A married ladies' choir led sing- ing at the Methodist Church on Sun- Miss Viola Gibson assumed her day. duties on Monday .on the staff oi Angus w. Mishaw, an American the St. Catharines Collegiate Instit- Angus w. Mishaw, an American the citizen, has purchased Walker Hall “m from the Denny Estate. 1 Dr. and Mrs. Comfort have left to Ab reside in St. Catharines after haviiliriBe, been in Beamsvilie for 15 years. l _" - --e w _,w.., Miss Elsie Maxvor, B.A., has'ac- cepted a position as Senior Mather. maiical Teacher at Branksome Hall, one the the largest ladies' colleges in Toronto. A hopper on a car of coal com- ing loose was the cause of a derail- ment on the C.N.R. at Qrimsby on Friday morning and held up traffid for three hours. Stanley Comfort, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Comfort, Campden, was fatally injured and died after be- ing kicked by a colt on the farm of| Avery Ball on Thursday. He was 171 years old. I Excerpts from "Ezvre"" Files ot , Excerpts from "Eaten“ Files of y John Hicks took two prizes on his Barred Rocks at the Toronto Exhi bition. _ Alex and Kenneth Fairfield are r attendance at Hamilton Collegiate. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. S, 1947 Miss Clara Lister has secured a position on the staff of the Queen Mary School, Hamilton. A» _ A I. ‘T. Richardson pulled a 20-inch Icicle radish from his garden last week. J. B. Fairbairn's rink won the Dunnville Bowling trophy recently. The "Macassa" made her final sail, ing from the Beach yesterday. Aaron Culp's ifarrwas siruck by lightning and destroyed on Sunday 'morning, V lace Goldring on Sunday night. Miss Pearl Brooks, L.T.CM, resumed music teaching at her '. here. Jas. S. Culp won four prizes i c. N. E. dog shbw with his P bitch, Myssie W. t - in. h, â€mi Jas. S. Culp won four prizes m me c. N. E. dog shbw with his Pointer bitch, Myssie W. Ptc. Chas. rScammell is recdperat- ing in a hospital in England. BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. w. J. Buchan of Vineland on September 12, a son. - mdumumo is the new Wednelday, September 12, 1917 The Beamsville Band has an invit- ation to play at Fenwick on Septem- ber 28. Pte. A. H. Barnes has landed at Quebec and is on his way home. A fire caused by spontaneous com- bustion destroyed the barn oi Wal- lace Goldring on Sunday nigtxt. . _ m I L-.. F. Scott of Sheibourne, teacher at the Thirty Scr, R. H. Davey. a forme The Express, has purcha in Uxbridge. . c...'.,Im I Prizes for the trials on“ aâ€-.. m the fair have been raised to $150 for the free-for-all; $150 for the 2.20 class; $75 in the 2.40 class. Constable Secord was stationed at ‘hn andqn Hill directing traffic over - ICoiIsiable Set the Jordan Hill Labor Day. A W. Paige has my the Ford Garage at Bill Comfort of 1 with his threshing grain is not turning Excerpts from has taken a race at Ham won four prizes in-the shbw with his Pointer WWW“, Thirty School. y, a former owner of has purchased a paper "Exams" Files of rials of., speed at raised to $150 for , Hamilton. Campden is busy outfit but the _ out well. is the new position in M., has ' studio WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19, 1917 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1917 DIED - In Niagara Falls, N. Y., Abram Shepherd, 55, formerly of Beamsville. The Q. and G. Road .is being Military Medal. straightened and widened on the ~Wm.0fie1d died in his 70th year. Jordan hill. S. H. Harding, editor of the Port An aviator who lost his way landed Rowan News, was in town recently. on the fair grounds on Sunday. Jordan Gun Club held its 10th an- MARRIED _. On Wednesday. nual fruit shoot October 3. T Elizabeth E, Bowers to Daniel Il., Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Lane of Laundry. 1Roseden'e Celebrated their diamond Charlie Stewart has enrolled in a wedding anniversary. special course at the Dental College, (Beamsville will add its support to Toronto. the $100,000 campaign of the Italian Howard Rittenhouse took many Red Cross, prizes on his prize asters at the 'Ilhirty-one full cars of fruit were flower show in St. Catharines. shipped from Vineland last week. I J. Martin oi. Vineland has been am A meeting of the Clinton and pointed assistant to the AgriculturalBeamsville Prohibition Association Representative in Welland. met to discuss building a hotel here. Word was received of the death in. u n . a coal oil stove explosion of Mrs. Excerpts from EXDNII Files of Robert Louis Kelley (formerly Carrie WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1917 Whipple of Beamsville) at Pierrie, -.. a it“ A: 'tse. an" A; WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26, 1917 Mrs. Margaret Gibson will we the winter in Aberdeen Scotland. Miss Frances Tufford returned Toronto to resume her studies. The w. I. realized $60 from sale meals at the Fair. uncut; tTk b...