sis--'-"'"'""'"; s.s..,,s--d- T 'm . f t , Ir': I l ' T ' I . I . , _scscs.s-sH lil canning ac T', at 11.'e anc ht, kztthzmnt‘p mm lmn>ts Hot)†(3i) YEARS AGO. 't ' ' , has been enlarged and 15 now m full of l population. , e '.3i) YEARS MO) {3“ YEARS AGO'fbtast under the management of Mr, A. juhlke has purchased Dr. Com- .\;~~\~\~\~\,.\.\.‘.\ I ' t) ' ct,ytut.euse, fort‘s residence on Nixon St. E cerpts from "Eaarress" Files of G-se-s--"" l'he h“? new house. of s. R. J.olyr H. M. Rittenhouse won a prize for JEDNESDAY JUNE am 1917 I Exserpts from "Esoress" Files of . E t tr "Express" Filo. of $0" jit Vineland station Is reccwmsz Cobbler potatoes in a competition or , y WEDNESDAY JUNE 27 1917 xcerpI on: . Its final touches. the Ontario Vegetable Growers As- Brcad has dropped to llc h 10% ll , WEDNESDAY, JULY 11th, 1917 Mr. Proudfoot, G.T.R. section tore. sociation. ve Cbs ' _ . . . ---- man at Vineland Station has been There has been 1 wriom outbreak _ 1vereatarec 'tr'ft $; : 'rr' A 1;; r g H . ' Cb, Fb; P,i,'LIL C'itls Hogs . word price of,2,il6,25 . \ um play? {‘th tom Ps mm Tr, and Mr; A, B. Tufford are transierrsed to Niagara Falls. 01 wheat midge in this district. Bread has dropped to lie a lGi. Hogs were at a record price of $1625 Mr. Hendershot shipping out a kiad at that price. . V "iictor'Hendershrot has enlisted with the C. M. R. f., _ _ Rev. J. A. McLachlan of Grimsby was elected president of the Hamilt- on Methodist Conference. A beekeepers field day was held at the apairy of James Alarlow. Grimsby, on Friday." An incrczis'e in the grants to the district fairs has been made by the county council, thus bringing the grants up to Hoo. Harry Grout left for Port Col- borne to assume the managership of a new branch oi the Bank of Ham- ilton opening there. . The petition to make Vineland a police village was thrown 'out of County Council owing to irregular" ies in signing the same. We pair cash the summer at ery-, TbrED - At his residence. Church St., Beamsviile, Abiethar Wright, in his 71st yer - ___ -' - HEIARR-IED -- Beamsville, Line], Miss Mh,rgaret Cause to George Sackville Farr: V A T '; Excerpts from "Expreu" Filel of WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1917 Sackville Karr. V T uMARRIED - At Hamilton, June Because local merchants declined to 20, Winuifred May Ridley, Beams- buy space in his paper, the editor of ville to Leonard Walcott Dover, son the Thornbury Review is accepting of Canon Dover, England. a page ad from the T. Eaton Ca. Vineland Station - Howard Rit- of Toronto gvefy week. _ .. . tenhouse has a new motor truck. Pr'ii-xpipal Elliott a Smithville is presxcmg over the Entranc . 'ations here. e examzn. â€George Udell’s four-year-old son nearly lost an arm in a sprayirgg machine last wgek. machine last week. Last Wednesday the Burlington In laying of the cornerstone oi the children held their first picnic on the new school on Friday it is expected grounds at Rittenhouse School, Vine- that a copy of The Express will be land. one of the items placed therein. l .-. I T m. . a . Mrs. James Haynes of St. Cath, arines was injured seriously in an auto accident In Niagara on Sunday. "orrmond Amis-s and family have moved _to ‘Port Dalhousie. Pte. Victor Reakes oi Jorilau has been killed in action. A. W. Finbow is offering a reward for anyone giving information as to who cut the tops off pear trees on his proptrty. .-- --- Daylight Saving is now in effect for the whole Dominion for the sum- mer. if; Buchan of, Beamsville is now Chris Fretz' farm foreman, at Vine- land. -. _ ... Miss V. Gibson has resigned her position on the staff of the Public School. fl Th-e jeimsvige Plumbing and Heating Shop will be opened in the Amiss Block this week. “DIED - At' Beamsville, June 13, Florence Taylor, aged 37 years, James Johnston' hai sold his" fruit farm to C. A. McCane of Sault Ste. Marie. 'Eirence Fretz of Weston har ac- cepted a position at the Vine1and Ex-, perimental farm., "iiiGriiiT,ir7pii7, ,30 YEARS MIC, for eggs all through the Beamsville Bak.. . h new plate glass front has been installed in Cain's bumher shop. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Winnipeg are spending a few days of their honeymoon with Mr. and Mrs. E. Frendershot, Clintor1sTwp. "I declare this stone well laid", "were. the words of T. W. Woodland, chairman oi the Board of Education. when he laid the cornerstone of the new school on Friday. _ Mrs. Ellen J. Russ Tail oi Scull: Grimsby celebrated her 75th birthdar. About 40 university co-eds Met ar- rived at Walker Hall and 40 more are _ expected to come. I It was decided at the Board oi Education meeting that the minimum salary for assistant teachers bei550 instead of $500, Mrs. C. A. D. Fairiield and Mrs. A. P. Thomas- oi Beamsville were elect- ed president and secretary respcm- ively of the Lincoln County w. I. C. H. Claus is the new-president