elected Lincoln 1917. "Bones" Livingstone, editor or me Grimsby Independent is in Ottawa recruiting, Miss Grace McMillan of Magnet- awan has taken Miss Crawiord's place at the local post office. f Harry McCombs underwent an op- eration in Hamilton Gen. Hospital on Wednesday. _ . aqua." micrhf \A former Methodist preacher. Rev. A. E. Russ, died at Woodstock. Frank Pyhus, Vineland Stu., has enlisted for overseas service. Wm. Hagerman left recently for Medina, N. Y. _ . . . The high winds Saturday Hug)“ destroyed W. A. Painter's new barn which was not completely finished. t DIED-At Campden, Mrs. Michael] Stoner, aged 73, Jan. 22. l Wm. Jerome was re-elected pres- ident of the Agriculture Society. Major Wm. Andrcwes has won the i D.S.O. medal. It is proposed to build a perman- ent highway from Hamilton to the Niagara River. Reeve Hamilton Fleming of North Grimsby was elected president of the Niagara Fruit Growers Association. Ned Fairbrother has enlisted with the 70th Battery. Thc Niagara District Telephone Co. has 530 phones in operation "'u.s..r, ha: been an increase in the “’i‘ilrérx; Ui/ic a recount of the bal- lots in the South Grimsby election, after the rem-(.- was elected by a maj- ority of one. '.rr2irt,itt%t'p' j30 YEARS AGO) The membership fee of the Hunt Club was raised to $25 per year. There has been a temporary re: duction of passenger service to fac- ilitate 'freight movemmts. The Citizens Band has engaged .Elmer North ha Mr. 1Valtoa of Hamilton as leader. vu1 Moyer's farm Chester. Fisher has been wounded tenement, Jordan, while serving overseas. V An effert is bei, Died -- On Thursday, Hershel G.a Board of Trade Smith, aged 38. FfeestOJng Leda There has been prlce of coal. ‘ Wilbur feeries who has been tak- ing a course in aviation in New York, left for England. Frank Smith i,ok al office posit- ion with the Westinghouse Co. un Hamiton. _ Excerpts' From 'Tsstress" Files of JANUARY 17, 1911 Claude Lister of the Bank of Ham- iltgn left Monday for Jarvis, ijiGiiiii 'iiii)jjiiiiiiiiiina; 'Excerpn from "Express" File. of f Wadneaday January Hill. 1917. A Reeve C. H. Claus of Louth was acted Lincoln County Warden for lk Quad/$.17†Mr. and Mrs. J.) moved to Vineland, Mr. Steele has p on Crown farm. Will Groff has le Parker's farm. Fred Barnum ha Tintern. Welland has m; incorporate as a ci Wvllaud has made application tc incorporate as a city. The three Bartlett brothers, Geo, A at Canboro. Edward at Monteagle Valley, and Charles J., St. Cathar- ines, died withinHive days of each other. F '""rfiioiey" Jones will open a plumb- ing business on April I. mm: vu~~.»_.v __ A. Panter's new barn C H P . . . ' rid km completely {mm-uni. conuection _/,ll"imt"p',ht'rs severed his uglpden, Mrs. Michael homme and Jordison fic,"] of Prud.. 1,... 22 merchants. , our and feed has leased a farm leased Miss Dorothy Groased the Milt- Hall, St. Catharmes ._. Mr. Swain teacher at the Ritten- , house School has gone to Port Dal- s AGO) housie. ' . -.s.s.-ese- -_ . I m" Files of , 30 YEARS AGO) - mm 1911. I - - _ _' editor of the is in Ottawa {mg of Northmw‘ ““1 " u esident of the books shall Ut Association. BORN-lo enlisted with Manley, Feb application to at WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1917 John Poultry Mrs. Wan. Andrews has returned from England. _ Mrs. J. _B. Osborne was elected chairman of the Library Board. Mark Angleman was injured when a. freight train hit a handcar at the C. N. R. Station. The Library Board passed two new resolutions: I. non resident members must pay 5 cents per book. 2. New books shall only be kept one week. Excerpt: from "Erore"" File: of Wadnendny January 31, 1917 Pte. J. H. Dawe was reported ser- iously ill. Tie R. E. Anderson property on Ontario St. has been sold to Jacob Faster. C. L. Painter won the contest for naming oi the "Farmers' Mutual Club" at Victoria Hall, Vineland. Postmaster E. C. Snare, Jordan, suffered a stroke recently. Elmer North has moved from Mel- vin Meyer's farm to C. B. Hayne's Miss Jessie Oliver, Hamilton, was soloist at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. BORN-ro Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beatty, Feb S, a daughter. rArxrrerlr’ie'rt' is 'urls, made to organize a Board of Trade here. The county council deieired the question of making Vineland lino a police village. V M. Honsberger was elected secret- t of the Jordan Gun Club. This umbrella man visited Beams- ville last iveek. Messrs, Menick and Foster of the Vineland Caning Co. are attending the canners convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Freestone Lodge, No. a 15, I.0.0.F. celfbrated its 38th anniversary. BORN-Ta Mrs,'and Mrs. James Montgomery, Feb. 7, a son. Thomas Bartlett was appointed by county council as representative to the school board. Rev. J. M. Haidh, Methodist Min- ister here, has accepted a call to Woodstock. A. Diltz is secretary of the Smith ville Hunt Club. Excerpts from “Express" File: of The bear saw his shadow on Friday. Hicks is president of the Association. