Beamsville WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 1, 1946-1948, p. 17

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B. C. Salmon, 12c per m at Burton's. The first thunderstorm of the sca~ son was on Friday. Jacob Fawell has had an attack of pneumonia. Theal Bros., Grimsby have disposed of their grocery business to Geo. Hoshal. Cayuga and Mr. Burgoyne. a grocery traveller. They retained their hardware business. {36 YEARS hal 23‘ Walker Zimmerman, of Toronto. formerly with Beamsvine Express, has enlisted. It was officially announced Pte.; Alex Lcdingham was killed in action., He was employed by William Tufford before enlisting. Madame Yulisse Harrison, Beams- ville, was a soloist in the James St. Baptist Choir concert, Hamilton, Thursday evening. R. Carroll, Viaeland, is having an auction sale and intends leaving for the west. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1917 DIED -r-. On Wednesday, March 28, Mrs. George Gray, aged 46. JMerritton has issued an injunction on the County Council to restrain it from going ahead with the highway building program totalling 127 miles. Menritton questions the rights of the county with going ahead on this pro- gram in view of the Act recently framed by the Ontario Department of Highways. Excerpts from "Exoress" Roads are year. Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Led Martin, Vineland Station, last week, a daughter. Arnds Moyer, Vineland Stn., is moving to Hamilton. ' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1917 f? v. C. E. McLeod began his new (mugs as the secretary oi the Ontario and Quebec Baptist Association. Beamsville is to have hotel accom- odation when Mrs. Robinson syill re- open her home. >Milton' Stouck is new agent at the H. G. and B. station. Loyal Davis expects logo on the cars, Martin Lucy, who has been with [ the D. O'Neil Grocery, has purchased i the restaurant and ice cream stand of John Tufford. The speed limit has been increased l to 25 miles per hour in the-country l hut there is still a 15 mph. restrict- ion in cities and towns. l Miss S. Finbow is new president of the Epworth League, John Amman will soon leave for Toronto. MARRIED -- April 2nd, 1917, Miss Alberta Frances Shaw to" Howard Leslie Jeffries, of Toronto. ipn mutsidd.f The High School Question was car- ried by a majority of 89 votes.Another $11000 will he spent, in addition to the $20,000 already expended. Dent-Col. S. w. Heyvetson of Grimsby was killed in action. John Field has purchased the pro- perly of Mrs. George Smith. BORN -- March 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bartlett, a son. Excerpts from “Express” Files of iiiiiiiiirhTiji.f WEDNESDAY, APRIL ll, I917 The Vineland Growers Co, Operat- ive is erecting weigh scales, fruit and coal sheds. - Last week's heavy rains are delay. ing seeding operations. _ Excerpts in ghod condition this from "Exvress" Files of Files of Pt Cu Uh s',,,, wFran‘cs‘ e, The Hausa family have moved into the apartment over the Imperial Bank Vineland, Mr. and Mrs. Fatl Spears oi Wel, land have moved to Vineland, 1105 books were borrowed irom the Library in March, 1917. Miss' Beatrice Wismer graduated WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, IN' recently from Buffalo General Hos- pital. V Bread advanced to 20 cents , l, E. Hendershot shipped a Carload of George Pentlaud IS tcaching hogs Tuesday. The price paid was Mackdale for the balance of the ISC. son. Jas. A. Livingston will hold an auc- tion sale on April 18. DIED _ In Grimshy, A. w. Moore, on Friday, April a Miss Dora Parker, . ing an auction sale Apr and Buften. auctioneers Fr:ance, was tendered a reception at the Methodist Church on Monday' night. l ".etf..tCCCCCC7 i, 3 30 YEARS AGO) " x year The Welland Canal opened last Wednesday. M. Frampton and family moved to Grimsby last Thursday. The town water wagon was out last week. Sergt. Geo. Pentland, returned from Sventy-five girls will be housed at the Walker Hall estate on the lake shore for fruit picking.. The following names appeared on the casualty lists as follows: Lleut. John Ellington Jones, killed in action; Pte. Robert Hedden, wounded; Pte. Albert Sturges, wounded; Sgt. A. w. Aedes, Vineland Station, wounded; Pt. Chas. R. Lucy, wounded; Charles Brown, wounded: E. It.' House, wounded; Norman Southward, wound- ed; Rom. Kitchen, North Grimsby, wounded; H. C. Trembley, Smithville, ‘vwnded. “ n _, ,, M t_.