- -ee'" 5000 people were at the Fair Sat- ur-day. Gate receipts were $800. Large entries were seen in all sect- ions. _ The prize for th Smitlwilltt Fair we Kettle, Beamsville. 1MaRRuisD-N/icos - Ransbury, on Wednesday, September 26, 1917, at the Methodist Parsonage, Beamsville [by Rev. A. C. Eddy, Corona Rans- _ bury of Beamsvifie to Albert Norman; Wilcox ofrSmithrille, L\Euu., u......_.w,, There was a 1unatig from Hamilton loose in the Jordan district last week. DEED - At Vineland, Sept. 21, in- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walt- er Gaymam - _ -.. -F-- um Excerpts from “Esau-cu" " M asried day, Lillia: Excerpts from "Expreu" Filu of WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1917 Mr. W. R. Wilson has "sold his house and property on Queen Strcef to Mr. James Fisher of Gainsboro. Messrs. A: H. Davis, J. A. Sinclair, Dr. Freeman and P, Osborne were on a fishing trip last week to the lakes near Peterb6ro. cMuutRmD--Wiltxyx - Ryckman, on Wednesday, September 26, at the Presbyterian Mlanse, Smithville, Lila Ryekman, daughter of Mrs. Sylvester Ryckman to Walter Wilcox, son of Mr. and Mrs, Murray Wilcox. The Milk Producers of Lincoln held their annual meeting in St. Catharinés on Saturday September 29, Mr. Wm. Boughncr of Beams- ville was again elected president. A civic reception was held to wel- come home Nursing Sister, Lena Davis and Capt. C, C. Osborne who are home for a short stay on fur- lough, and bandsman Harry Barnes; and Pte; Warner who recently re- turned to Beamsxille. MARRIED-Hamilton - Walker, in Hamilton on Saturday, September 29, Miss Mable Walker became the bride of Harry V. Hamilton of Ham- ilton, Fire totally destroyed the house occupied by Mr. Robert Wright, on MoCurricks side road. Mr. Wright was able to gave some household effects hut his loss is considerable. yum.“ ried -- In l 'amswille, on Mon- ,illian Gale to John Reid. for the prettiest baby at air went to Mrs. Thomas "m"'"'-, Manager Sowden of the Bank of " . Hamilton is on two weeks' vacation. I Files of I . . . I Howard Dawe has been invalided '. 26, 1917 ‘home from Overseas. ' will spcnd‘lt is possible that an R. C. A. F. Srmland. airdrome may be built east of Beams- returned to iviiie oi Excerpts from "Express" Files of The Lake Shore Red Cross c1eatedimiriircii'i' $56 at the Beamsvllle Fair, 'lon cans of ' nual fruit shoot October 3. _ i I. S. Fielding of Vineland has ac- Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Lfme oi.yepted a responsible position in Buf- 1Rosedent Celebrated their diamond falcwEDNEsDAY, NOV. 14, 1917 Although prize money was increas- .w6.. 'iH.AV w rum--. ed and improvements made, there was Mr. Wright and family of the a good balance to the ciedit of the/G. T. R. section at Vineland have bgricultural Society. imoved to the West. _ Cpl. Wm. McDonald has won the), Military Medal. Mrm. OfieId died in his 70th year. S. H. Harding, editor of the Port vi The first of the cases in magis- [trate's court against speedsters was ‘last week and the village lost the case because they couldn't prove it. Died-Peter Stewart, Clinton, aged 52, a life-long district resident. DIED-ln St. Catharines on Fri-l day, William H. Meyer, in his 71st lyear. ’ DIED-in St. Catharines on Fri- day, Mrs. Barbara Thompson, in her 76th year. _ Judd Merritt of Jordan has been killed in action, Married-In Toronto, Rev. Charles oc. McLeod, Beamsville, to Edith Florence Williams of that city. Mr. Govier of Blyth is now the Tuiford, 3 C N. R. section foreman at Vineland fickharrlt, Station.. _ Gilbert Excerpts from "Enron" File. of a 1395M? WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1917 was“;,,.