Murder took place on Valentine's Day By Eileen Argyris Daughter opposes iiarole for mother's kille; Newly married in November. 1984, Michelle Gillespie. like any bride. looked forward to the first Valentine's Day she would spend with her new hus- band. She could never have guessed the horror it weulelprmg- _ - __ On Valentine's Day. Feb. lt, 1985. Michelle's moth- er, Betty Hart. 46, was murdered '" stabbed 53 times - beaten. and left in " a pool of blood" m the basement of her home at Al Church Street East, Cohan“; Charges were laid April 28. 1985. against Donald Moran, 46. also of Calborne. a longtime fami- Convlcted murdererzDonald Moran is seeking release from prison. Flle photo and left Accurding to Sandra l d" in the Pilgrim, information officer home at with the National Parole yet East, Board of Canada, Mr. Moran has been eligible laid April (or unescorted temporary kst Donald absence passes since April also of 27, 1992. Murderer, members, Mrs. Gill outside the her vehirie, "I think lt would be upsetting for me to him (Mr. Moran)" explained. ' When he becomes engi- ble for Ml parole in April, 1995. she says, she "might go (to the hearing) then." she wlll be sure to hand in her vlctlm-lmpact state- ment and she says she will be lobbylng against Mr, Moran's releise. She said she uruiersto o d that Mr, Moran was not successful In gaming day parole at last week's hear- ing because, "he Is still considered a danger to society." However. shi/wonders, "Why ' if Yia, danger to Mr. Moran. was convict- ed of second-degree mur- der the following Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. 1986. and sentenced to life imprisonment with no possibility of parole for at least 10 years. The crime has been described as one of the most brutal in Canadian history. 1y friend who had once been the business partner. and claimed to have been the secret lover. of the dead woman. When he He has been seen m Brighton where his wife, bis. mainmns a home. He has also taken advan- tage- of BO-day work release programs available at the discretion of the warden of Beaver Creek, the minimum-security facility where he is now serving his sentence. Gluespig Michelle and others call Beaver Creek, "the coun- try club." Mr. Moran applied last March to be released from prison and allowed to llve tn a half-way house. Michelle said she could not bear to attend that hearing, but members of espie waited institution in would be too or me to see Moran)" she society, is he out on weekend passes?" A“. nugkend weekend pasbca: iiisusci,rtet1 weekend passes Mr. Moran has been receiving unescorted tem- porary absence passes up to a maximum of 72 hours monthly since April. 1992. His right to the unescort- ed pases from the institu- tion. issued last March by the parole board. was not revoked at last week's hearing, but will run out soon. He reportedly spends the passes with his wife at her home in Brighton. In the meantime the board is requesting more information about leave ' privileges for family visits l before making a ruling about his leaves and _. - “whorl ARV privileges m. M», " before making a ruling about his leaves and Smplementlng limited day namm Ms Film-1m of thy. - A" "mum ‘m, /iiiiakstirq more ion about leave ' for family visits 'lt could happen to you' - Michelle Gillespie has led a cru- sade against parole for violent offenders. such as the man who killed her mother in 1985. She reminds people that living in a small town is no guarantee of safety. Photo by Ellean Argyrls her family did. She sent a vlctlm-lmpact statement and petitions and letters were sent- to the board. parole board said. Stay sway from family Mr. Moran must abide by three conditions as part of his parole: he must abstain from the use of alcohol; make no contact with the victim's family, and not come within five kilometres of Colborne, Grafton or Stirling. except for non-stop trips through the area on Highway 401. Mrs. Gillespie's father, Bryan Hart, husband of the victim, did not attend the hearing and did not mince wards when asked about his reaction to the board's decision, 'The son of a bitch ' . ' he shouldn't be alive. He should have been killed years ago. That‘s my reac- uon,"he said. "And that's whv I'm not allowed no 1191; a mu; 0; iiiiiihieai continued from page" 1 many at her urging, ask- lng that Mr. Moran's appli- cation be denied. It was. He has appealed that Michelle has been gath- ering support for denial of permission for Mr. Moran to enter the half-way house. She says, "A life sentence should be a life sentence. to enter the half-way - Michelle knows she's house. She says, "A life prejudiced in this case. sentence should be a life because the victim was sentence. her mother, but she points "i think he's a time bomb out it could happen to waiting to go off. He's a anyone. She never model prisoner, a smooth dreamed anyone in her actor. He's used the sys- family would be a murder tem to the fullest, just like victim. he's used me to the fullest. "lt's something you think He's played the game." happens in big cities, not Michelle says the impact small towns like Colborne. of the crime. on her family It could happen to you." if the panel sees things his way this lime. he will be allowed to live in a half- way house, pending his eligibility for full parole in 1996. valen.tlne's Dey. decision and his case is being heard today. Feb. ls, the, day after Michelle says the impact of the crime on her family will never be overcome. t‘lt's not like it used to be, It's mined our family." Her father and Cromer. Bryan and Michael Hart, still live in the family home where the murder occurred. _ Mlchael, only 18 when hrs mother was murdered, was badly affected. “Mlchael was really close to my mother. So was I - my mother loved every- body - but it was really hard on Michael. "The Justice system doesnt work for the victim or the victim's family." One man has maimed a crusade in Brighton, 'H'm really pleased. People will be aware, hell make sure of in That's great." mobilizing his neighbours to sign a petition to keep Moran in custody. The petition will be submitted to the panel at today's hearing at Beaver Creek near Gravenhurst. Michelle thinks that's "awesome. _ Murder victim: Betty Hart of Colborne was a woman who loved life. Courtesy photo