Rev, Dr. Ken Howlett of Castleton and Grafton United Churches admires the "leadership qualities" he has found in his new EEEIEEArgyris Interim minister brings his unique talents to local churches Capital improvements -- Castleton Public School is now equipped with new energy-conserving windows, all through the school quilding, says principal David King. This is part of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education's energy-saving program. The windows make classrooms brighter, as well as keeping the weather outside. This ties in with the school's switch from oil to gas heat last year. As well, there are two new computer work stations, in Mr. Peterson's class and in Mr. Hobson's room. Enrolment at the school, which was slated for clo- sure just over 10 years ago, now stands at 184. Photo by Eileen Argyris Dr. Howlett is interim minister in the two-point charge. here for "an undertermlned length of time" because he is a "spe- cialist In ministry," some- one who parishioners, is bririging his Believing he was a "peo- ple person." the prairie native sought another career, going back to school at the University of Alberta, four years at Calgary and three years at Edmonton, playing Varsity volleyball in both places. Dr. liowlcit was ordained by the Alberta Conference in 1966. The ministry was not his iirst career, howev, er, He had been in bank- ing and then In account- ing but was "not linding il very useful or helpful for me. It wasn't fulfilling." The couple have been married four years, believ- ing that "together we could grow spiritually and emo- tionally." said Dr. Howlett. This is a second marriage for both. The family lives in Cobourg. Dr. Howfett's wire. Rev. Ruth Howlett, is an ordained minister of the United Church, as well. However. she is taking a leave of absence from pas- toral ministry lo care fur the couple's four-month- old baby boy. Daniel. They also have a four-year-old, Reuben, and a nine-year- old, Jonathan. He has spent 27 years in pastoral ministry. his last charge being another interim posting of seven months' duration. In Orono-Kirby. unique talents to church, es that "need a modem, tor." at the discretion of the United Church Presbytery. Interim minister - Rev. Dr, Ken Hewlett is enjoying his pas- 1orate with the congregations of Castleton and Grafton St. Andrew's United Churches. Photo by Eileen Argyris He later took his doctorate has held pastorates In in ministry at San Calgary. Alberta; Francisco's San Anselmo Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Theological Seminary. a Oshawa] His wife previ- famous Presbyterian ously had an established school. minislrv in Snaknlnhpumn Since his graduation. he The Colboruc Chronlclc, Tuesday. Schsmber It, 1993 has held pastorates in Calgary. Alberta; Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Oshawa] His wife previ- ously had an established ministry in Saskatchewan. but more recently was “Dr. Hewlett is looking forward to a productive ministry here. He says, "We love this area. It is a joy to work with the people of Castleton and Grafton." And, something else his parishioners may not know about him: He once received the Mountbatten Medal for rescuing a small boy from the raging Saskatchewan River in Edmonton in December. 1963. The boy. who was four at the time and was clinically dead for six to eight min- utes, is 34 years old and married now, but he still stays in touch, sending Christmas cards every In his spare time. he likes to write hymns, none of which have been pub- lished In any collection - yet. But, he is planning to incorporate them lute upcoming services with his new Mck. working tor the Canadian Mental Health Association before the birth of their youngest child. She plans to go back to the mlnlstry when the family judges that the tune ls right. Although he officially started as minister in this charge on July l, Dr. Hewlett was absent for summer holidays for part of July and August. His Covenanting service, or official installation, will be held at St. Andrew's Church, Grafton, on Sept. 26, at 7:30 pan, Page 1 7