‘ 3fr. Ernest Smith left on Tuesdaylund last to take a position in Hamilton. l Sgt. F George Stewart has obtained a Fellowship in Anatomy at Queens Medical School, Kingston. Last year he obtained a scholarship also. Chas. H. Bromley and Arthur Bur-l land constitute tha exemption tri- ‘bunal at Grimsby. Miss Gracie Comfort is attending the Missionary Convention at Durtn- ville as representative of Silverdalc Woman's Missionary Society. (WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER M, 1917 Options have been obtained from! property owners concerned, and ar-i raugements for establishing an Aer- drome in Beamsville will be completed this week. Married: Miss Eliza E. Hunsberger, Beamsville and Benjamin W. Mac- Intyre of Smithville on Wednesday, October ‘17. P Exemption Tribunal No. 179 will meet in Beamsville soon. The meet- ing place has been changed from Port Dalhousie to Bearnsville. Died: -jines-ryizabe_th, wife of Samuel Jones, of Jordan, On October 18, 1917, in her 48thwy>ean I. E, Hannigan and family are moving to Canboro next week. "'Hicks"-John H. Hicks, eldest son of John Hicks, principal of public school, in his let yer. E. D. Eddy of the Chavernment Seed Department, Ottawa, visited with his brother, Rev. A. C, Eddy. 'iih-e population of Welland is now den of the Bank of two weeks' vac.ation. , has been invalided -iTfeTi: wilt soon be 300 carpenters WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28, 1917 working on the new aerodrome. ct. , , IT-,, , .. .. . t mental farm has preserved 35,000 gal- Ion cans of peaches. . In the High School Field Day, the following championships were handed out: senior boy, Paul Jones; senior girl, Donna Reed; junior boy, Hard- ing Jones; junior girl, Alberta Kells. Solicitors for Beamsville and Clin- ton for the Victory Loan Campaign are: C. E. Garlett, Capt. J. B, Fair- nairn, L. B. Tid, P. Robertson, W. Jerome and D. H. Meyer. "ii%e'r- Novemb-er 7, at Cent- ralia, Edith J. Buswell of that town to Edin Tetyter of Smithville. At eight o'clock on Tuesday mDr11- ing an H. G. & B. freight train bit a car owned by John Cosby of Wellantl, The accident occurred at the Thirty Road crossing. Mrs. Cosby received [ir broken hip and their little girl a fractured leg. Rev. G. w. Buell of Jordan Sfa- tion was elected president of the St. Catharines District Epworlh Leagues at a meeting in the Methodist Church. Beamsville. The canning factory at the experi- "fjiGC"At Merriam), November 9, Mrs. P. Mears, mother of Mrs. W. G. Panter. A 282-acre‘airdromc is slated to be :gil'aqunu 7W†be)“ at .Bezimsville and construction Harry Robinson intends opening a im†begin immediately. .rt takes m movie house in January with a seat- 1the farms of the following: Creel-". . i mg capacity of 400. (man Farm, ch Farm, Everett, John Garbutt and Leslie Book. Seven Potatoes are $225 per bag. hundred workmen will be employed Many from here attended the this winter. There will be accent» (hwlplt Wiuter Fair last week. modation for M planes, with a pos- Two brothers of Mrs. C. W. Elmo“: sibility of having 90. Other traininghave paid the supreme sacrifice in areas will take in the farms of Philip France. _ . Tufford, Mrs. Delos Tuftord and Fred Claude Tufford is the new president Eckhardt, im' the new Social Club. Gilbert Lister left Monday to take p,vm:,viileandsciiiston Twp. invest- a position in Hamilton. _ed $153,000 in the Victory loan. Five hundred and fourteen dollar's Mrs. Pearson, Fiossie Laird, Verrl 'was contributed to the Y, M. C, NTufrord, Edna Beacham gave secured '(Funtl last week. positions with the Imperial Munitions" Married - At Princeton, Nov. 14. )Miss Ella Grace Crown and Doxiahl -H. Claus of Vineland. Foster Eddy has been elected pres- ident of Literary Society of Beams- ville High School. Other officers in-; elude: Hon. Pres. G. E. PentlamH Jst vice, Miss A. Hobden, Sec.-Treas.( Sgt. Fred Albright was killed action, E. Birdsall of Silverdale was attack- ed by two highwaymen Tuesday nigh and robbed of $163. He is the T. H & B. Station Agent. _ i Mr. and Mrs; Boys and family o Fergus have moved to Vineland Sta tion. 7. Miss Susie Jones to Norman Ebori all. WEDNESDAY, mov. 21, 1917 i The Election Enamerators whr have been appointed for this distric1 are Wm Kemp, Jas, Merrill, R. A Gibson, and C. E. Garlttt. Mr, Norman Bartlett who has been suffering from a severe attack of tonsilitis and quinsy is able to be up again. Mrs. Geo. Ryckman word that her nephew, Clark, of Niagara Falls action, October 24, Mr.'and Mrs. Wis, Culp moved St. Catharines on Tuesday. r . iJl,"'dhecat,i,ogi Enamerators whr The Beamsvmc rerun); are w rppolnted for this districbe held on December 24, g Gil m