yiin a k mt ol onelgo fo the lowueh‘p to pay for the g&rs::hip council to ‘do something \ Ni att e alns h ids B of the two converted army trucks trucks and nécessary machinery. oue EJ t ! | j Mn e n n en oi n @fha es sc ; @ purchased by the township for the’ Treat â€" New Entries Council coâ€"operated, passed an | | ‘ & s l purpose, extended a long hose terâ€"" wijin tng inauguration of the | enabling byâ€"law and purchased the ’ ; ens n n On 0 ‘minating in a spray attachment, township warble fly program, muâ€" | trucks, which during .t.he next few % 1d close to the animal‘s hide, it nicipal officials have also made | weeks will be a familiar sight on j m opiarl . 9 Eid .7 JHe 1j 1 5 re one gal. &2 Tuling which forbids the entry | London Township farms. day will see the official launching of London Township‘s battlJ sprayed at high p.ressu § of any cattle into London ‘Town . ' [ o t . y | Today icipal campaign of its kin¢ jon of the spray mixture on each of ship which have not been treated. , against the warble fly â€" the first municip | on o cherblorid ( § fin Middlesex County. a & 1 Mr. wis" 50 head of .

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