. s inmmmnne mg S# y , May 10. aâ€"â€" *A p ? j T Un d r s P S m o SS ‘ tz [ 2 ( «& JB > m (..)‘m Sicia to "<€ f ts /Â¥ J P BCO musicians S § s e .3 I iï¬ s 9. \xw’i{)‘;«l: y C& ’ i & y s 35 es ~. ¢ wime wl _A 1 * L h f \*A t K F t I é 3 i / /; / * s ube C k »#* s n * ¢5) (af} eAï¬ l ) at Kivanis Festiva d glus , . * : 18 IG / smm < I*s > Th iK" e 1A |, h . %{* 29X & ;, S r é, io. Aof Y *u'g ,’%’ gfé Beamsville District Seconâ€" _ trated. . + bes y _A 0e . ioi ho * C} P n ‘~ PAAA _ dary School bands and choirs _ The BDSS bands twok centre t s¢ a 1 C i‘ E~ é 1 _ cleaned up during the recent stage on May 2. In a sweep of all o . 5 " $ § s p: 2@ _ Kiwanis Music Festival, scorâ€" secondary band classes, the Inâ€" a S s % 4 w * P\ / e J zami $ o) ingtopmarksinevery category termediate Band, the Concert 3 e = :. $ o P /6 _A / Womty YÂ¥ 2 5 #| _ they entered. Band and the Stage Band all & .;' _ "~ * N ) U :p s A}u‘ t im ~Â¥ 3e . In competition at Laura â€" took home firstâ€"place finishes. e g r r&u; f o ¢ P lf Ay"" Ceea ’ $ 4 P"' 7z Secord Secondary School, the All bands received marks of t mianslce | 4Â¥ ’,?' hidpey : s 7A hoh fpag choirs finished with first, _ 85 or above, and the adjudicator 74 “t’ifgfi**% [ 6 4 f %’ $ Lo _ PA MBE2L _| second and thirdâ€"place awards _ spoke in glowing terms of the | + a. s I /&’ ‘:‘/â€"‘, , C =* 1i\ U _ in the three classes in which bands‘ fine musicality, senSiâ€" ym e ï¬f* t {eP hac> d L,‘ @;’ BE ; they competed. All performâ€" tivity, deportment and contaâ€" esA M Egifinzi:'"? % $ f/7 & /.\ Y \)| _ ances received firstâ€"class _ gious vitality and energy. > : . hy# & l,/) o Es NN | \ / }(| _ marks, with very positive reâ€" Conductor Michael Jenken «B fsantnl .. fâ€;%;'l‘ ;"5'%?‘ j ':}; 4| <' * T 0 l \\|||| }|_ marks from the judges, who said he is "very pleased with i?f?;;"f;é;;g‘f?f%';;[ï¬([&f;z\ m 2 : ,é“ tuegy uit |||| |â€"||| || |[fâ€" commented on the sensitivity _ and proud of such a fine group a ,? i ,:\;'}‘,:,‘,{‘ w \[&! U NP " t d || [ [ ([|â€" andfineinterpretationdemonsâ€" _ of young people." e \U * »9r % ) Tiy . 2 7 o) oA io bl & § A1 ; "€ _ F [ < Cl h » sb â€" & i j ~ A WINNING TEAM § <Sre Musicians at Beamsville District Secondary School hit all the right notes during the recent 4 + Eam â€"‘-‘q Kiwanis Music Festival. Both the school choir and bands won awards in various categories. ] \> Above, surrounded by elated students, school principal Peter Crich (left) and band leader Mike , j 3 % Jenken accept the winning trophy as student band representatives Ray dancer, Bryce Kroeker | :: and Tammy Friesen look on. t n oo innoaanaamames PA 3e * i iss C % F & es ;< l & w o cnunpees ï¬Â« s rmes 3 ; C ‘ es h Pal g +4 * »py 4 s , LC e : eA id PCE ~® P _ > Lions to celebrate _ hk || | 33â€"Â¥ S ‘ ol 1| a 5 oR } + & s > Â¥IP: [3 of | 4o > ME . 