The new principal lives In Cobourg. He is father to three youngsters: Elisabeth. 13, Andrea. IO; and Thomas, 7. King playsva number of instruments, including piano and string bass. He plans two assemblies a month in the school's mini-gym so the children and staff can enjoy music together. At the assemblies, King will play string bass and Heather Stubbs, French teacher who also coaches the choirs, will I play guitar. - - His special loves? "English - I majored in that," and "I like teaching ttrough music?' A Last year. King was acting principal at Camborne Public School, and prior to that, he spent five years as vice- principal in various board schools. Before that. he was a versatile classroom teacher. King says he has "taught all subjects, including physical _ education, special education. industrial arts," but, as principal at Castleton, he will be doing almost no teaching, "except by design or when needed for coverage." Dr. WH. King Academy in Scarborough is named for his grandfather who was the principal of Scarbourgh Collegiate when Scarborough was a rural township, and he later became Scarborough's first director of education. A number of other family members are in teaching. and King has been with this board since 1975. David King. B.A., B. Ed., M.Ed., the new principal of Castleton Public School. comes to this community with a long. strong background in education. New 1trinstipa1 at Castleton P.S. likes to teach with music By Eileen Argyris Page 2 The Colborne Chronicle, Tuesday. September 29, 1992 Vii-iié’goals? “To get to know the community and the needs Also, "destreaming" the province's new mandate for the "transition Yeats" of Grades 7. 8 and 9 will affect the senior students in this JK to Grade 8 school. â€The 'benchmarks' method of measuring performance of schools at specific levels will involve every school in the province." He sees It as his role, "to make sure the parents are Informed and kept up-to date." school, there are changes that are coming down from the province that will affect Castleton school and all schools. says King. He looks forward to facilitating the Parent Support Group already In place at the school. He says he has been very Impressed with the parents he has met, Including the outgoing chairperson of the parent group, Donna Dlshart. and the "lady who co-ordlnates all the volunteers, Arlls Klein} He describes the children of Castleton school to be “well- behaved" and the teachers to be "talented and dedicated" and he made special mention of the “immaculate school buses." Sailing, he says. is his "outside passion," and he regularly sails as a crew member out of the Cobourg Yacht Club. In addition. he enjoys "travel. photography. reading and writing." But. principals must above all be able to accept and The school staff, he says, "does a lot of professional development outside school hours. It shows a high degree of professionalism." He says his will be an "open door" policy, with freedom for parents. teachers. students and other staff and community members to come into his office to ask about anything that concerns them. Also. he says, he plans to continue with monthly newsletters as former principal Morris Tait did. of the school and the individual children." He cautions. "You can't assess them Immediately." implement change. says King. 'These children are not going to live in the same kind of world we lived in. We can't afford for the children's sakes to fall back on doing everything the old-fashioned way. "We take risks when we do something different. And, that is part of what education must teach children - not to be afraid to be risk takers." He approves highly of the school's matte: Courage. Perseyerence, Success. "f have "ira'r'"i"nto school's culture. That's pa my job." the l of casttetort's new principal -- David King ts an amateur musldnn and a professional teacher who loves using music to communicate with youngsters. He plans to introduce bi-weekly assemblies to enjoy music. Photo by Eileen Argyrls