. Minisiry. _ Women‘s . . ' of Health . ' : f Health Bureau . * > Ontario _ Women of Colour, . g * _ a Refugee & Immigrant Women‘s Health Promotion Grants . ua 1 9 9 3 â€" 9 4 P or o g0r‘ a m ’ . @ . . Te . â€" a cz Gâ€"o a l s ' ’ @ e to fund projects which address the health promotion needs of women of colour, j * refugee and immigrant women in Ontario ‘ S e to encourage a womenâ€"centred approach to women‘s health promotion in - refugee and immigrant communities, and communities of colour e to promote ggucational and training initiatives which advocate for equitable © access to health in the context of women‘s experience of violence and i Te discrimination based 0N gender, dis/ability, race, social status, class, language, y U culture and/or sexual orientation . _ ; . Sm e to support incrcased organizational development, coâ€"ordination and netWBrking i C within and across communities of refugee and immigrant women, and women of colour | _ e T>o ho B S % a BSM ; 2 4@ y i Â¥ C bf ty . i4 D hx jike : . JotlPh 108 U J Â¥ ied y J fiseq C <p R<y l " arllae x(E c 1010100 L lccmmmmamrntiirniieaiiniiNiiiinrperearrtrmmerrnrenapn n omm mm ormemnnmrermrnsronomaromrermmrmmme mm