A Celebration of the Life of Nune Dimittis: Grace Mildred Jarvis Lorc]. noiv lettest thou thy servant de/part i/ peace : ac/ cording ‘ to thy word. Friday April 22, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. F(?r III{IIG e yef have/seen thy. salâ€"/vation: W{HC]J thou hast St. Alban‘s Anglican Church, B i prepared heâ€"‘ fore the/ face of . all / people; & an s Angucan LAHLCHOCAIISSING To he a light to/ lighten. the / Gentiles: and to be the/ . 20. . . glory of. Thy/ people / Israel. 3 4 5 The Order of Service begins on page 591 in the Book of Cl be to the Bathes and to the Son,/ and to the Hioh Common Prayer. Ghost: "Phic Sente As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall he, eï¬ t* Avorld without end. Amen. Uyion 424 "Abide With Me" Blessing and Dismissal Paalin 124 (pg.894) Recessional Hymn #29 _ "The Day Thou Gavest" A Tribute from Chelsea, a grandâ€"daughter Pallbearers: . y Roger Watterworth A Reading Ecclesiastes 3: 1â€"8 CZ‘?E Y/V;tt;;:oiz]; Ross Watterworth Hymn #519 "The Lord‘s My Shepherd" A N(Z;] WZ lteI;lVZ) ,1;1 . 3 BJ L h 2" Reading: 2 Corinthians 4: 7â€"18 15[2;â€:7‘2 elllzleJ; Gradual Hymn #532 "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" | % Gospel: Mark 16: 1â€"7 se To @ @ A Remembrance with Mary Kimberley and Ian Chadwick Ip? %; U ons s Apostles Creed (page $97) m‘ Versicles and Responses (page 578) W The Prayers Everyone is invited to join the family for refreshments and ie L ray fellowship at the Fireside Room at Tallman‘s Funeral Home in Vineland. * Organist: Nancy Hudson L*R L*