of HILLinccln Conservative Assoc- iation. The Bowling Afky at The Beach has been transformed into a moving picture house. "ioUriiiiit MEImosh was thrown from a load of hay recently. Miss F. Laird has taken a posit- ion with E. L. Jemmett for the sum- .mer. _ Welland wag inaugurated as last Monday. Architect LaChancc is olfe more than ten dollars in gold for most appropriate inscriptions three tablets to' be erected on front elevation of the school. Rev. A. C. Eddy and family have moved to town from Mount Forest. BORN -- In Beamsville, Sunday, ‘June 18, Io Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wil- cox, a son. MARRIED _ Miss Isobel Kew Beamsville to Paul Sunstrom Thai-old. T DIED - In Calgary, Alia.; June 28, Frank B. Hoffman, aged 28. There is excellent boat service now between Toronto and Grimsby Beach. . ijiiifiiiiiiidiiliii' W. H. Vidal picked 'early sherries: on June 22. .s Excerpts from “Enron" File: of WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th, 1917 leur motor truck. WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1917 h was thrown from . . a A new Grand Trunk station will .cently. .. . . ‘_\. . be built at St. Catharines. " w w "s" Hon. Dr. Pine, Ontario minister o is offering a city the for the of of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Tufford are leaving to reside in Hamilton. , The H. G. & B. will pay Lincoln‘ County $200 per annum for running rights over the Q. and G, Road be- ‘tm’cen Grimsby and Ontario St. in Beamsville. i BORN-ht the Thirty, on July 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Newson, a daughter. Reeve Carlett brought in a box which only took 21 strawberries to fill it. iv'rv. Ireland, Lincoln County School inspector dropped dead on Thursday afternoon. .. .. ' "L.†The young ladies at Walker Hall held a suotessful garden party on Saturday evening. The total pro- ceeds amounted to $242. """'""'s'".r 'fee-e""-" There 1vas a small flood on Hixon Street on Monday due to a big rain- storm. Miss Kitiley has resigned as teach- er of the Th'rrty School. , Sergt. Fred Fairbrother has passed his lieutenant’s examination in France. Miss Narissa Field has obtained an interim second school certificate for teaching at the! Hamilton Normal School. 'iii/church at Campden will have a new enclosed shed. "ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(" Education, spent the week-end with, his daughter, Mrs A. H. Davies. 'DIED -. In Brantford General Hospital, Bella McLaren Liddell, Clinton Twp., aired 36. "iriiiioC"bT'ru/y 16, James Jef- fries, aged 63. John Burkholder of Jordan was killed .by July 11. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1917 F. Franklin, North tit, has lcnscu , Mrs. C. E. Cornwell has returned his house to Mr. Marsh of Torongo. ito Beamsville for he summer. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin and family _ . _ have removed to Welland as he has ', Franklin Bellew has agam taken up been transferred there bv the Bell his old position as night watchman Telephone Co. _ at the Beamsville Preserving Co. All the Toronto dailies have in- Sanitary Dairy of St. Catharines is creased their subscription rate. paying 4% cents a quart to the farm- William Culp, youngest son of ers for milk. H _ _ . . {Cyrus Culp, was drowned in the Nia- The village council is advertisinsigara River. 'ifor sale $19,000 worth of debentures' Iragistrat _ divided viz.: High School, $12,000;'speedstess ; Public School, $2,000; Local Improve- cent weeks, imam, $4,450. They will be 20 year to come up ',equal annual instalment at 6%. Miss Cra Some fifty applications were re- ceived to fill two vacancies on the public school staff. Only two were filled. Te.achers hired were: Miss Addie Buck for the first book room and Miss Rheta Field for the second. _ Excerpts from â€Emma" Files "iiGiiur/dceived of the death of ' Q. M. Sgt. H, H. Elliott, son of Wm, a B. Elliott of Beamsvine. (fl ijiiiiiiijii"iiiiif Excerpt: from "Exsrrea." Files of car near his home of 1 ijiiifiiiiiriiidf translerrgd to Niagara Falls. lax†wheat midge in this district. Word was received last week that DIED __ On August 8, in Hamilton Corp. Jim Lay had received his third hospital, Alfred Jenkins, following an stripe and also a Military Medal. operation. Ch, Civic Holiday there will be a The Boardmf Educalidn is receiv- boat excursion to Toronto framing many suggestion for moltos to Grimsby Beach. _ he inscribed on the front of the u:w '-s--s--s's,t inh_school. I’Lk'costs upwards of $450,000 to stage she Toronto Exhibition. Miss Quinn has taken Miss Mac- Millan's place on the post office staff. Miss Rheat Fields is in Guelph tak- ing a special course in agriculture. F. S. Prudhomme has been appoint- ed one of the Grand Stewards of the Masonic order. Miss Frances Galbraith of Mount Forest has been selected to teach the third book room in the Public School. It has been decided to issue a special stamp to commemorate Can- ada's fiftieth anniversary this year. An item in the Globe states that candidatesatrying their entrance ex- ams fell down on pcnmanship more than anything else. "iid/dr, At Cainpden, on Aug. