Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir ...Cont inued " distinguished career as historian and novelist. Hecwas author of biographies and historical works and novelIs. Some of his writings include "Sir Walter Raleigh", "Oliver Cromwell","A H istory of the Great War","Thirtyâ€"Nine Steps" and his autoâ€" . biographv‘"Memory Holdâ€"theâ€"=Noor". John Buchan,the first Lord Tweedsmuir died on Rebruary 11, I19)}0. His library was bequeathed to Queen‘s University at Kingston, ( Ontario. | Lord Tweedsmuir‘s words : "To view our past with pride; to live in the present with courage; and face the future with faith." : Lord Tweedsmuir by Edna Jaques | We mourn the passing of a kindly man Whose heart was ever with the common folk. f Although he walked with kings in kingly grace, He bore upon his back the worker‘s yolk; _ And knew the feel of weariness and pain, Loved the warm homely touch of sun and rain. A soldier and statesman fine and brave | He gave to Life the best #o all he knew, ‘ Serving his king with honesty and pride A loyal son of Scotland good and true Honouring the office of his high estate Humble in his own self.... yet truly great. |