Agricultural awareness .. Just because these youngsters live in rural Northumberland doesn't mean they know much about farms. But ihese children, participants in ihe Colbome Youth Activity Summer Program got a close-up View. courtesy of the Northvgperjand Agricultural Awareness Commitfee and Bob and Marion..W:Comb of Combview Farms. Top photo, the children look at the business and of a Holstein cow, while Bob and his dad, Marvin, in background/explain. Lower left, Aimee Young gol artsy-nee to feed a calf, while, lower right, Lauren Hearnden had her linger sucked by a milking machine, Photos by Eileen Is i9,t,li,,,rll,)j ttT" "ST'), f g " v- at - trs.:)':' a _ ' , l str,"' las Y,ri . __ F . . ' l r, I ',-. G, T": . s 4 -, ' . - $7 "' .. EW, - 's, l, a l x 1iEritBllB . ‘ r . g 'N lat) a ll l, I“. l . . INN, . A A .rtp', , it "g " ,N. A t EtET! If?“ I 'll (yo i? From 1893 to the present 's'day __ 100 years later -- f) St. Mary's Separate School gin Grafton has flourished from a seven-pupil, one- room school to an educa- Q} Llonal facility providing gadademlc and sports pro-' tigraT,s to more than 250 gpuplls from Colborne. ittrdmahe and Haldimand. " To commemorate its cen- tennial anniversary. the alumni of the school have planned a reunlon and celebration on Saturday. Aug. 21. St. Mary's celebrates centennial The festivities will begin at 2 pm. with a reception at the school. where meme orabilia and photographs will be on display. Coffee and snacks will be served. For mére information. call Cecilia Casteels Geens at 355-3994. A special mass will be celebrated at 4 p.m. at St. Mary's Church, followed by a "happy hour" and dinner-dance at the Tickets for the dinner- dance should be pur- chased before Aug. 15. The after-dinner dance will start at 9 pm. There is an admission charge. but everybody is welcome. If you know of any stu- dents, parents, or anyone associated with the school, now or in the past, please pass the invitation along to them. Grafton Arena, Brihg your school memo rigs with you! - Cs for the dinner- should be pur- befpre Aug. 15.