[e, ggtlt, thin! E1315. fl , tht' 6 .w my 34.2?†f, and NEW 'Ill""?'? should tom and be 'lyiit_li_.()l)lE UBQMINION 1 nun-f, an In “an: ’Ivvvv- w -..__. miilca: / : " "it". '. and assist in inaugurating . . r." . tevv'iaia, f _ '. _ , in i DOMINION '1utsdt's/ , I t , u-.-- --t . . C" 3 113 a 7, . i The said Prtriiueps pf CANADA, mm Scam. a au. I' andNEW BRUsticx, should form and be €531 NEW mii"itiiitiijitti .1 5mm . . - ' Given under my hand, we ' i thismth day of amend JHER MAJESTY THE sllljflill UNION MBA-NAM; _ uncoaaonirco 1855. . First Day of July 181 illt (If JIM NEXT PUBLIC' HULID'A f "MrE3rX%lEtilli%A.tB, Passed on the 29th day of Mgrdt, 1867, Instituted an "Ad for the AND WHEREAS, .16 a Public Meeting held at “is City Hall a the 26th ilist. it was resolved that the day sham be kept as a. any of General Wsioidngt- Therefore: T, E. SMITH, Mayor of the guy of London, do hereby zequeabthat the.Citizens thereof do observe and keep the said I And the government; thimug, and tar the purpcses chmected thc.rewiths" Hath, by. Royal Proclamation beating date " the 29th day of March, 1861', ordained, declared and commanded, thatrost and after the, f By closing all places of business, Hoisting Flags and other Thusrations, and . doing all in their; power to aid and assist in inaugurating Oct.“ Et CANADA. . NOVA SCOTIA. 1N PURSUANCE " AS'A t, at the Qty ND. 1867. . rat'k>."" 'rut,, MIN of Condon, tit? m: miirtsi,ii,i,'is'iir,_"); ttfied' ' Cw i? *“th‘ . or L' mg in § ttiy, h? .431: _i_','i'i_')"' .u.. rr),,') 3'0? 22 "' (ie,". _ j an" tttteh " sd"i'Uil: f a orat) i,'i'eij,f:ii,i,_, Marx "_'cr'r)?'s, WM. Z,"- 'jW‘i"'§-’ " a}. e H k; T $5 w,