2. | e a2t) 4 oc 4 K 4 50th anniversary MA [ 186 e | F R d ; j C ""I | I 2. P onl i What better way to celebrate _ Volunteer and willingly give of | j "ap â€"~oâ€"s Mn ~ > * y se 50 years of community service _ their time freely to care for | COhmme cce C Y 4 id m 1\ > /oR / than by throwing a giant birthâ€" _ their fellow man," said Om | himmpmonmes........ _ utm . W a * . o a% day bash. Sachdeva, anniversary comâ€" | i P/¢ P3 + * (e _ ; y itt eraniray f > w se ue With that in mind, the Beamsâ€" m.l.TT]ee Oï¬ï¬)?glzcelllib helps those s t K K ~1‘;:, ville and District Lions Club _ in the Town of Lincoln but we . * ie <m ce ~ will be celebrating its 50th _ glsp go beyond, to the province y62 f’ "‘ i ‘ 6i C anniversary on Saturday, MaY _ and even inte{'nationslly " he B. ; ied x <<w i’\\;’glfl:t L];IL(A%:;L%S?CU'C.Centrul continued. "We have survived _ hz . We « a | a Z i ie oalnfeations «it heorge 50 years and, hopefully, we can â€"|opmmnges====s.0 _ Te s 4 | e & . Thectiebrations will bein at . inspire others to give of their e se sk>~ E. +. lowed by a dinner at 7 p.m. Past msveitftigglc{irrent members, the "‘\‘ */ ‘ & | § :?‘-é'?sâ€" international director of the . p 1 erm 1 e l ui: LC 9m | aoter ie t 3 ki on eamsville and District Lions hes A { C ; 3 | â€"â€" o § ' motto of ‘We Serve‘. The main in & W C & <e â€" Fets m Other special guests during _ goal of the club, said Mr. Sachâ€" [ S3 WMs p4 a Ee the function include the district _ deva, is to serve the community " { Mï¬ ettmes A . aal , / $ â€" V“é“: 4 _ governor for the Lions Internaâ€" _ in any way possible. 9 : Ey voâ€"Me tional, Lincoln MP Shirley Marâ€" Some of the services the club :: A & {“?_' tin, Lincoln MPP Harry Pelisâ€" _ jsj ith i §( j â€" « : 4 sero and Lincoln‘s Muvyur Ray es e naapet cole â€" i \ s s 6 \‘"pi fonkit 3 hhe bllkrlld,l§11p80£t1;ilg ahglulgle» }| C al ; fi‘,‘ : og school in 02 ; (Ge . R®s 4 Following the dinner and thcg nec‘t)iy in tï¬evclmenmisil{lyg s , ‘La & :_) 4 SPCEChCS' Vfl"t(’lf clul;s \Zliln helping seniors, supporting | B s l â€" o 7°%â€" make presentations to the _ for underprivi it s mecuns â€"â€" MB k Lions Club. The evening will d?‘glpsa,?:ju}?elel;i};rgwifog:g f:}lllo | ~ cl SERVICIEE AWARDS GIvENn | & hi s continue with live entertainâ€" _ need kidney dialysis. | enna Oldham (Igft), Heather Tomascin (right) and Donnie FSs. : ment, bands and dancing. A Tickets ow thew=a0th :-Q:.]S_Ch_e were recipients <f 4â€"H Homemaking Awards-gt\tï¬Ã©' a% >es Z(i/l;ille';ll:febmgmm will also be _ anniversary celebration are $25 | 18 'Se"airge;‘st N'eght Onf Ap rl|l26. The three were recognized for es inss ks â€" _ ber person. For more informaâ€" | ¢ years of seirvice respectively. Certificates we < 436 Fifty years of service mean$ _ tion, contact Mr. Sachdeva at presented by Carol PupC, Ministry of Agriculture and FEoods P that there are people that _ 563â€"7551 or 563â€"7719 (evenings). | Rural Organization Specialist. eods, is m mt mssn _ se i iess ts o e [p L aThe MEMQEQ & :; $ « ‘â€".]: 3: o } * "OCltonarany 7 2/