__c l., PV “mam. whh "et""'-"'"' . Dr. Only was hurt in a collision with “nunr‘aunl' "u” “I“, an H, G. & B. Car last week. Pte. Arthur Warner, who DIED --On Monday, Mary Sume. , d d l d 1 in her 87th vear “Dun e , recently returne _ '_ _ -. E home. Excerpts 'm,,,, "Eawress" Files of WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1917 Sulphur has heed hard to get thics The Grimsby Beach Cottagers As- sociatim} have petitioned North Grimsby Council for police protection. i)riiiiiisiiiiii( W. T. Zimmerman a new Ford car. " Rev. C. E. McLeod will move into the Jemmett hduse on James St. Frauk"Laur and family will move into Miss McComb's house on King St. loaf. Omar Cosby has sold his fast pacing horse to Bert Hewer of Hamilton. Paul Jones and Percy Franklin, local cyclists, staged a bicycle race to Vineland and backJones won. DIED - April 13, in St. Catharines Robert Book, 71, late of Silverdale. MARRIED - In Beamsville, April ,18, Miss Ethel c. Hoffman to Archie ‘B. Culp. L. H. Collard is president of the Lincoln Board of Agriculture. Pte. A. Van Horn of Winnipeg, formerly of Bcanisville, was killed in action. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen moved to Kitchener last week. Capt, Richard Wattam of Vineland Station was killed in action. Excerpts from "Enron" File: of WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1917 Isis Boughner has sold his , Mr. McIntyre, Hamilton. Bread price was boosted to Dora ‘Parker, Station, auction sale April 17. has purchased is hav- Collard Jiiiiiiiiiiiji( :39 jiiijijfijii; "iiii"iiiiiiiiiiiiji 9ca farm Pte. George Gilert has been wound- ed for the fourth time. Frank Hitchman was operated on w. J. Buchan-has exchanged his for appendicitis in a Hamilton hos- fruit farm here for a property in ypital. Toronto. The deal amounting to 1 r hr , . Cl. Pte. Dan Watt has been severely 'deep"" put t rough bs D H wounded. _ [ . . It is expected that Thomas Mar- MjARRIEDTAt Hamilton, Miss shall will be re-nominated by the _Anmc L. Frld to Wm. Bonner. of Lincoln Liberal convention. Beamsville, on April 25th. . . . In the casualty lists Gm. Chester l Winners at the High School Ill an Elmer was reported missing; Pte. essay contest were: Ethel Denison, Alfred H. junkins. son of Mr. and . Reg. Hicks, Harold Gibson. Mrs. Alfred Jenkins, was killed in The tin roof on the Bank of Ham-19301" as wns Pte. Godfrey Hicluu:d .. rr V,Ir\u_...1.... -zwm night. Excerpts from "Express" Files of Excerpts from "Earvress" Files of WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1817 WEDNESDAY, MAY 16,1917 W. . , . w .. . ' Bread advanced to 20 cents a loaf. Bostoi Glover IS Vlsmng his soil! m George Pentlaud is teaching at . [ _ . , T-t__, ra.,,, A|L..:,.LL h, m-mnhhm fnr The tin roof on the Bank of Ham- ilton was blown off on Tuesday night. MARR1ED---Aprii 28, Clinton A. Duffield _of Niagara Falls, N.Y., to Mabel Gertrude Cacbutt, of Beams- ville BORN-on April 30, 1917, to Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Freeman, a daughter. BORN-TO Mr. and Mrs ' Harry Short. on April 28, a son. Mayor Booker is endeavoring to forbid the use of glaring Iseadlights on the radial cars in the city after receiving complaints from several motorists, s.----,' . (3() YEARS itat', 7 I ,4-AJ‘AA4 Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Brillingcr and family have moved to Grimsby Beach. llamas Culp sold the first Indian motor cycle in town to Jerry Putman of Campden. Mr. C. W. Harrison, Principal of the high school was let go in order to take back Mr. Pentland, a' returned veteran. Mr. Ellis of Winona has rented the farm of Mrs. Ryckman. A man and his wife from- Buffalo both received broken shoulders in an auto accident west of Beamsville on Sunday. DIED - In Clinton Township, on Monday, Burwell Delos Tuffurd, aged 59 years. Excerpt: from "Exvress" Files of WEDNESDAY, MAY 9th, 1917 By a governmental decree the H. G. & B. must install Iavatories in all their cars. F Mrs. Sarah Corey is having a sale on the Cruickshank farm, north of Beamsville. ’ Henry Grobb who has been working with_an express company is return- ing fo his farm north of Beamsville. is cndcavoring to' glaring headlights : in the city after ms from several sea- y was to his Rev. Ray Albright is preaching for a few weeks at Bronte. B. H. V, S. defeated Grimsby H. s, al baseball 14-9. BORN - .