YiPrb, Jas, 1furritt, R. A Sgt, Fred Albright of ibson,anrl C. E. Garlett, ian Army has died of sr, '.Bcrrerrmm/ey _ in Clinton Town Board of Education met ship, November 18,1917, to Mr iterm of office has expir Mrs. c, Lumley, a soo . . anhreli"rriifd,iiCpu,ihfi. The fire in the main, r . E. Hoshal. T. w. Wood. -the Experimental Hortig] Query al The Methodists will tion created some e 1mm tural Sta-a referendum on We que'. the employees d N l eyeut. mnonpabolitinn, rememmn or cl saved my": an yy heroic worklimitcd pastoral term. destructi t Ire building from Loin Pte. Walter Goodman I 10il. A few hundred isoiirrl):,e,t,1,i,'td in the thigh will replace the loss. combat. " . i Ttr Orth is establishing The ‘new up to date green house 0 Mr. Chris. Fretz, Vineland Stu, i: nearing completion. Viiarried _ On Saturday, Novembe l Comm“. 'cen house 0]" Dr. Orth is esyyishrns.. a poolroom land Stu. i In his qwn bui.ldiug wh.ile Clarence , 'r,hf,,i.1,,r,t,i,'r1 IS opening one 111 the store has received formerly owned by James Wray. Ser W G .oleo.mj1,rIaS,'f, has appeared on the g:. . . diet of Canadians was killed lil The Churches of the town have or- ganizctl a boys' club with Alex Fair- ulp moved tofield as president. ay. Canadian Steamships have big plans who hasin the making for the Improvement SCVL're attack?f their Grimsby Beach property. .h is able to be“ expected a new hotel will be built there. A ', t..r.-e “Haul larger l. Nov. 14, The Expregs is two ul DOll-ahlthxs wetk owmg P. the ofqdectlon acllvertmng, mm]: of he youn cfted pres-town are indulging in l 1Beany-t,akiyr autos parked i, Risers in-shed out joyriding and Pentland, them back before the o ec.-Trea.rOne bunch was fooled l -. though and wrecked a c ' . positions Ill Board. Pte. john/Dick Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs, A, W. Reid, was killed in action in France, Major McPherson was in town making arrangements for the erect- ion of buildings at the aerodrome. Married-Miss Elsle Mae Sann to Harry Ellsworth of. Westover, on November Mst. Some tribunals are refusing exemp- tion to fruit farmers, maintaining that iruit is a luxury. The first snowfall was on Thurs- day. Born-To Irv. and Mrs. Fred De- laree. Nbvembcr 14, a son. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1917 The coal shortage continues. Pte. Jose'ph Wilfred Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Seeley, was killed in action in France. F. Delaree has been elected Noble Grand of Freestone, LO.O.FC, Beams- ville. An addition of fifty acres is being made to the Experimental Farm at Vineland. Boys from Beamsville who attend- ed the Boys' Work Conference- in St. Catharines last week were; Terry Fairbrother. Kenneth Field, Ralph A/D. Lea'royd, business broker, is selling out the stock of K.-M. Stephen in Grimsby. Nie, Russell Gray, Alex Fairfield. Howard Scott, Foster Eddy, Charles Shepherd, Harold Gibson, Bruce Reid, Murray Walker. Harry Robinson intends opening a movie house in January with a seat- ing capacity of 400. Potatoes are $2.25 per bag. Many from here ‘attended the Guelph Winter Fair last week. Two brothers of Mrs. C. w. Elmorc have paid the supreme sacrifice in The names of some 78 female voters have bean added to the lists in the village. Cvorgc Slingcrlnnd was elected pH" sidcnt hf th- Coniederate Poultry Association for Ontario. Dicui--Ou Dec. 4, William Ceorgc" Hagerman, in his 42nd year. Died-On Dec. 4, Mrs. Joseph py- lison in her 71st yea; Died-On Dec. 3, in Toronto, Rod- erick McCaskilI. formerly of Beam? vills: lr. m we mm rmn’ WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12, 1911 [he Beamsvilie Poultry Show is to held on December 24, 25. and 26. Sgt, Fred Albright of the Canad- 1 Army has dicd of shell shock. Board of Education members whose rm of office has expired are; Dr. \irfield, J. w. Buck, G, Seymour, A. Hoshal. T. W. Wood. The Methodists will soon hold referendum on the question of the Inlilinn, rentention or change of the m m mm mm- J_u.G.".,rsnrer n lion HCIVCI'USUAH, 3 of the young lads around re indulging in the practice of autos parked in the church It joyriding and then bringing ack before [he ownsrs rerurm Inch was fooled last week and wrecked aw an Lilliâ€. 'Goodman has been the thigh in artillery m..a.....,, .. ,7 __ ling while Clarence 1g one in the store by James Wray. has appeared on the two pages larger the large amount a poofroorr1