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Comfort, a daughler. ' Eighty-seven and a half per cent. of those who wrote their entrance exams in Beamsville passed. In Campden it was 100 per cent. \Viliiam Ayers, su"periruendent of the Presbyterian Sunday School, cel- ebrated his 8lst birthday. A Dodge car belonging to c. P. Van Every was stolen Monday morn- ing by thieves who blew open the safe at Smithville of the private banking firm of R. Murgatroyd & Sons. They failed to obtain any- thing from the safe. The auto was recovered intact at Niagara Falls. ‘Mr. Piper at Campden is drilling an artesian well. . Gnr. J. E. Campbell of Jordan Sta- tion has been killed in action. BORN - At the Thirty, July 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howell, a son. LV VVPr5bV W m. ...- .F_9...We “My, Miss Crawford of Jar'vis, formerly of the post office staff, has taken a position with the Canadian Express Co. here. Two large signs have hccn painted, “Villagé of Beamsville Speed Limit 15 Miles," and wil be placed at each end of the village. This will do away with the last excuse of the speed art- ist, as many complained that the sign now in use was too. small. Excerpts from “Express" Files of The K WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1917lwid at Rev. Mr. Thomson of Ayr will oc- cupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church next Sunday. F. Franklin, North St, has leased his house to Mr. Marsh of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin and family have removed to Welland as he has Magistrate Riggins has had Ahirly speedsters appear before him in re- cent weeks, and 40 more are slated to come up on the same, charge. [:rfiiiiiiiTiii)'" Excerpts from “Enron" Files of WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1917 mum, J. 1. WWW“... Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buck of St Catharina visited J, W, and Mrs. Buck this week. u..,-._...r -- e - Fr Mrs. Earle and children of Crims- by spent the week-end with her father, J. T. Corcoran, - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1917 Mrs. Abraham Honsberrrer, 72, of Jordan was fatally injured when rm by a Buffalo auto at the "Twenty Hill," Jordan. Her sister, Mrs. Cum, 75, who was walking with her is not expected in recover. Word has been received that Pte. Alexander Small, a member of B Co. of the 98111. has been wounded in action. Rev. J. Fradenburg, pastor of the Baptist Church, has purchased an Overland. Beamsville tax rate is to be 25 mills. The Johnson family reunion was held at the home of F. A. John- .son. Pelham, with an attendance of lalmut three hundred. i DIED .v__ After a lingering illness, Miss Beatrice Walker, 22, daughter lei Mr. and Mrs. James H. Walker, I Pte. J. Ti. Durham died as a result of wounds. Mrs. Srevenson moved into Clrirme hy this week. BORN-lu St. Davids, on Sunday, August 26, 1917, to Mr, and Mrs. S, Stirling, a daughter. C. W. and Madame Harrison left last week for Rockland, Ont., where Mr. Harrison has accepted the prin- cipalship of the High School. Pte. Ted Dunham has been wound- ed in action. An offer of ,',ll2,000 an acre has been given ior (A farm near the Beach. The school tleinmtu'res, were sold (0 R. C, Matthews of Toronto for Threw jurcd ir miles C: night. J. A. Lind won first prize in the field crop competition sponsored by the Agricultural Society. O. J. Jardine of Grantham was thrown out of his car and injured in St. Catharines Tuesday when the wheel caught in the street car track. Lieut. Fred Kemp oi the Royal Flying Corps has left for Overseas. The Park House dining room at Grimsby Beach has been closed. An electric stove industry is think- ing of locating in Smithville. Miss Anna Rittenhouse of Vineland Station has accepted a position as school tuachur in Prince Edward County. Eerrivts from "Exoress" Files ufl WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1917 5510.030.“ w. F. birthday l Mrs. Wm. Boughner narrowly escaped serious injury when the horse she was driving stumbled in turning the corner at the Baptist Church and she was thrown out. She was taken to Dr. stallwood's office for treatment. "ikfiJrd-ht Thirty Mountain, on Monday, August 20, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Southwell, a dagghtgr. The new barns of A, Fi. Mcmlcrsnn were burned dale on Friday evening. Miss Reta Fields and G. E. Peat- land were successful in passing their summer courses in Agriculture, F. Merritt celebrated his 82nd ay on August ll. Je Niagara Falls men wcru in- in a motorcycle accident fivc east of the village Saturday and A. W. at Silver-