\lay\ll, 1917, to Mr. am Mrs. Claude Tuiford, a son. D. C. Riley and family of Hamil, ton have moved into the Glover Pro perty on King St. Grimsby Beach Park opens on May 24th. Mrs. Eva Crown and family moved F: to Hamilton last week. he to, The County Council has purchased 'turtrtJ7bbie_ , sd , tractor, grader and concrete mixer. BORN-ln Wapella. Sask., to Mr. and Ilrs. William H. Law, a yon. Pte. Geo. H. Hillier was killed in The Beamsville Preserving Com- ed action. pally is a very busy place these days. Mrs. J. Hobden is the "new presid- Thc foll?wiug passed" llleir En- lo ent of the Women's Institute. trance cnams; Bruce Reid, Rob-en MI Blain, Richard Bull, Jack Hettrick, on Roy J. Goring, Smithville was el-' Harold flicks, Russell McArthur, acted president of the Lincoln Lib.. George Seymour, Lance Tullord, on eral Association. Thomas Marshall lilla Rouse, Ina Bennett, Ethel red was rcnominated as member for the Crooks. Dorothy Dawe, Elsie Eug- _ constituency. land, Grace Honsberger, Ida Moore, H. Beamwille is faced with a moeij//a,/1tedl'azel stirtringer,Kath all famirte. Mr. Ismond will not deliver At Vineland millc here after Friday, clainiing his Harry Badglcy, Ronald Flul1rcr, ..t., business has fallen off considerably. Irving Fretz. Evelyn Fritzshaw, s‘éfi'filéiiSAGQam'g‘lis‘mo: Terry Fairbrother fell out of thd hayloft in the barn on the farm where he was working and broke his shoul- der. _ J. H. Merritt and daughters “chunk of moving to the house purchased from Ilis f Freeman Wismer at Jordan. - m number Official word has been received that olay part Gnr. Chester: Elmer is not missing. Mrs. . Warden Claus, Louth, and F. Jones 2:11;; If Clinmn, and W. D. Fairbrother, Rchr‘ Beamsville will represent Lincolnh then} If%nntv at the Win the War Couven-2r,C, CN County at the Win the lion at Montreal. Clinton, and W. u. rarrbrorner. Rev Arte Beamsville will represent yncolnis lilc‘liOW County at the Win the War Conven- Adm Chur [ion at Montreal. College Ar The County Council has purchased Wfeyfyclc , tractor, grader and concrete mixer. Blu\rl{X7\l an! . rs. Pie. Geo. H. Hillier was killed in The Bea action. puny is a v Mrs. J. Hobden is the 'new presid- Thc follt ent of the Women's Institute. an?“ I?“ 'un u- Excerpts from “Express" Files of WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1917 John Same held an auction sale if,'Jl)aid/"'i"Cill,v,' 'ri/Cl'"",,; . I . . A aClell . _ Iles, Q of Ins household furiture on Friday'Leslic Meyer, Winnifred t A former resident of Beamsvillc Leona Nicholson, Fay Strong, for 21 years, Rev. Henry T. Miller, quieriel Staff, Hugh Staff, Presbyterian Minister, died at Ham- Werner, Mabel Wismer, Harry iton. Esther Wills. ' M‘ l '4 _._.,is._r.,A Mr. and Mrs. George Pearson underwent a throat operation in Hamilton. Nursing Sister Lena Davis is bn her first furlough in Scotland. John sale at June 7, Miss Isobel Crown has. gone to Hamilton aud'Miss I. Russ has taken her position in Graves Store. _ Dr, Clark's flower garden in Grims- hy-attraoted large crowds of visit- ors on Sunday, The County of Lincoln was' sue- ccssiul in getting $500 from the Grand Trunk Railway in a. damage suit. The G. T. R, moved a car of tarvia on the siding at Vineland and the outlet valve broke, allowing 4500 gallons of it to escape. Pte. Ellis Reid of the Thirty died of wounds in France. _ The season's output at the Bart-. lett Spray Works for the season was 400 barrels, Mr. Byforzl, who has been manager for the Colonial Realty Co. on Lake Farm has severed his connection and has engaged with Mr. Wilson, Beams- ville. Excerpts from "Exoress" Files, of WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1917 son, Excerpts from "Exvress" Files of WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1917 BCHtN-C)n June 12111, to Mr. and Mrs. M. F.. vadun, eBamsville, n Mis Verna Russ has joined the Bank of Hamilton staff, . Miss Fanny llobpcr entertained a number of young friends at a birth- day party Saturday afternoon. Mrs. j. M. Haith was presented with a his membership to the Meth- odist Misionary Society. Rev. Arthur Eddy of Mount Forest is the new pastor for the local Moth- ndist Church. Rev. Huith goes to College Avenue Methodist Church, At Vineland Harry Badglcy, Ronald Fluln'cr, Irving Fretz. Evelyn Fritzshaw, Norma Frilzshaw, Winford Foster, Madclicuc Jones, Edna Johnston, Leslie Meyer, Winnifred _ Moore, gyrfanidrgfrs, Rdy Blain of Tintern have been blessed-by the birth of twins. 'The peach crop a good one. Gibson is holding an auction his residence, Queen St., on is reported Mao Percy Wills, to be l " li, 'ot' _rd

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