l%â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"'ï¬ ; (TFl â€"/ j Cton " [1 J 4 ‘ \ ; | | ‘ | i Group 3 | goes bac l e e \ in time SW | Period costumes, canâ€" ; â€" _ dles and a menu typical of | _ an afternoon tea in the late $00s added to the atmosâ€" 7 s ‘ | ]]):C)I'L' ::JI:JLFclh.}‘) as the P Members read ncms_()t 1 | _ _members of, Beamsville interest _ on _ Adelaide ‘ _ Women‘s Institute recreâ€" Hoodicss and E‘r.land Lee. + ated the inaugural meetâ€" O8p co\â€"loundcrs, the orlâ€" 3 ing of the Women‘s gin of the motto, Ode, ‘ Institute 100 years after Mary Stewart Collect and that historic meeting was SEV W:IA_bad%'c i ty 3 held in Squire‘s Hall, _A†m‘tormdl‘ lunLh W‘l(] ‘ Stoncy Creek, Ontario. 50“’?‘4 and mt‘?hcrh 89 1 Bells tolled at 2 p.m. at guests from the SquMHIN ‘ each of the three churches ty had a chance to 5Â¥â€d>’ : in town that have been the many volumes of the used as meeting sites over Twcc_dsmu'lf history f 1 the 92â€"year history of the books on display. $ Beamsville branch: the 2 Agrlc!{l(urq and Nes \ First Baptist, St. Alban‘s tional affairs in China will : Anglican and _ Trinity be the topics presented at ‘ United Churches followed the Mar. 18 meeting. It ; f | the example _ set _ in will be held at the First & England where every Bap»usl' Church Hall, } church bell in the towns beginning at 1:30 p.m. ‘ was rung that day at an Inlcrcslcgl members of the , appointed hour to honour community are »welcome j : the founding of â€" the to attend. m 5 Women‘s Institute. For more miorr}wum? f The motto for this speâ€" gontact PROj Barbara ‘ cial centennial meeting Stones at 563â€"7274. 1 was "Celebrate the past, e sas="" Tano. 3 ‘ Challenge the future." f Each members answered f â€" roll call withâ€"an example | of an accomplishment that i was due to a W.L. life skill. ‘ Minutes of the first f meeting in 1897 were . read and the centennial ‘ } song was, sung with : | _ enthusiasm. : | | President Eileen Turnâ€" } 1 || _ bull lit a candle and each | | § member, along with the P s o | members of Community Â¥ : [ Builders branch, then lit a > | smaller candle from it for ; | a glowing tribute to symâ€" 1 | . bolize the sharing of this ‘ | celebration _ allâ€" across f Ontario.. \ \ | \