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 3, a son. At a special cou day night, the req the Board of Edl school was refused. S. M. Culp is president of the Beamsville Bible Society. C Master Howard Snure, Jordan, was injured while sleigh riding. D/ED-Feb. 20, Mary Teller, relict oi Andrew Marlatt, aged n years. Due to the coal shortage there Was no service in the English Church. The Baptists bad only enough to heat the basement and the Methodists had to borrow some. The Grimsby Club opened its new rooms last Friday. Market Prices: Eggs, doz. 55, butter 45 to 48; chicken lb 30c; potatoes, $2.25 bushel; Turnips 75c bushel. Mr. Miller of Hamilton has moved to Vineland. H. Hunsberger is haveing his store renovated. _ DIED-A: Jordan Station, Feb. 15, Rachael Patterson, widow of John Althouse, Sn, saltileet, aged 85. Claude Lister has been transferred to the Orangeville branch of the Bimk of Hamilton. A. E. Hoshal was ejected president of the Lincoln and Welland Bee- keepers' Assoc'ation. - R. Dent of Grimsby was wounded the front. V DIED-ln Beamsville, Wm. Var,- burg, a Fenian Raid veteran. Miss Jones of staff is on the sick The coal scarcity Miss A. Buck has in Pittsburg, Miss ri.fHoSman Has sold her millinery business to the Misses'Quinu of Colborne, Geo. A. Bartlett, of Canboro, form- er}y of Beamsville, passed away on Saturday. Mr. ahd Mrs. J.H3. Haist, Tintern, celebrated their 25th wedding an- niversary. Mrs. Stevenson, recently returned from England, has moved intd the Lindaberry residence, Hixon St. Ralph Henry has taken with the H. K. \Vampole c, P. Jordan of VineIand has exchang- ed his farm for a house in Hamilton. "ijiijiiiiiiniii7 J. W. Buck is having his store re- novated. jSiiiiiisrijiii] It was 20 degrees below zero on Monday. 77 _ -. _ A A. , Hawke, Grimsby clothing merchant, has made a $27,000 con- signment into bankruptcy. Excerpts from "Express" Files of WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14, 1917 Exeerpts from “Express" File, of Excerpts from "Exvress" Files of 'I'] WEDNESDAY, FEB. Mth, 1917 WEDNESDAY FEB. let, 1917 council meeting Mon- request for $12,000 by Education to build a the High School list. continued. spent two months ‘a'position ," -- -.e -- v -- -7 -7 -7 7 3:15;: 930 YEARS AGO) s.s' From the Hamiltan Herald: Tony _ Harry Reid, of the 164th battalion, IS " of another member of Hamilton's first 1917 championship team who has donned S h Hike khaki, c 00 Prof. Hewlett of Hamilton gave an (organ recital at the P,resbyterian lChurc‘h. Miss N. Field made her nonths .. . _ llirst public appearance as a reader, Miss Dorothy Claus, Buffalo, has accepted a position with the Army Nursing Corps, Wasyiugton. George Johnson, Vinclaml, fell off " c,, T, R. train at Merritton on Sat- urday, and Ireoeived a hand injury. It was later necessary to amputa1c" jis left hand. BORN .- Thursday. at Beamsvillc, to Mr. and Mrs. w. C. Mackie, a daughter. diorge Crain won a suit for $109. against the Beaver Board Co. Pres- iding was Judge Snider. Misscss Torn and Treble will open the millimery department of A. F. Hawke Co. at Grimsby. Arthur Gliutz, Youngc St, moved to Smithville. _ The opening of the Misses Quinn Millinuy in the Sterling Block, last Friday and Saturday was well at- tended. Noah Culp, Vineland Station, purchased a new Ford car. Licut. E. B. Osborne is in a French hospital with a case of diphtheria. Scotty Oswald Campden, wis woun- ded in Frrmm' Excerpts from "Exoress" Files of WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1917 Louth Township has purchased a IWW road grader. The first robin was reported here March 7. ' DIED-Friday, Edward Boughner, Clinton Township, aged 70, J. B. Fairbairn and family have spent the winter in Brantford. "nrrin-rn I-Iamiltén, on March 10, Robert H. Zimmerman, 76, resident of Beamsvine. The Board of Education has ap- plied to the Corboralion for a by-law to issue $12,000 worth of debentures to complete the new high school. A plebiscite will be held on the by-law on March 29th. DIED-at Bcamsville, on Sunday. Angus Stewart, aged. 90. F The Sunday several Sunday BOkN-At Grimsby East, March 6, to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Tulford, a son. Tdr. the C. the D Rev. T. R. Todd of Niagara Falls is the new pastor of\the Methodist Church, Fortf-iour children'were present at the Story Hour in the Library Sat- urday. . Excerpts from "Exsrress" Filen of WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1917 Mr. and Mrs. Southward were in Hamilton on Saturday.atten0tg the wedding of their son, Alex. Shirt Sale at Trevelyais-any shirt in window at 79c. Excerpts from “Enron" Files of WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1917 ww. Everett and J. W. Buck and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Van Every took in the Motor Show'in St, Catharines. T M trail] going east to Buffalo morning stopped to entrain people going to hear Billy C. Palmer, Beamsviife, of R. has been decorated with has the has